• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



New Member
"Morally though, I'm right there with you. If I accidently got a girl pregnant, no way would I let her have an abortion."

Good. And that's exactly what it is, a moral decision. The decision to abort is an immoral decision.

Abortion transcends the need for personal responsibility. Abortion is anti-human and anti-Man.

"Oh what a slippery slope.....................first your aborting a fetus........next your killing millions in gas chambers...........How long has abortion been around ? have americans started to kill handicapped children or killed grampa because he was old?"

How long have gas chambers been around?

Abortion is a mindset that IS the beginning of the slippery slope.

I'm talking about a mindset here, not debating politics or religion.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
since your talking about mindset...


MORALS ARE MADE UP.. just like LAWS and RELIGION and other MIND MADE creations.. when you believe th mind, you are delusional!!

SO what else is there besides the mind?

STOP thinking for just 1 second and start to experience truth.. truth is not something anybody can share with you.. TRUTH is YOU...

stop lying to yourself and saying that abortion is WRONG or ABORTION is right..

YOUR stance on abortion is the problem.. it does not matter which side of the argument you stand on.. both sides are a distraction from the truth..

people who are the truth would probably never have an abortion nor would they ever judge somebody who did have an abortion...

just like the truth would probably never KILL another being.. if it mentthe deathof itself.. because.. LIFE goes on forever...

NOW stop arguing with yourself.. and go inside to the stillness and find become the truth



New Member
i love you too, GK.

"NOW stop arguing with yourself.. and go inside to the stillness and find become the truth"




Well-Known Member
"I am 100% pro-choice"

So why are you trying to foist this religious belief off onto the rest of us? Not a religious belief, you say? Who could be a bigger zealot than a screaming lesbian at a NOW rally carrying an "Abort All Men Now" banner? :blsmoke:

This arguement holds no water, as he said "pro-choice" not "EVERYBODY GET ABORTED!"


Well-Known Member
dude, who the fuck wishes they were aborted. i cant believe noone commented that he says I wish my mom aborted him. You wouldnt be here now complaining right now about the very life your living. very american of you my friend. your breathing eating, smoking, have technology of a computer, and internet, and you want to have been aborted rather than deal with all of lifes hardships. ahahahahahah theres people out there born with no legs, all kinds of imperfections, shit that makes you want to cry and heres you . are you fucking thinking right now. your thought of wanting to be aborted wouldnt have existed had your mom not followed her damned instinct to produce. cry cry cry, i cant believe my mom had me, wah wah wah. what was she thinking, hahahaha. craziest thing ever.

dude, you need help, talk to someone , dont kill yourself, theres no after, theres just now. from dust to dust, your not going to look back as some angel at the world, your going to be in a box in the ground, getting put back into the ground to fertilize something that wants to live.

and obviously abortion is wrong. humans are animals. instinct tells us have kids, instinct also says fuck every girl you can, so we all want sex. when its time to continue the future, you cop out and kill it. doesnt sound right to me. stop being selfish, that thing is living, were all living things, even our plants. but I guess you look at kids like plants, ill just kill this one, its too early to be flowering. human life on the level of a plant.

we are another animal plain and simple. if you cant see that then open your eyes. animals in the wild kill there kids for many reasons. and they have that choice. Im not saying you cant abort your child, you actually do have that choice, but call it what it is. your simply killing your kid , there may be a reason cause you cant handle it or afford it or its from a guy that raped you, whatever the reason, your killing the kid.

its nature. lets be honest, I dont need a doctor to tell me the thin line between oh your not really killing it cause blah blah blah, if you did nothing it would be a living breathing thing, so you stop that, you kill it.

if it kills like a human, walks like a human, will become human, call it what it is, a killer.

be honest. animals kill theyre kids all the times. so do crackheads. its instinct. be honest with yourself and to think if your mom had aborted you then I wouldnt have been able to have this laugh today all the way over here.

Plants and humans are equal levels of life...
No plant=no food + no oxygen. Can you make food from sunlight?


Well-Known Member
since your talking about mindset...


MORALS ARE MADE UP.. just like LAWS and RELIGION and other MIND MADE creations.. when you believe th mind, you are delusional!!

SO what else is there besides the mind?

