Advanced Apache * Coco & LED

Interesting how its choosing the Apache over the diamond. Do you know what the actual draw of your Apache is? Is it less than the diamnond?
The Apache Tech White/Red (3:2) consumes 171 according to puff.
The Apache Tech Red/Blue (4:1) consumes 161 according to the power meter.

Two Different Models.
Yo puff, thanks for the info on the overdrive and MOAB, sounds like it does the exact same job as shooting powder, only downside with shooting powder its easy to burn the shit outa your plants if your not careful with dosage.

Amazed on how the girls have bounced back, growth is spot on man, the rhizo really helps with stressed plants when used in high doses for a couple of waterings i've noticed when trying to revive a stressed mother etc.

Stay safe, happy growing and peace to all.

Shooting powder was another I was considering because they all basically do the same stuff around the same time in bloom. I've heard good things about all three of them so I'm just making my way through them trying to find a good one for a good price. Same thing with the overdrive and moab, easy to burn if you don't cut back on the others.

The girls responded really well, and you're right about the rhizo, I always recommend it as a great product to use for anyone for many reasons. Thanks for commenting.

Interesting how its choosing the Apache over the diamond. Do you know what the actual draw of your Apache is? Is it less than the diamnond?

The apache is about 171w, I did a kill-a-watt reading in my old thread when I first got it and the diamond is around 187w with both switches on. What I find interesting on the actual draw is the apache uses 120 1w leds vs the diamond's 100 3w leds and yet they nearly draw the same.

The Apache Tech White/Red (3:2) consumes 171 according to puff.
The Apache Tech Red/Blue (4:1) consumes 161 according to the power meter.

Two Different Models.

I almost got the red/blue apache, I'm sure it would impresse me too. I like the pics in the other apache thread you made, it looks like it can cover quite a nice area.
Last day of veg. Flowering starts tomorrow. Just a side note that I thought was interesting...the Smile seedling is directly under the diamond but when I turned on the apache i found it leaning toward the white light, so i turned off the diamond and left on just the apache for a few days and now it's standing straight up despite being off to the side quite a bit from the panel. Next update the girls will be rearranged and hopefully under a new light.

View attachment 2236776

Ken's Kush and Smile in the cup next to them.
View attachment 2236783View attachment 2236781View attachment 2236780

Strawberry Cough
View attachment 2236792View attachment 2236790

Sour Diesel
View attachment 2236785View attachment 2236802

Atomic Northern Lights
View attachment 2236787

None of the pics work for me..........can you repost them Puff??? or I'm taking away my "like".....ha:).............go apache!
Hey puff,

I just wanted to give you some advice I wish I had when first growing my sour diesel, which had a tougher time than my other plants. My sour diesel prefers: highly oxygenated water (it sits out for a day, and then "pulled" like pulled tea before watering), slow pour until the hard pack (upper roots) thicken, evenly pour water around the pot=don't make divots unless you fix them, and make sure that all the media is equally saturated, if the plant drinks one side dry, water it between feedings with less than a third of the usual watering. My Sour Diesel likes to be babied slightly more than my other plants, but it yields amazing results.

None of this advice may seem important or even necessary, as you probably incorporate this into your growing anyway, but my plant used to look do that during veg. so I thought I'd drop a line. The picture seemed to show a plant with some root zone ph fluctuations (yellowing of death around leaves), and generally it would be easy to fix with organics since the colonies would regulate soil ph, but coco tends to flux it's PH as it dries out; the one reason that I stopped using straight coco during veg, too many ph issues.

By and large your plants are looking great! Sour Diesel and it's progeny are of extreme interest to me as they are my favorite medicines, apparently my stomach conditions are settled by sativa dom. Sour Diesel crosses. Enjoy the lights, and keep up on those plants, we all want to see what you can do!!!

Hey puff,

I just wanted to give you some advice I wish I had when first growing my sour diesel, which had a tougher time than my other plants. My sour diesel prefers: highly oxygenated water (it sits out for a day, and then "pulled" like pulled tea before watering), slow pour until the hard pack (upper roots) thicken, evenly pour water around the pot=don't make divots unless you fix them, and make sure that all the media is equally saturated, if the plant drinks one side dry, water it between feedings with less than a third of the usual watering. My Sour Diesel likes to be babied slightly more than my other plants, but it yields amazing results.

None of this advice may seem important or even necessary, as you probably incorporate this into your growing anyway, but my plant used to look do that during veg. so I thought I'd drop a line. The picture seemed to show a plant with some root zone ph fluctuations (yellowing of death around leaves), and generally it would be easy to fix with organics since the colonies would regulate soil ph, but coco tends to flux it's PH as it dries out; the one reason that I stopped using straight coco during veg, too many ph issues.

By and large your plants are looking great! Sour Diesel and it's progeny are of extreme interest to me as they are my favorite medicines, apparently my stomach conditions are settled by sativa dom. Sour Diesel crosses. Enjoy the lights, and keep up on those plants, we all want to see what you can do!!!


