Adding CFL light. Good or Bad?

dude, he gives a 14day return option,he's got a very high satisfaction rating on e bay,I first bought 2 mini lotus sungod komee 2700k lights&was very happy.they greatly increased budding on the lower branches.I doubting the 50watt chip took a leap of fath & am quite astounded by what I got.the plants I'm growing just started showing the first pistols a week posting pics. right now does'nt make alot of sence just yet .but I'll be glad to do so in about 5 more weeks,when I'll be able to show how effective they are,or not.but put up or shut up wtf! what you want a dual at high noon in the main street?

Woah, 14 whole days? Can I grow a plant from seed to cut in 14 days?
Oh my word, I just can't believe how often you find someone so hopelessly clueless, you can just never convince them otherwise. Even with stone cold facts... I'd personally love a light that'd put out 780 lumens per watt! I think, while I'm at it, I'll get rid of my "100 little bulbs and colored glass".

Ubermech, my friend, I'd love to see pictures when you get them.
dude they are amazing,they're brighter than a 400hps and a little less than a 600watt hps which krazyken4u claims these outdo .they're no hotter than a t5 ho,and I thank God I did not know the rules of lumens to watt or I probably would not have bought them.In this case ignorance has proven to be bliss.I can post now but my plants have just started to show beginning pistols.the brightness of the light does'nt really show anymore in a pic than a bright cfl,but they are much brighter.I'm not selling them,my only reason for telling about them is selfless altruism .so if you want to try them without risk(14 day refund policy ,highly rated seller) please do,or not but Jeeez people give me a break already I did'nt rape any of your moms,or reopen Auswitz .so the last thing I have to say on the subject is an emotive statement, PPPPLLLLBBBBBBBBB!! happy trails
when you get them,if there not roughly as bright as a 600watt hps,then just send them back!!!!!!!!!

As bright in lumens? That's an unfair comparison unless they have roughly the same SPD. Some spectrums of light are "brighter" to the human eye which are, conveniently enough, the same ones plants use least. So you have really done nothing to ease my concerns.
As bright in lumens? That's an unfair comparison unless they have roughly the same SPD. Some spectrums of light are "brighter" to the human eye which are, conveniently enough, the same ones plants use least. So you have really done nothing to ease my concerns.
these lights are roughly,to the naked eye, as bright as 600w hps at a glance.but please forgive me for trying to share something very new and great for growing weed on a weed growing forum.Jeeez what was I thinking.happy trails to you.
:) PS guys, the subject of the thread is not to debate LEDs, only whether CFLs are fine with them -- yes, they are :) I find them very useful for supplemental lighting if I have a plant that's on the edge of the coverage area for the veg LEDs. Keep in mind CFLs are not heat free, so if you add a bunch you may get some noticable additional heat buildup.
Just for a side note the city of Dallas in Texas has these same led's on the omni hotel and are adding more to other buildings as well LED technology is now growing Dallas and inside major sports arenas so he's not alone in buying in this idea whole major businesses and cities are.
I've got a masters degree in health sciences and an I.Q. that likely dwarfs your own.but this going to be challenging for you to follow,but time and tech marches on.not too long ago cell phones, computers,and many modern marvels would have seemed far fetched.But dude for Christ sake don't try them,and when the cops lock you up because your electic bill gives your grow house away,and these lights become common place,just remember this posting!

For a man that has a Master's in anything, your grammar is atrocious. Normally I wouldn't even care about something so trivial, but someone as educated as you claim to be should know better. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, moving on...

Second, anyone who has a degree founded in any form of science should have no trouble explaining why they have done no research into the useful wavelengths for photosynthesis. So, why haven't you? If you had the slightest inkling about lighting, you would know that "these lights are roughly,to the naked eye, as bright as 600w hps at a glance." means absolutely nothing relevant to your plants. You have shown nothing resembling proof. You get defensive when people express doubt, instead of proving your statements of how awesome this light is. Show me a well documented grow vs. a 600w, under the same conditions, where it blows that 600w away. If you have a degree in any science, get your money back. Because they clearly never taught you how to back your claims with facts. Evidence, not claims, is what you should be using here.

