Adding Epson Salt. How Long Until?


Well-Known Member
hi people, ive had a bit of an mg def going on with one of my plants, so i add some epson salt, correct dosage has been mixed with water with no nutes, the water p.h was bang on 7.

has anyone got anyidea how long it might be before i start to see an effect ? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
anyone got any idea how often i should add this stuff, or is it a one off kinda thing ?
I would only suggest to leach (flush) your pot to clear the nasty off then water with half strenght like B1 vitmain (i personally use Superthrive) , always use one tsps per gallon with distilled water. If more than a week that your soil have high of PH, then try use distilled white vingegar (high acidic) tsps per gallon, it should be long as you keep check ph level daily and make sure ph in your soil is stable.

to keep your plant healthy and easy maintain is leach your pot once every month.


Well-Known Member
im quite keen on the leach once a month deal, and i have ordered ph test equipment too, im going to do more readings, and measurements i believe that understanding the nute demands and water condition is vital, ive only just come to fully understand that, crazy really, when its a weed.


Well-Known Member
Start from the beginning then dont just wildly jump in!

What is the ppm of the water you are feeding them without ferts? My tap water needs adjusting up to 150ppm with mag as it is below 50ppm out of the tap! Is it the ferts or the tap water that are lacking in the mag? I dont really get cal/mag problems since i add the right amount of lime to my soil to buffer pH and magnesium/epsom salts to my water to get its correct ppm.

Test your water first to see what its ppm is, alot of the waters ppm is cal/mag so if it is low then you need to raise it simple. If your soil is acidic you need to add lime simple too! Dont make it harder than it needs too be, check the water and go from there. Reading runoff wont help you except to know to add more lime and that you might have added to many ferts.

For a one off cure for mag deficiency add 300ppm of epson salts to the water. Maybe repeat again if needed but this should cure most deficiencies by now. If this works keep your water ppm to between 150 and 200 by adding cal/mag. Magnesium also buffers pH as it is an alkaline ion. Get the cal/mag right and pH will be a lot less problematic.

Dare i recomend a thread for you to read, i have recomended it so many times but dont know if people read it, it is a sticky and first three pages teach you about water, cal/mag, RO water, distilled water, pH etc! Well it is a good start to a complicated and complex subject, anyway here it is -

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
im quite keen on the leach once a month deal, and i have ordered ph test equipment too, im going to do more readings, and measurements i believe that understanding the nute demands and water condition is vital, ive only just come to fully understand that, crazy really, when its a weed.
you can afford ph tester at the lowes called "soil master" about 8 to 10 bucks....


Well-Known Member
you can afford ph tester at the lowes called "soil master" about 8 to 10 bucks....
Not even worth 8 - 10 bucks, this is a crap pH tester and will not help you. Buy a digital one or better still just add lime to the soil and make sure your water and ferts got the right amount of cal/mag in to start with, saves a lot of money, they are usefull to pH your water and ferts though!lol! Peace


Active Member
They actually do work, if you get a working one and use it right. I've tested several soils and it was pretty close. I wouldn't use it to save my life, but if you need to know if your soil is closer to 5 or 7 then it will tell you.
I been following this thread along hoping to find a awnser to my question. I have a mg def happeing but only in one strain, is it possable for some strains to be mg whores? All strains are on the fox farm trio diet and I just picked up some growtek cal/mag to try out. I ph water and adjustwith genral hydroponics ph up and down solutions to achive 6.0-6.3 every feeding. Medium is striaght promix hp. Any help would be awesome...I mean noway to hijack your thread I just wanna keep the info coming in....

What is the best way to check soil ph that wont break the bank?

Should u add lime to a medium like promix hp to combat a mag def if the medium ph is off?

The only testing equipment I have on hand is ph pens and cal, mag, kh fish tank test kits.


Active Member
I been following this thread along hoping to find a awnser to my question.

What is the best way to check soil ph that wont break the bank?

Should u add lime to a medium like promix hp to combat a mag def if the medium ph is off?

The only testing equipment I have on hand is ph pens and cal, mag, kh fish tank test kits.
use your ph pen to test run-off ph when you water only water, Pro-Mix should definetly be amnemded with 1 cup per cubic foot Dolomite Lime, if you use the correct amounts of Dolomite you shouldnt run into Mag problems.
if you have a Magnesium defeciency a foliar feed of 1/2 tsp of Epsom Salt per Litre and it should fix it right quick.
Thank you clam digger im headed off to get some epson salt now. The lime is gonna have to wait till tomrrow but I wont go another day without trying it.

Rember there is no stupid questions. :) do I measure a cubic foot so as to make sure my lime to promix ratio is right?