
Thats a name I've heard a lot in my life.

Baby killer, whore, slut, murderer, and a copious amount of other insults.

The only thing is, people who insult me and call me names because they disagree with what I chose to do, have NO intentions of adopting my baby or even helping me out with my pregnancy. They just flap their jaws and blast me with insults hoping to hurt me because they simply disagree with something that had nothing to do with them. I refuse to get angry with these people anymore because they can't help it. It's human nature to wrench our fists up other peoples assholes because we don't agree with their choices.

...that's the thing with people, they disagree by nature it seems - auto-opposed and ready for battle.

...and, of course, some of them likely pay money to see the whole fist-wrenching deal, so... :)
cells are not all alike thats why your dick grows on your pelvis and not your face
Cells initially all have the same precursor that are influenced by hormones, etc to differenciate... hence the huge interest in stem cell research.

Your statement is like saying a brick isnt stone.

I am a father of two beautiful babies. Abortion is an individual choice, NOT a government policy. If abortion is about morals and belief in a choice of right and wrong, then people should INVIDUALLY know... Nike, Just Do It, or fucking don't! Peace brothers!
Cells initially all have the same precursor that are influenced by hormones, etc to differenciate... hence the huge interest in stem cell research.

Your statement is like saying a brick isnt stone.

ya i know cells all have a basic state and then are triggered to grow into whatever, thats why even a fertilized embro is still just a cell, a very specific cell but not a child or human yet

So a human fetus is just the same as a stem cell??? is this what brick and stones have in common

and a brick isnt a stone, is a compression of a lot of mortor and ceramics and other minerals im sure
I am a father of two beautiful babies. Abortion is an individual choice, NOT a government policy. If abortion is about morals and belief in a choice of right and wrong, then people should INVIDUALLY know... Nike, Just Do It, or fucking don't! Peace brothers!
Nicely said bro.

I am a father of two beautiful babies. Abortion is an individual choice, NOT a government policy. If abortion is about morals and belief in a choice of right and wrong, then people should INVIDUALLY know... Nike, Just Do It, or fucking don't! Peace brothers!

...see? That's what happens when you pull teeth from your cat's mouth! Don't do it. :)
ya i know cells all have a basic state and then are triggered to grow what ever, thats why even a fertilized embro is still jsut a cell and not a child or human yet
Its so hard to misinterpret whats said without any sorta tone, picked up wrong on your previous post, seems we're on the same page tho.
I believe they had the choice to either get surgery to not have a kid, use condoms, or birth control, or just not have sex at all. But they decided to ignore the consequences and got stuck with a baby, and now people want to abort it?
The way you word it makes me seem like I'm thinking unlogically, but these people had plenty of choices and they already chose, so now it's time to stick by their decision.

Almost. The question is, who makes you Grand Arbiter in deciding when the freedom of choice ceases?

I fail in understanding why those holding to anti-abortion beliefs are still so zealous. As it stands in this country, abortions are not generally performed past the 22nd week of pregnancy, and abortions performed past this point are all together illegal in several states. More to that, it is my understanding of the issue that fetus viability during and before the 22nd week of pregnancy is near 0%.

Assuming the above to be true, it appears we as a society have recognized that at some point during a pregnancy, the fetus becomes a human and can survive outside the womb, albeit mechanically. Having recognized the problem of killing pre-natal humans, abortion regulation has been dialed to the point where humans aren't being killed in the womb and the freedom of a woman to choose, over the course of 5 months, whether or not to undergo an abortion procedure remains intact.

Having reached this point, it seems to me that any further push by the anti-abortion crowd truly is an encroachment against women's rights; and to make any further push demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of freedom. If it helps, try thinking of your, my, and everyone's freedom as your dinner plate when you were a kid; you might not like everything on it, but you have to clean that plate up if you want to stay strong and healthy.
If it helps, try thinking of your, my, and everyone's freedom as your dinner plate when you were a kid; you might not like everything on it, but you have to clean that plate up if you want to stay strong and healthy.

I didn't clean my plate up all the time and I'm still reasonably strong and healthy. :)
hey april um this is my husbands profile i seen the topic and had to post ..in any event of that happing i totally see where you are coming from i would never ever wish rape or ne assaault on you y wish the same on me,,,,,i do see what u say on the victims of a rape,and i do see what you mean on that but i just dnt see y all these no good people can end up prego and just go have it gone...its so not fair to that childs life that is all i meant...but i do hope u never have to face this disissioin...but i do stand by my prolife...
hey april um this is my husbands profile i seen the topic and had to post ..in any event of that happing i totally see where you are coming from i would never ever wish rape or ne assaault on you y wish the same on me,,,,,i do see what u say on the victims of a rape,and i do see what you mean on that but i just dnt see y all these no good people can end up prego and just go have it gone...its so not fair to that childs life that is all i meant...but i do hope u never have to face this disissioin...but i do stand by my prolife...
People still calling the ball of cells a child...