Edit: I realize this comes accross as harsh. However, you have to understand that the moment you made a claim to a Master's in Health Sciences; you also made the fact that you failed to post anything empirical here, while singing it's praises, a rather glaring issue. At least for as qualified of an individual as you.
For a man that has a Master's in anything, your grammar is atrocious. Normally I wouldn't even care about something so trivial, but someone as educated as you claim to be should know better. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, moving on...

Second, anyone who has a degree founded in any form of science should have no trouble explaining why they have done no research into the useful wavelengths for photosynthesis. So, why haven't you? If you had the slightest inkling about lighting, you would know that "these lights are roughly,to the naked eye, as bright as 600w hps at a glance." means absolutely nothing relevant to your plants. You have shown nothing resembling proof. You get defensive when people express doubt, instead of proving your statements of how awesome this light is. Show me a well documented grow vs. a 600w, under the same conditions, where it blows that 600w away. If you have a degree in any science, get your money back. Because they clearly never taught you how to back your claims with facts. Evidence, not claims, is what you should be using here.

Harsh but true, indeed! Spoke the words everyone was thinking...
For a man that has a Master's in anything, your grammar is atrocious. Normally I wouldn't even care about something so trivial, but someone as educated as you claim to be should know better. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, moving on...

Second, anyone who has a degree founded in any form of science should have no trouble explaining why they have done no research into the useful wavelengths for photosynthesis. So, why haven't you? If you had the slightest inkling about lighting, you would know that "these lights are roughly,to the naked eye, as bright as 600w hps at a glance." means absolutely nothing relevant to your plants. You have shown nothing resembling proof. You get defensive when people express doubt, instead of proving your statements of how awesome this light is. Show me a well documented grow vs. a 600w, under the same conditions, where it blows that 600w away. If you have a degree in any science, get your money back. Because they clearly never taught you how to back your claims with facts. Evidence, not claims, is what you should be using here.

Edit: I realize this comes accross as harsh. However, you have to understand that the moment you made a claim to a Master's in Health Sciences; you also made the fact that you failed to post anything empirical here, while singing it's praises, a rather glaring issue. At least for as qualified of an individual as you.
First of all I'm far better spoken than are you,or anyone that would associate with you.second of all, my not a tech degree,health science is a different your token of judgement I should somehow be able to explain how every bit of tech I use works.I'm not sure how its achieved,but to jump to the conclusion that I must if well educated be broadly knowledgeable in all realms of science is probably based on the proffesor on Giligans island or something.dude just do not buy one!I don't care at all.I was sharing info about a great new product I took a leap of faith and bought.Its an l.e.d. topic thread,on a weed grow forum,where do I get off telling people about such things.The lights come in 2700k&6500k.please never buy one,that will show me!!!oh and they have done research into useful wavelengths for photosynthesis .in fact there has been a great deal of such research.Jeeez how intellectually disabled are you?what world do you come from were I'm supposed to do tons of free research to convince others to give them a try.I shared about them,not to get crazy hostile shit .But rather to help fellow smokers looking for the latest ,best lights to come along.e bay,krazyken4u is the seller.ask him to furnish research for you he's making money providing them to those in the know,not I.on another score as a Marine did you ever deploy,or did you doubt there was a war anywhere to go fight!
Harsh but true, indeed! Spoke the words everyone was thinking...
so you know what everyone was thinking,damn nothing like owning what you say!If I were to lucubrate in my eruditiously accomplished edium most people would need a dictionary to follow my gist. I didn't think it would involve a second thesis to share some info on a great new l.e.d. light.But you know what I'm growing under a 50watt 39500 L light so honestly I frankly don't give a damn what you choose to do. happy trails to you! ppplllbbbbbbb!
on another score as a Marine did you ever deploy,or did you doubt there was a war anywhere to go fight!