STOP thinking for just 1 second and start to experience truth.. truth is not something anybody can share with you.. TRUTH is YOU...

stop lying to yourself and saying that abortion is WRONG or ABORTION is right..

YOUR stance on abortion is the problem.. it does not matter which side of the argument you stand on.. both sides are a distraction from the truth..

people who are the truth would probably never have an abortion nor would they ever judge somebody who did have an abortion...

just like the truth would probably never KILL another being.. if it mentthe deathof itself.. because.. LIFE goes on forever...

NOW stop arguing with yourself.. and go inside to the stillness and find become the truth


GK, I love you man, and you are so right on with your beliefs...but do you not find it a bit hypocritical that you then intend to impose upon others the thoughts that you possess? Are you not delusional to not believe in the mind? Are not all sides important? Is not the mind and society and physical and metaphysical aspects (as well as any others that may exist) as important as being truth?


Well-Known Member
You know they might take your right to choose away girls, but they will never take your right to get drunk and throw your self down a flight of stairs away! Cuz you cant arrest gravity fucko! Yeah thats right, thank the "I" man for that! Not Imus! Isac fucking Newton! That fucker has given us so much joy. Whether it's America's funniest home video's, babies falling down, or really cheap abortions.

That one was deliciously evil wasn't it? It was funny yet sad. Kind of like being tit fucked by a clown.

Lol. So what, before the Enlightenment, gravity didn't exist?


Well-Known Member
The heartbeat of a fetus can be detected at 18 days. If we, as humans, have decided to eliminate life in the womb because of inconvenience, how soon will we be deciding to rid ourselves of other life that we deem inconvenient? Think about it ... How about that 80-year-old who is infirmed. How about that handicapped child? How about those homeless people living in the cardboard boxes and under bridges? Ahh, yes ... in another time, in another place, this was tried ... and the results were millions upon millions of human beings being sacrificed to the higher good of the State in Nazi Germany.

If we are aborting human beings in the womb because we consider them to be less than human, isn't that the same mentality as that possessed by the slave masters as they filled the cargo holds to capacity with Africans to be used as mere oxen to plow our fields and pick our cotton?

Think about it ...

Yo. We already are ridding ourselves of inconvienence. Have been. We don't live anything like we used to because of convience. ( I mean like, hunting for food, making all our own stuff, and actually living with the Earth, not making it our bitch...well, I suppose someone was making it their bitch pretty early, else all this stuff wouldn't be here)

Houses. Heat. Air Conditioning. Indoor plumbing. Grocery stores. Cars. Gas stations. Guns. Missiles. Electricity. Think about it...

(The guns and missiles are a bit morbid, but it really was because killing people in other fashions (such as hand to hand, or hitting them with something, or bow and arrows) were not effecient enough, therefore inconvienent. thus, more expedient options were created)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GK, I love you man, and you are so right on with your beliefs...but do you not find it a bit hypocritical that you then intend to impose upon others the thoughts that you possess? Are you not delusional to not believe in the mind? Are not all sides important? Is not the mind and society and physical and metaphysical aspects (as well as any others that may exist) as important as being truth?
Hello WHAT..

I am going to try and answer your post...

.but do you not find it a bit hypocritical that you then intend to impose upon others the thoughts that you possess?
1. I am usually not trying to impose my thoughts and often my thoughts are merley sign posts POINTING at what can otherwise NOT be talked about BUT only pointed at.

When I do impose my thoughts onto others, I am probably doing it because I feel insecure about a thought... the thought is probably NOT true and I need HELP from other MINDS to maintain my delusion... THIS is what MOST talking IS.... talking is usually support for others or trying to get support from others for MAINTE
NANCE of our own delusion - false identity.
IT is a really twisted world of drones.. iloveyou So I would say it is INSECURITY on my part not hypocritical BUT i could be wrong..

Are you not delusional to not believe in the mind?
TO realize what it IS that can witness the mind.. that which neither believes or disbelieves the mind... to become what ONLY loves, is NOT delusional.. THE MIND can never present ONE with the truth.

IT is just a DOING TOOL... it constantly has thoughts it is presenting TO you... UNFORTUNATELY most people have forgtten that these thoughts are just coming in automatically and now they think they ARE actually thinking.. People actually think that they think.. LOL... and they actually think they have a CHOICE..

