Acapulco gold seeds

There are still pure landraces around, quite a few actually. But they are in serious danger of dying out in our lifetimes. Besides Ace Seeds and Cannabiogen, other good landrace seed banks are The Real Seed Company, Indian Landrace Seed Exchange, and Tropical Seeds. I can't really comment on the quality of World of Seeds or Seeds of Africa. Then there is Afghan Selections for Afghan landraces. I'm missing a bunch of other places too.

The Landrace Team
I second Snow High Seeds. He has heirloom and land race seeds not listed on his monthly menu. With his health declining, that resource for seeds may become limited sooner than later.
What exactly is a landrace?
The words a bit outdated id define it as a type of canabis adapted to one region for a good period of time but also under selective pressure of man (or it wouldn't be worth smoking chances are) as well obviously most people hear the name and think wild it is not at all
It’s basically just pure genetics from a certain area.

most of them come from small villages where people have been growing the same stuff for sometimes hundreds of years.

there’s a show called strain hunters with episodes on YouTube that has some cool plants in it.

I didn’t know that modern hybridized seeds have made their way all over the world to super remote places at this point. Explains why people are so hurried about preserving genetics though.
Mass Medical Strains has what they say is the original strain. Available through their authorized sellers.
My interest in AG has me searching deeper. Found a thread on that a group of hobby growers are doing a mass grow out of MMS AG seed to give away to save this original strain. First runs are starting now for a winter grow.