desert dude
Well-Known Member
it's not liberty until you impose an arbitrary moral line on others' autonomy!
Like the autonomy to murder your neighbor, wife, or some stranger!
it's not liberty until you impose an arbitrary moral line on others' autonomy!
Twelve weeks is the point where anatomically the foetus is complete and "potentially viable" medically.
From that point on it just "gets bigger" but is completely formed.
I agree with a 12 week cut off, after 3 months you know you're pregnant and have had plenty of time to "choose".
I'm pro-choice, but 12 weeks provides plenty of time for choice and at the same time protects the life of a (at that point) thinking, living, human being.
I'll throw this in for what it's worth. Our second child died in the womb at 19 weeks. My wife actually had to go into the hospital and deliver it. I held it in my palms and it did indeed look exactly like a tiny little human. Just something I saw with my eyes and felt with my hands. I don't know what the "right" number of weeks is.
That goes well with the picture . By the way every time I see that face I want to throw an axe into my computer screen .the attachment between a woman and a fetus is so flimsy and non-sacred that we need moral gaylords to impose their authority upon these ruthless, murdering women.
but corporations always do what is in the best interest of their customers and the free market will fix it all magically, no onerous and burdensome laws or regulations needed.
i am a libertarian.
Like the autonomy to murder your neighbor, wife, or some stranger!
i've never gestated nor seen anyone else gestate neighbors, spouses or strangers.
good thing we have a "libertarian" here to impose as the morality police! because we all know women should not be trusted with liberty, they will just go off and get knocked up and kill crowning babies just for the fuck of it all. they are horrible people, these women. not to be trusted with liberty.
the attachment between a woman and a fetus is so flimsy and non-sacred that we need moral gaylords to impose their authority upon these ruthless, murdering women.
but corporations always do what is in the best interest of their customers and the free market will fix it all magically, no onerous and burdensome laws or regulations needed.
i am a libertarian.
Unfathomable to most parents, Tonya Thomas may have believed she was acting out of love when she allegedly shot and killed her four children early Tuesday morning, say experts who have researched mothers who kill their children.
If as you suggest, allowing corporations to run roughshod over consumers is a plank of the Libertatian platform, that doesn't happen to be one that I support.
Apologies. I assumed that everyone would be able to make the correlation that the mother making a "choice" over a full term, unborn baby is akin to making a choice over SOMEONE else's body... such as me making a choice about the vag of the hottie in line... or the broken hips of the elderly bank patrons.
i'm pretty good at breathing, and i've never had to regurgitate for weeks on end due to the practice. nor has breathing ever caused me much pain to stand and walk nor made me want to consume massive amounts of food.
unless i breathed in the devil's vapor.
So you justify killing the unborn by denying their humanity? You support Nazism, Fascism, racism, and slavery, too?
If a woman has an abortion at month 5 ... what child? cn
I raise my glass to you for the finely-wielded sarcasm ... it's refreshing, considering most sarcasm around here is of the blunt-trauma variety.
However I must also observe that your redefinition to only abortions at full term is an equally deft shifting of the goalposts. cn