Okay, I'm just going to give up on this debate now. Your crushing intellect is just too much for me...:roll:

I am, however, confused by the statement I quoted. What does my time in the Marines have to do with anything? Also, how could I doubt there was a war going on? Kind of hard to be active duty during a war, and not know there is one being fought...
so you know what everyone was thinking,damn nothing like owning what you say!If I were to lucubrate in my eruditiously accomplished edium most people would need a dictionary to follow my gist. I didn't think it would involve a second thesis to share some info on a great new l.e.d. light.But you know what I'm growing under a 50watt 39500 L light so honestly I frankly don't give a damn what you choose to do. happy trails to you! ppplllbbbbbbb!

Like I said, give proof or hush with your sales rubbish. Do you do a dance and jig too? I own my speech just as much as I own no solid back-up for your supposedly amazing lights. No thesis, no, just something other than air-cakes and wind-biscuits.
what world do you come from were I'm supposed to do tons of free research to convince others to give them a try.

It's called earth, where people with brains do research before they spend money they worked to earn. Helping sell you're rubbish isn't help at all, do everyone a favor...
Okay, I'm just going to give up on this debate now. Your crushing intellect is just too much for me...:roll:

I am, however, confused by the statement I quoted. What does my time in the Marines have to do with anything? Also, how could I doubt there was a war going on? Kind of hard to be active duty during a war, and not know there is one being fought...
You mean you didn't require your superior to do research to proof the war actually exists.Amazingly different attitude from R.I.U.!
It's called earth, where people with brains do research before they spend money they worked to earn. Helping sell you're rubbish isn't help at all, do everyone a favor...
Dude even in a tight economy,having bought a couple of great cfl's from krazyken4u I took a leap of faith and bought one( and a second since the 1st was so good).Its the best light I've got or ever seen,so forgive the holy hell out of me.I shared about these badass lights( which I don't sell) with the growing community.But I now understand what C.Columbus must have gone through in trying to convince the heads of Europe that the worlds not flat! But I here by command your dumb ass not to ever buy one.:wall:
Dude even in a tight economy,having bought a couple of great cfl's from krazyken4u I took a leap of faith and bought one( and a second since the 1st was so good).Its the best light I've got or ever seen,so forgive the holy hell out of me.I shared about these badass lights( which I don't sell) with the growing community.But I now understand what C.Columbus must have gone through in trying to convince the heads of Europe that the worlds not flat! But I here by command your dumb ass not to ever buy one.:wall:

I'll be more than happy to accommodate not buying your garbage. Your salesmanship is almost as full of shit as you are. Sorry the truth pisses you off, but I'd prefer people to not sink their money in your biased, foolish opinion. You have ZERO evidence of your lights doing anything but costing money. Why don't you stick to the topic at hand rather than beating around the bush? Too much of a blithering idiot or are you really that bad at trying to push products?

Masters.... LOL.

EDIT: I am deeply sorry op! I don't mean to crap up your thread. I just wanted to show anyone who cares to read through the thread that they shouldn't buy their lights because someone said "I found the coolest lights ever they're brand new". Although your question has been thoroughly answered, yes, supplementing will (typically) help. Indoors, more light usually isn't a bad thing:eyesmoke:!

EDITEDIT: Here is a link to the Sun God Komee 50w "LED tech*Grow CFL". Now I'm not sure about you, but the title in itself lost all my attention just after reading it. You claim it's an LED and CFL when it's made a point that it's "1 chip technology not 100 little bulbs with colored glass". Even if you were just trying to tag CFL in your sales, there's other ways to do it. It just shows how hungry you are to acquire customers. Which would explain why you're getting so worked up. The claims get even worse:
39000 lumens/50 watts comes out to 780lm/w. That means he's claiming that this light puts out roughly 4-5x more lumens per watt than ANYTHING even heard of thus far.

Your claims are about as stupid as you are and I'm ashamed I even have to point out your embarassing ordeal. I'd love to be proven wrong and pay $220 for a 50w chip that will nullify my electricity bill and produce lighting equivalent to a 600w hps.

Also, insulting potential customers and anyone, for that matter, probably won't help your sales. I know that it's bleeding obvious but you don't seem to know how to push a product without looking like a total fool (a rude, mouthy one at that).