BUT the only choice is to STOP thinking... to stop reacting to thought.. and then ONE awakens... does this make sense to YOU?

Are not all sides important?
None of the sides are important

Is not the mind and society and physical and metaphysical aspects (as well as any others that may exist) as important as being truth?
The mind would say yes or it might say no... what is the difference...
It does not matter to one that has transcended the mind... the "argument" is nothing but an exercise for the mind... from the perspective of one who is enlightened..

and for somebody who is not enlightened... the "argument" BUILDs and BOLSTER the false sense of identity based in the tiny PEANUT called mind..


How do I know what reality is?
When I stop thinking, everything I have left is real.

How do I know when i am not in reality?
When I suffer or I am agitated or I am not settled, I am not in reality, I am resisting what is.



Well-Known Member
Hello WHAT..

I am going to try and answer your post...

.but do you not find it a bit hypocritical that you then intend to impose upon others the thoughts that you possess?
1. I am usually not trying to impose my thoughts and often my thoughts are merley sign posts POINTING at what can otherwise NOT be talked about BUT only pointed at.

When I do impose my thoughts onto others, I am probably doing it because I feel insecure about a thought... the thought is probably NOT true and I need HELP from other MINDS to maintain my delusion... THIS is what MOST talking IS.... talking is usually support for others or trying to get support from others for MAINTE
NANCE of our own delusion - false identity.
IT is a really twisted world of drones.. iloveyou So I would say it is INSECURITY on my part not hypocritical BUT i could be wrong..

Are you not delusional to not believe in the mind?
TO realize what it IS that can witness the mind.. that which neither believes or disbelieves the mind... to become what ONLY loves, is NOT delusional.. THE MIND can never present ONE with the truth.

IT is just a DOING TOOL... it constantly has thoughts it is presenting TO you... UNFORTUNATELY most people have forgtten that these thoughts are just coming in automatically and now they think they ARE actually thinking.. People actually think that they think.. LOL... and they actually think they have a CHOICE..

BUT the only choice is to STOP thinking... to stop reacting to thought.. and then ONE awakens... does this make sense to YOU?

Are not all sides important?
None of the sides are important

Is not the mind and society and physical and metaphysical aspects (as well as any others that may exist) as important as being truth?
The mind would say yes or it might say no... what is the difference...
It does not matter to one that has transcended the mind... the "argument" is nothing but an exercise for the mind... from the perspective of one who is enlightened..

and for somebody who is not enlightened... the "argument" BUILDs and BOLSTER the false sense of identity based in the tiny PEANUT called mind..


How do I know what reality is?
When I stop thinking, everything I have left is real.

How do I know when i am not in reality?
When I suffer or I am agitated or I am not settled, I am not in reality, I am resisting what is.

quite. Though, i would like to respond, for to me it has not become so simple as of yet. I realize, as I go through my thoughts (I know that thoughts are unconcious and that they just arrive. still, I often think. I don't feel comfortable enough with the world's situation as is to turn of my thinking very often (even though it is quite enjoyable it doesn't seem to solve much when difficulties arise), that I often am hesitant to rest simply...Simple and complicated are elements of perception. Ecstacy and enlightenment, bliss and perfection are only because of perspective.

1. I am usually not trying to impose my thoughts and often my thoughts are merley sign posts POINTING at what can otherwise NOT be talked about BUT only pointed at.

I agree. It's not often that I attempt to convince or impose upon others, but I realize that it may be perceived as such, since I am not in the minds of others.

TO realize what it IS that can witness the mind.. that which neither believes or disbelieves the mind... to become what ONLY loves, is NOT delusional.. THE MIND can never present ONE with the truth.

Aye, agreed. But this, I feel, isn't something that can be acheived without experience. I've only reached the point where I realize it's difficult to acheive truth, as it is only perspective. EVERYTHING is perspective. And I wish to be able to perceive as much variation as fits my state of mind at the time.

IT is just a DOING TOOL... it constantly has thoughts it is presenting TO you... UNFORTUNATELY most people have forgtten that these thoughts are just coming in automatically and now they think they ARE actually thinking.. People actually think that they think.. LOL... and they actually think they have a CHOICE..

