Adding CFL light. Good or Bad?

You mean you didn't require your superior to do research to proof the war actually exists.Amazingly different attitude from R.I.U.!

It's called "empirical evidence", there was already irrefutable proof. The news companies did tons of "free research" to show us the war. They provided EVIDENCE to back their claim of a war though. You, on the other hand, keep using fallacious logic. Like a war between two nations and a 780 lumens per watt light are even the same thing. I can see evidence of a war every day. I, however, cannot see any evidence of your claims. Don't say "OMG GUYZ, THIS LIGHT IS SO AWESOME!!!" without evidence, and then get shocked when someone calls "bullshit" if you won't prove your claim. It's really as simple as that. Also, I'm calling bullshit on the Master's Degree. You may very well have that degree (I have no way of knowing.), but you do not present yourself here in a way that makes that seem reasonable. I'd be more than happy to continue this conversation, but I'd ask you to articulate yourself in a manner that suits a person of your alleged educational standing. At least make an attempt to type in English and back up your claims of light superiority with facts. All you do is make claims, and act offended when a request for something concrete is made. That's not reasonable.
It's called "empirical evidence", there was already irrefutable proof. The news companies did tons of "free research" to show us the war. They provided EVIDENCE to back their claim of a war though. You, on the other hand, keep using fallacious logic. Like a war between two nations and a 780 lumens per watt light are even the same thing. I can see evidence of a war every day. I, however, cannot see any evidence of your claims. Don't say "OMG GUYZ, THIS LIGHT IS SO AWESOME!!!" without evidence, and then get shocked when someone calls "bullshit" if you won't prove your claim. It's really as simple as that. Also, I'm calling bullshit on the Master's Degree. You may very well have that degree (I have no way of knowing.), but you do not present yourself here in a way that makes that seem reasonable. I'd be more than happy to continue this conversation, but I'd ask you to articulate yourself in a manner that suits a person of your alleged educational standing. At least make an attempt to type in English and back up your claims of light superiority with facts. All you do is make claims, and act offended when a request for something concrete is made. That's not reasonable.
hey dedu, its called sarcassim
,and again I don't sell them ,I'm guilty of sharing about a great new light on a L.E.D. thread,on a cannibis growing forum. How did Christ put it "don't cast your perls befor swine"I now get the proverb!
good boy .so contact the seller krazyken4u via e bay and put your concerns to him.he's paid to put up with all this shit.I shared about a great new led product ,on an LED thread! on a weed growing forum.If you doubt what I've shared ask the seller to go out of his way to answer your concerns!!!!!!!!!!!!! got it !

I suppose you're too dimwitted to answer any questions. Thanks anyway.
my name is john Lerch on 8/24/1996 ,I was awarded a Masters in Heath Sciences in Alcohol& Drug Abuse Science.from Governors State University (70eight) 534-5000. the records office will be more than happy to verify my degree,now that bs is mute.I DON"T SELL THEM!!!!! (please try to grasp the statement) contact krazyken4u via e bay,and put your little concerns to him,he sells them and I'm sure can better than I furnish research& whatever your little heart desires,to set your poor troubled 2 digit I.Q.'ld mind at ease!! Christ said it best "cast not your perls befor swine" you & a couple of others have allowed me to learn what he meant by that statement! Lastly I have an emotive statement to give you& similar others PPPPPPPLLLLLLLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!! (sound it out)

Congratulations. You still "can't grasp"- with no real evidence comes no real product, just another piece of garbage like the waste coming from your mouth. I can't help but pity you though, you feel so hard-pressed to prove yourself to a bunch of people growing marijuana. You must have some trauma in your life to be so insecure over the internet and for that I am sorry.
I know these lights are a departure from the not bright enough norm 1-3 watt multi chip lights commonly available out there!I know they are very new! I shared about them with a grow cannibis forum to help others to discover the greatest thing to come along in a while in indoor led lighting.I did not murder, torture,kidnapp,narc on,or any reprehensable thing. If you doubt the validity of the 50watt single chip light,take it up with krazyken4u,(a top rated seller) on e bay. He's the one profiting from the sell of these fantastic lights.I'm sure he must have some sort of proofs.In a year or so when these lights have caught on,remember the nice guy whoam took tuns of crap trying to share about them way back when ,in the beginning when they first hit the market.
But look I've gotten a couple of them and I really like them,got it . OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall:

