

Well-Known Member
the reason everyone is here because they love an argument. this argument is done to death and everyone knows it and the fact that nothing is ever decided nor does any side win. were just here to be entertained through the drama and if were lucky get some peeps riled up.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Pro Choice. Your body, do what you want with it.
I dont agree with using abortion as a method of birth control (Met a girl once who had 3 abortions, or so she says), for fucks sake take a PILL or close your frickken legs.


Well-Known Member
people in the Christian religion supposedly believe that if a child is aborted it cannot be saved and therefore never forgiven of there original sin so they will go to hell...they also think the same about still born babies

Im a christian and my family in general doesn't even believe in that. especially at times like this nobody christian is really worrying about this.

It's truly nothing to argue about at this point. Its that person's choice to do something like that.

Oh and about the going to hell thing. If you really knew about this you would know that as being born and once your in your teens like 13 thats when your held accountable for your actions, and it is up to you, to repent your sins.

im just saying that because babies don't go to hell, they didn't even do anything yet. Its not their fault.


Well-Known Member
Pro Choice. Your body, do what you want with it.
I dont agree with using abortion as a method of birth control (Met a girl once who had 3 abortions, or so she says), for fucks sake take a PILL or close your frickken legs.
Pokey, what's up? Where the fuck you been?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
pro choice all the way we have too many people on the planet as it is we dont need peopl;e having babies they cant take care of


Active Member
100 years ago if a mother and father made the decision to have a child then decided they didn't wnat it that was tuff shit...they had the kid....were exiled...fucking raised that little bastard and the family became stronger....or fell apart due to low income or something...100 years ago abortion was throwing your baby off a cliff....now adays thats murder....but so is abortion....just has a pretty name that sounds all nice and sciency is all. hell whats not to love though rite....i mean get screw happy with everyone and anyone you want and the only consequences you'll have are a couple of sore bumps that puss but hey with a little ointment for fifteen dollars that'll go away a kid'l be there for 18 years minimum.....but yah....abortion is merely an excuse to spread the seed....and plaguehahaha...


New Member
You know they might take your right to choose away girls, but they will never take your right to get drunk and throw your self down a flight of stairs away! Cuz you cant arrest gravity fucko! Yeah thats right, thank the "I" man for that! Not Imus! Isac fucking Newton! That fucker has given us so much joy. Whether it's America's funniest home video's, babies falling down, or really cheap abortions.

That one was deliciously evil wasn't it? It was funny yet sad. Kind of like being tit fucked by a clown.


New Member
The heartbeat of a fetus can be detected at 18 days. If we, as humans, have decided to eliminate life in the womb because of inconvenience, how soon will we be deciding to rid ourselves of other life that we deem inconvenient? Think about it ... How about that 80-year-old who is infirmed. How about that handicapped child? How about those homeless people living in the cardboard boxes and under bridges? Ahh, yes ... in another time, in another place, this was tried ... and the results were millions upon millions of human beings being sacrificed to the higher good of the State in Nazi Germany.

If we are aborting human beings in the womb because we consider them to be less than human, isn't that the same mentality as that possessed by the slave masters as they filled the cargo holds to capacity with Africans to be used as mere oxen to plow our fields and pick our cotton?

Think about it ...



Well-Known Member
Oh what a slippery slope.....................first your aborting a fetus........next your killing millions in gas chambers...........How long has abortion been around ? have americans started to kill handicapped children or killed grampa because he was old?................................Oh yes i have a similar analogy.........first you start to smoke pot then the next thing you know kids are shooting heroin into their veins, going physcotic and jumping out of windows and killing people...............(Oh wait its always good to throw in Nazi reference in there too)............and remember first kids smoke pot (remember slipery slope) then they become Nazis..........See its an obvious progression


Well-Known Member
well.. i'm not going to build on anything anyone said yet to avoid flaming.. So here's how I see it.
Abortions should be legal. But it should be STRICTLY regulated and the fetus' should go to medical research. The whole problem people have is that in their minds you're killing a child. This isn't very thought out because if you think of it that way then not having sex in the first place is killing a child. The child has no memories, experiences, etc. So if you stop the baby from being born before it even realizes it's alive is no different than just not getting pregnant in the first place.. At least for the baby and isn't this supposed to be about the baby?
As for the religious part of the issue.. Suck it up everyone. It's not the religion making decisions for people. People are making decisions. Rather they learned the morals used to make those decisions through their religion or not doesn't matter... It's still their decision.
So.. yer.. :S.


Well-Known Member
The heartbeat of a fetus can be detected at 18 days. If we, as humans, have decided to eliminate life in the womb because of inconvenience, how soon will we be deciding to rid ourselves of other life that we deem inconvenient? Think about it ... How about that 80-year-old who is infirmed. How about that handicapped child? How about those homeless people living in the cardboard boxes and under bridges? Ahh, yes ... in another time, in another place, this was tried ... and the results were millions upon millions of human beings being sacrificed to the higher good of the State in Nazi Germany.

If we are aborting human beings in the womb because we consider them to be less than human, isn't that the same mentality as that possessed by the slave masters as they filled the cargo holds to capacity with Africans to be used as mere oxen to plow our fields and pick our cotton?

Think about it ...

a heartbeat sure, but no memories or feeling


Well-Known Member
The heartbeat of a fetus can be detected at 18 days. If we, as humans, have decided to eliminate life in the womb because of inconvenience, how soon will we be deciding to rid ourselves of other life that we deem inconvenient? Think about it ... How about that 80-year-old who is infirmed. How about that handicapped child? How about those homeless people living in the cardboard boxes and under bridges? Ahh, yes ... in another time, in another place, this was tried ... and the results were millions upon millions of human beings being sacrificed to the higher good of the State in Nazi Germany.

If we are aborting human beings in the womb because we consider them to be less than human, isn't that the same mentality as that possessed by the slave masters as they filled the cargo holds to capacity with Africans to be used as mere oxen to plow our fields and pick our cotton?

Think about it ...

Yeah but there's already too many people in this world to let an unwanted kid who will probably have a shitty life in. It's the woman's choice, who are we to judge what she does with her body? And don't come at me with the, well if that's ok why can't she kill her 5 yr old who is unwanted. Until it comes out of her body, I say it is hers to do what she wants with....Morally though, I'm right there with you. If I accidently got a girl pregnant, no way would I let her have an abortion.