BUT the only choice is to STOP thinking... to stop reacting to thought.. and then ONE awakens... does this make sense to YOU?

Yes, thinking is natural and automatic. I do not think to think, as that gets me nowhere. This I have experienced. But, to me, there is a choice. The choice is what to do. Some believe that this is no choice at all if you follow yourself. Which I can agree with, but not entirely as it is a single perception. Are there not, at times, conflicting options that may both correspond with the person's awakened self?

If thought is automatic and you do not react to it...how do you act? Thought can even become unconcious, yet even so remains evident. How is one to know when reactions to the mind are existent or absent? I find myself completely shut off from thought at times, yet I am at a loss as to how to maintain this as a way of life. To me it is an element in the cycle, that may be acheived or lost with no particular place upon the path...perhaps, for lack of another word, "infinite" manners in which to acheive. I do not know. I can not know (as in the concious form), yet it is possible that I may know (as the unconcious form).

Are not all sides important?
None of the sides are important

Isn't nothing as evident as everything?

(I cede, perhaps, it is my inability to cease catagorizing into "this" and "that" that perhaps i cannot view longtime awareness. I don't know)

How do I know what reality is?
When I stop thinking, everything I have left is real.

If you aren't thinking, how do you...understand (I don't feel like english has an adequate word for what i wanted to say)

How do I know when i am not in reality?
When I suffer or I am agitated or I am not settled, I am not in reality, I am resisting what is.

To me, reality is perception, perception is reality. Therefore, what you perceive is what is. If you are agitated or unsettled, it is how it is. ...This even applies to itself. And so I am hesitant to accept this as truth, as the way that I see it, this is your perception of reality. I do not try to discredit it. I do not say that it is wrong. I only state that it may be incomplete. I believe, from inter- and intra-personal experience (as well as a bit of historical evidence, though i recognize the possibilty for incomplete knowledge from past occurances), that a reality is what one makes it for themself. And what is, is. Perception may change from person to person, mind to mind, thought to thought, moment to moment; but the change is inherent and included.

...while writing i realized the inadequacies of the mind. yet i feel it would be rash and rushed to forsake it without further understanding.....stability is important as well, for otherwise you may disrupt yourself and (depending on a view of time) slow yourself in self-progression.


New Member
And now back to the abortion issue ... :blsmoke:

I still contend that the desire to abort, or being against abortion is not a religious issue. It is an anti-Man and Pro-Man issue.

WhatAmIdoing sez:

"This argument holds no water, as he said "pro-choice" not "EVERYBODY GET ABORTED!"

Call it what you want. The term "pro-choice" is used by the pro-abortionist lobby and their propaganda outlets because its a comfortable term to use in place of Pro-Death. Ask yourself why it is that you/we never see an abortion depicted on TV. Abortion is nothing more than a form of population control. Those in favor of population control have commandeered popular opinion through their propaganda mills ... namely the Democratic Party and the controlled media. Do a little research. Who founded Planned Parenthood? What were her goals? What were her politics? Do a simple google search for the answers.

Here's a little info on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood:

A Plan for Peace

(founder of Planned Parenthood)

Summary of address before the New Historical
Society, January 17th, New York City

First, put into action President Wilson's fourteen points, upon which terms Germany and Austria surrendered to the Allies in 1918.

Second, have Congress set up a special department for the study of population problems and appoint a Parliament of Population, the directors representing the various branches of science: this body to direct and control the population through birth rates and immigration, and to direct its distribution over the country according to national needs consistent with taste, fitness and interest of the individuals.

The main object of the Population Congress would be:

a. to raise the level and increase the intelligence of the population.
b. to increase the population slowly by keeping the birth rate at its present level of fifteen per thousand, decreasing the death rate below its present mark of 11 per thousand.
c. to keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.
d. to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.
e. to insure the country against future burdens of maintenance for numerous offspring as may be born of feebleminded parents, by pensioning all persons with transmissible disease who voluntarily consent to sterilization.
f. to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.
g. to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.

As I said in another post ... In another time, in another place, millions were sacrificed in the name of the God State.

The agendas of Planned Parenthood, in its original intent was very much akin to Huxley's "Brave New World." If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. Also read Orwell's "1984." Another good one is Orwell's "Animal Farm."