I didn't bother to read it, but I will bother to say why bother sharing if you have no real information to share? See ya later.
Congratulations. You still "can't grasp"- with no real evidence comes no real product, just another piece of garbage like the waste coming from your mouth. I can't help but pity you though, you feel so hard-pressed to prove yourself to a bunch of people growing marijuana. You must have some trauma in your life to be so insecure over the internet and for that I am sorry.
GRASP this goober,I don;t sell them,I merely told on this forum about a light I like alot. I'm not trying to proof or disproof anything GRasp it if you can!!!!!!!!!
For someone that is not a salesman, and that has not finished a grow with the light, hell even barely started a grow, you sure know a lot about this "krazykenforyou" Ebay seller and this magical LED.

Look how many times you told people to go to Ebay and contact the seller, on a thread where some guy was asking about CFLs!!

And then you attack people intelligence when they challenge the claims you are making.

BTW, your grammar is atrocious for someone this is as "smart" as you say you are.

intresting set up,if it were me though ,i'ld set the l.e.d.'s 50% closer to the plants(minamally)they woen't burn the plants the're not hot h.i.d.'s after all.also the sun god komee,200 watt lotus puts out 15000 thats worth a shit!

ya but hps causes the need for cooling fans ,air conditioning,and can not be placed close to the the 16000 lumens is a misnomer as the distance diffusion factor makes the useable light far lower than roughly equivilent cfl.the best watt to lumen is the new 50 watt single chip at 39000 lumens sun god komee.which comes in 2700 and 6500k color temperatures.its the shit .at 5ft it will grow a 5'x 5' area.$350 on e bay krazykenforyou is the seller and he delivers fast .

first of all you little intellectually challenged idiot,its easy to proof.go to ebay krazyken4u is the handler.and I did make a mistake in lumens its 39500 not 39000.just because you're too stupid to simply look it up,others with a 3 digit I.Q might benefit from this sharing,its kind of the concept of this forum. you obviously are about 12 years old mentally judging from your "chronic the hemp hog " ,and your spaceship bs.there have been and still are a great many advances in l.e.d.'s .oh and I can buy and sell you're still lives with mommy in the basement ass.pop your pimples more carefully as the last one must have squirted out your frontal lobe.get a clue and do some research,if your not able ask an adult to help you!!!

well looking the 50watt chip up takes about 1 minute to do,I personally have 2 of them and krazyken4u on e bay(the seller) has 100% satisfied customers myself included.oh and if you were born in the 1940's then get a clue, and grow up like a big boy & try with your limited intellectual capacity to refrain from profanity on this forum (its what we big adults do).ppplllbbbbbbb!

to sonic hemp hog guy.dude there are people who still beleave the world is flat,those whoam beleave we never went to the moon ect..... whatever.if someone buys a 50watt 1 chip from sungod komee via krazyken4u ,on e bay.if it is not what they claim,then simply send it back(2 wk refund policy).I shared this info not to get profain bs from a intellectually fixsated at 12 years old abcendarian dipstick.use the info or don' life will be uneffected either way.Also as for the assertion I must be selling them,I've certainly concidered putting some serious money into selling them .they are the future here today.39500 out of 50watts is here now,.they put out no more heat than a t5 ho .they last 50000 hours and grow better than my 2 600watt my grow gets farther into bud I'll be glad to share pictures with everybody.but until then for God sake don't spend 30 seconds to simply look it up! happy tails to most .

