
The word HUMAN is not the correct word here. The correct word is PERSON. Of course it's HUMAN, two humans fucked and conjoined their chromosomes.

The fertilized egg is a fertilized egg for only approximately 4 weeks then it attaches to the uterine wall and becomes something else. An embryo will never have viability. Until the 12th week of pregnancy the chance of miscarriage is about 30%. So when the embryo becomes a fetus it is more viable. When the fetus reaches the 25th week of gestation it is considered to be viable outside of the womb.

So the point here is, what is the threshold of gestational age for abortion. I say about 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, if you didn't decide you have lost your right to. Unless, something has gone terribly wrong then it's a whole new ball game.

I agree Morgan...
Id personally agree with the 12 week thing too, youve had your right of "choice" by that point, shouldve said that earlier to clear it up.
• Perhaps Dr. Hymie Gordon, professor of medical genetics and a physician at the prestigious Mayo Clinic, best summarized the perspective of science when he said, "I think we can now also say that the question of the beginning of life — when life begins — is no longer a question for theological or philosophical dispute. It is an established scientific fact. Theologians and philosophers may go on to debate the meaning of life or purpose of life, but it is an established fact that all life, including human life, begins at the moment of conception.

Yeah... but obviously there is a thin line... when does it stop being a fertilized egg and become a H U M A N
pretty obvious why there are so many single mothers out there. they don't care about the men to begin with. serves them all right. :)
...nice. :) But if you've been created inside of a chicken aren't you automatically a chicken and entitled to chicken rights?

*just asking a question half in fun*

No. Animals get animal rights, not eggs.

Unless the eggs in question are of a species that's going extinct.... but those aren't actually animal rights, they're above and beyond human rights lol.... Not even humans can mess around with endangered species eggs without risk of being prosecuted. But that scenario is so far from what we're discussing it's almost pointless. lol
• Perhaps Dr. Hymie Gordon, professor of medical genetics and a physician at the prestigious Mayo Clinic, best summarized the perspective of science when he said, "I think we can now also say that the question of the beginning of life — when life begins — is no longer a question for theological or philosophical dispute. It is an established scientific fact. Theologians and philosophers may go on to debate the meaning of life or purpose of life, but it is an established fact that all life, including human life, begins at the moment of conception.

I don't really have an opinion on the begining of life...

What is the begining of life? How do we define it? Is it at the moment of conception? Or do we just assume when a fetus is 50% viable thats when life begins?

I do not know.

I just believe an already breathing, developed human being has the right to her body and whatever is in it.
Yeah...not physical maltreatment of fetus during an abortion huh?

Anyway, the point is that that whole "don't like abortion, don't have one" is stupid. If someone believes abortion is murder, they *have* to do *something*.

5: physical maltreatment[/QUOTE]
Change of topic for a second here:

What happens when a woman, instead of terminating the pregnancy, keeps the fetus and uses drugs and alcohol?
Yeah...not physical maltreatment of fetus during an abortion huh?

Anyway, the point is that that whole "don't like abortion, don't have one" is stupid. If someone believes abortion is murder, they *have* to do *something*.

5: physical maltreatment

From this point on I will not be responding to you. You have to much of a condescending tone. Sorry.
Explain to me how a 2 day old fertilized egg is an independent life. How do human rights apply to a microscopic clump of cells? Human rights apply to things in the category "human", not things that could possibly be human, H U M A N.

I can't explain that to you... I don't know, What I did say though, was that it depended on when you though life began. I did not say when I thought that was.
I just gave you a quote on that. Like the man said, we can debate the meaning of life, but it's just a scientific fact that life begins at conception. There's no question of that.

I don't really have an opinion on the begining of life...

What is the begining of life? How do we define it? Is it at the moment of conception? Or do we just assume when a fetus is 50% viable thats when life begins?

I do not know.

I just believe an already breathing, developed human being has the right to her body and whatever is in it.
I just gave you a quote on that. Like the man said, we can debate the meaning of life, but it's just a scientific fact that life begins at conception. There's no question of that.
That means technically when you wash the skin cells off your hands you're doing pretty much the same thing...is a few cells with a complete set of DNA considered life?

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