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I still contend that the desire to abort, or being against abortion is not a religious issue. It is an anti-Man and Pro-Man issue.

GREAT, whatever it takes for you to be happy..

make it an issue between micky mouse and donald duck..

make it an issue between your belly button and your anus


and since you don't know what it is.. just sit on the side line... and keep your pie hole shut until you realize that you can't know what it is..

this is just a suggestion of course

iloveyou VI!


Well-Known Member
in a wonderful world of christians, they belive that if all things went as planned, couple married as virgins, had kids then they got married as vigins.
i cant think of any reason they would choose abortion for anything.
so if one came up there thinking, what the hell?
there are no anti abortion specific bible verses i can think of so the only way it became a religious idea has gotta be because the idea of the whole thing has become so corrupted and manipulated, there just thinking this woudlnt have happend if you listend to me


Well-Known Member
GREAT, whatever it takes for you to be happy..

make it an issue between micky mouse and donald duck..

make it an issue between your belly button and your anus


and since you don't know what it is.. just sit on the side line... and keep your pie hole shut until you realize that you can't know what it is..

this is just a suggestion of course

iloveyou VI!

and now some random words so this post is at least ten characters long....:mrgreen::peace::blsmoke:


New Member
GREAT, whatever it takes for you to be happy..

make it an issue between micky mouse and donald duck..

make it an issue between your belly button and your anus


and since you don't know what it is.. just sit on the side line... and keep your pie hole shut until you realize that you can't know what it is..

this is just a suggestion of course

iloveyou VI!
But, I DO know what abortion is, GK. Its an extermination of a life.

Saline solution is great, isn't it?



Well-Known Member
I just found out im gonna be a dad a week ago and there is NO WAY i could ever have an abortion knowing that it is my creation. Its true im terrified and not really ready but I think its important to take responsibility for your actions and not just run away. I am pro-choice I just believe there needs to be strict guidelines for abortions like a little girl gets raped she should be able to have the choice (the reason i think its ok is an 11 year old girl has alot of risks of death and complications and has no control over getting raped) now a rich slutty chick gets pregnent she needs to own up to it and take care of the little tike. If you have a kid you need to take care of it even if you dont want to are you gonna kill your dad because he gets dementia and needs you to take care of him? These are just my thoughts and please dont get all in my shit if you dont agree with me im just sharing how I feel PEACE.


New Member
I just found out im gonna be a dad a week ago and there is NO WAY i could ever have an abortion knowing that it is my creation. Its true im terrified and not really ready but I think its important to take responsibility for your actions and not just run away. I am pro-choice I just believe there needs to be strict guidelines for abortions like a little girl gets raped she should be able to have the choice (the reason i think its ok is an 11 year old girl has alot of risks of death and complications and has no control over getting raped) now a rich slutty chick gets pregnent she needs to own up to it and take care of the little tike. If you have a kid you need to take care of it even if you dont want to are you gonna kill your dad because he gets dementia and needs you to take care of him? These are just my thoughts and please dont get all in my shit if you dont agree with me im just sharing how I feel PEACE.
I agree with you 100% People are using abortion as a form of birth control and that is just plan stupid. Hey here is a thought if you dont want to get pregnant dont have sex, there are responsibilities for your every action think about it. There are people out there who cant have kids at least give them a chance, you got yours. And for the person that obviously knows nothing about Christianity if a child is killed or dies for what ever reason it goes to heaven, if you know nothing on this subject you may want to read your bible. Oh and here is a thought if you dont have one get one. Stop whinnying about your child hood not everyone has a good one but you know what that is the wonderful thing about being an American you make yourself what you want to be when you get older. People are looking for an easy way out and that is not even right life is not easy learn to deal with it. If you dont want kids get fixed dont kill an innocent life because you are too stupid to do something to prevent it. I think the people that get raped it is anther story, there choice was taken away, but there are plenty that have had kids out of a rape and you know what yes its hard but most of the time every one turns out alright. If something is happening with the pregnancy and it is going to kill you or the child then yes you should have a choice, but for someone that is too stupid to make the correct choice from the beginning then you already made your choice live with it. If you dont think you are capable of being a parent then give it to someone that is at least give them the chance that was given to you. To live.
This is not Kochab this is his wife.