dude, he gives a 14day return option,he's got a very high satisfaction rating on e bay,I first bought 2 mini lotus sungod komee 2700k lights&was very happy.they greatly increased budding on the lower branches.I doubting the 50watt chip took a leap of fath & am quite astounded by what I got.the plants I'm growing just started showing the first pistols a week posting pics. right now does'nt make alot of sence just yet .but I'll be glad to do so in about 5 more weeks,when I'll be able to show how effective they are,or not.but put up or shut up wtf! what you want a dual at high noon in the main street?

dude they are amazing,they're brighter than a 400hps and a little less than a 600watt hps which krazyken4u claims these outdo .they're no hotter than a t5 ho,and I thank God I did not know the rules of lumens to watt or I probably would not have bought them.In this case ignorance has proven to be bliss.I can post now but my plants have just started to show beginning pistols.the brightness of the light does'nt really show anymore in a pic than a bright cfl,but they are much brighter.I'm not selling them,my only reason for telling about them is selfless altruism .so if you want to try them without risk(14 day refund policy ,highly rated seller) please do,or not but Jeeez people give me a break already I did'nt rape any of your moms,or reopen Auswitz .so the last thing I have to say on the subject is an emotive statement, PPPPLLLLBBBBBBBBB!! happy trails

It's "they're". I thought you were supposed to be smart?

when you get them,if there not roughly as bright as a 600watt hps,then just send them back!!!!!!!!!

Dude even in a tight economy,having bought a couple of great cfl's from krazyken4u I took a leap of faith and bought one( and a second since the 1st was so good).Its the best light I've got or ever seen,so forgive the holy hell out of me.I shared about these badass lights( which I don't sell) with the growing community.But I now understand what C.Columbus must have gone through in trying to convince the heads of Europe that the worlds not flat! But I here by command your dumb ass not to ever buy one.:wall:

my name is john Lerch on 8/24/1996 ,I was awarded a Masters in Heath Sciences in Alcohol& Drug Abuse Science.from Governors State University (70eight) 534-5000. the records office will be more than happy to verify my degree,now that bs is mute.I DON"T SELL THEM!!!!! (please try to grasp the statement) contact krazyken4u via e bay,and put your little concerns to him,he sells them and I'm sure can better than I furnish research& whatever your little heart desires,to set your poor troubled 2 digit I.Q.'ld mind at ease!! Christ said it best "cast not your perls befor swine" you & a couple of others have allowed me to learn what he meant by that statement! Lastly I have an emotive statement to give you& similar others PPPPPPPLLLLLLLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!! (sound it out)

good boy !so contact the seller krazyken4u via e bay and put your concerns to him.he's paid to put up with all this shit.I shared about a great new led product ,on an LED thread! on a weed growing forum.If you doubt what I've shared , then ask the seller to go out of his way to answer your concerns!!!!!!!!!!!!! got it !I bought the product liked it and am telling others about my experience with the product.don't confuse me with the inventor ,seller,or a terrorist comee pinko prevert slov,devil worshipper out to get you damned to hell.I just posted my emperical findings,from my subjective obsevations.bug krazyken4u!

I know these lights are a departure from the not bright enough norm 1-3 watt multi chip lights commonly available out there!I know they are very new! I shared about them with a grow cannibis forum to help others to discover the greatest thing to come along in a while in indoor led lighting.I did not murder, torture,kidnapp,narc on,or any reprehensable thing. If you doubt the validity of the 50watt single chip light,take it up with krazyken4u,(a top rated seller) on e bay. He's the one profiting from the sell of these fantastic lights.I'm sure he must have some sort of proofs.In a year or so when these lights have caught on,remember the nice guy whoam took tuns of crap trying to share about them way back when ,in the beginning when they first hit the market.
But look I've gotten a couple of them and I really like them,got it . OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall:
Even if you aren't selling it yourself, you're trying to help someone get rid of that crap. In a really shitty, rude and misinformed way, might I add. The thread asks for information and instead everyone who questions you gets insults and a whole bunch of wind. I'm going to stop replying to you now, you're foolishness speaks for itself.
Curious what would you say a 150w cfl bulb is equal to, cause ya know on like the 26w cfl bulb packages its compares it to a 90-100w reg bulb, cause I got into this whole argument with this guy on here nuglets and some other guy when I said the packages for 105w cfl bulbs compares it to a 400w light, and they started tellin me I'm an idiot cause a cfl bulb has nowhere near the same lumens as a HID(no shit really). Anyways.
It's the same guy everyone. Look at his speech pattern here, then look at the speech pattern he uses when he is responding to negative ebay feedback he has received:

[TABLE="class: FbOuterYukon, width: 100%"]
[TR="class: bot"]
[TR="class: fbOuterAddComm"]
[TD]the time stops at 5 minutes, so it never shuts off[/TD]
[TD]Buyer: toesters ( 35
[TD]Jan-13-12 16:16[/TD]
[TD="class: addl, colspan: 4"]
  • Reply by krazyken4u (Jan-14-12 09:30):
    Duh! Should have called me.but nnnnooooooo!
[TR="class: bot"]

Combination of the blatant spamming, and same poor punctuation and rude attitude towards people, my conclusion is that it is the same person.

And for anyone interested in this light, you can buy one here for about $50.

This description says 100-110 lumens per watt. And because this LED is not different than any other LED except that it is 50w (max), it can not be powered to full max, but rather 50%-70%, 50-70% of 50w watts is 25-35w, and @ 100-110 lumens (sounds like that is even too much, those large LEDs aren't that efficient, 60 lumens per watt is more accurate for a large LED like that), according to the manufactures 100-110lpw rating, this light produces 2500-3500 lumens. A far cry from 39500 lumens.
How's it going PS?

Yeah, I've seen some of the trolls get banned, returned only to be banned again. (Fankjew aka Medikal)

Sometimes the trolls are fun to mess with, but they are mostly annoying, and that is why I do not post here too often anymore.

^^^what up eraser...........nice to see you back btw.........lost a couple of trolls and info around here.......but the led discussions never change/wishing you the best in your business venture brother:)
Holy shit. I can't believe I have never read this thread until today. I cannot tell you how much I laughed.
I have 2 2700k cfl bulbs supplementing my 90w ufo and 14w sunshine led. what a difference they have made! my buds started to get super frosty 2 days after I added the cfl's
Holy shit. I can't believe I have never read this thread until today. I cannot tell you how much I laughed.
Jeez, this thread took an odd turn. It is impossible to produce "39000 Lumens" with only 50W of power. Period.

The theoretical maximum limit for any illuminating-light source, based on the rather well-known and respected electromagnetic theory of light is 683Lm/W. It is patently obvious that someone who says you can get 39000 lumens out of a 50W chip is talking nonsense. On this planet we obey the laws of physics I'm afraid.

I don't think this guy's a troll necessarily though. Either he's wasted his money, and just doesn't want to hear it (and I can't really blame him for being a bit...defensive if that's the case), or he's a scammer trying to sell crap by talking it up on forums. I doubt too many sensible people will fall for it anyway if that's the case.

Either way, it's kind of off topic isn't it? LEDs is good, same LEDs + CFLs is better...just so long as it doesn't cook your plants. End of story.
so really, the max lumens for 50watts can never exceed 34,150, correct?

That's correct.

There are a few technicalities. Lumens are measured based on which frequencies of light the human eye can perceive...rather than the total photon flux density. I'm not sure exactly how much that affects the figures, but since plants "see" basically the same light range as us (except for the dip in the green wavelengths) it's very safe to apply the same theoretical limit to grow lights.

We are currently only touching efficiencies of 200L/W, and these tend to be found under laboratory conditions, rather than in the real world. So as of today, 50W of the absolute best LEDs in production would max out at 10,000 Lumens.