Sup iLove! Thanks for the advice, much appreciated! First time growing sour diesel, but a couple rounds ago I did 3 Kings which was a crazy cross of sour d, headband, and something else if I remember right. Awesome strain, check it out if you ever get a chance, instant classic for me, i did a journal on it in case you missed it. The divots when watering in straight coco are a pain, so watering slowly and evenly is absolutely key. I was expecting a finicky strain for the sour d and it was unfortunate that I got it with issues (apparently a common theme for my grows, ha!) Thanks again for the advice, compliments, and encourage, truly appreciated!
The new light has arrived. Advanced LED Diamond Series XML. Smaller and lower wattage than I was expecting. But it's an impressive unit nonetheless. Here's some pics of it. I took down the 200w diamond to test this new panel out. Wish I had more space to use all three...hopefully next round I'll be able to bust out the 3x3 tent or use another closet. Keeping my fingers crossed for that one, will be what I've been practicing for.

Unboxing the package. Came via FedEx. Included some literature on the unit, a card advertising up to 20% discounts for online journals (promise you I'm not participating in that, first I heard of it), and a thank you letter from the sales staff.

Diamond Series XML - 10w plugged in with fans running / lights off.
xml off.jpgfan draw.jpg

Backside/top of the unit. 2 dials on it, Dial 1 controls the white leds and Dial 2 controls the 4 grids of leds. They recommend vacuuming the honeycomb dust filters around every two weeks and air dusting the unit every 1-2 months.
top backside.jpg

Dial 1 @ Full Power
whites.jpgWhite only full.jpg

Dial 2 @ Full Power
reds only full.jpg

Dial 1 and 2 @ Full Power
full.jpgfull 2.jpgtotal draw.jpg

Diamond XML Only
XML only.jpg

200w Diamond Only
200w diamond only.jpg

Apache Only
Apache only.jpg

Diamond XML and Apache
XML and Apache.jpg
It's crazy how much brighter white lights makes the room look - both in the apache and diamond. Looks very sexy.
Sexiness up in the garden indeed. Now let's see how these lights flower!! I'll post a plant update in a couple days when it's the start of week 2 on 12/12.
Kewl Puffenuff.I Hope this Light Does Well For Ya.So Far Im Really Impessed With Mine.Ive Never Seen A Plant That Was So Green That She Has A Bluish Black Hue.Looking Forwards To Your Flower Update :weed:
Congrats on the new panel, puff, It's sexah!! I love that last photo of the XML withe Apache, The magenta fading into the white. Very Cool.
Hey puff might wanna buy this to clean your " collection" of leds......I have it (it's pricey/but built like a tank) and use it on all my electronics and it's absolutely worth it:)

View attachment 2244247 <<<made in america!...and I used it on hans panel........worked like a charm............just an fyi

That thing is awesome. I probably spend more than that during a year on cans of Blow-Off & Dust-Off.
Think I'm gonna buy me that for ulm... a 4th of July present... Yeah, That's the ticket!

(How have I never looked for something like this before?)
Thanks for all the comments on the new light, very excited to get it in action. So far the plants seems to like it.

Thanks for the link to that e-vacuum, just what the dr. ordered. I'll be getting one for sure, will come in handy.
Wich do u feel produced a better plant vegging I'm looking for a good veg panel to keep the cost at 18+ hours to a minimum.. I have to blackstar panels but I don't feel they are the ticket for veg. As of now I have a 400 mh veg 600 mh/hps more for late veg/flower.. if u know of any other panel that y:leaf:ou've found to be especially useful for veg id like to hear about it
Wich do u feel produced a better plant vegging I'm looking for a good veg panel to keep the cost at 18+ hours to a minimum.. I have to blackstar panels but I don't feel they are the ticket for veg. As of now I have a 400 mh veg 600 mh/hps more for late veg/flower.. if u know of any other panel that y:leaf:ou've found to be especially useful for veg id like to hear about it

To be fair, everything was vegged under the 200w diamond up until the last four or five days of veg. But, based on what I'm seeing with the seedlings leaning over to or "choosing" the white light (even when directly under the advanced they still lean toward the white), it leads me to believe that the apache would be a better veg light but should be run at higher levels above the plants due to it's narrow beams. What I liked better about the advanced lights for veg is that they have veg switches where you can use less wattage for veg when the extra power isn't needed and then increase as they get bigger. What size space are you using the 400w mh for veg in? You can probably replace that with a 200-300w diamond series and get awesome veg results and still have the option to use less watts in veg mode.
Start of Week 2 Bloom Update.


Houston...We have hairs. Hopefully you can see them in the pics, if you can't (blame the camera or operator, fair game) trust me they're there.
2012-07-10_17-00-40_480.jpg2012-07-10_17-01-03_204.jpg2012-07-10_17-01-08_426.jpg2012-07-10_17-01-47_134.jpgCan U C the Hairs.jpg

The Ken's Kush is tripping me out. Very stretchy now and the undergrowth is weird. It doesn't grow, just stays hugged up on the stem. Going to check with a friend growing the same strain to see if it just a trait or if I fucked them up. The Strawberry Cough has bushed up quite nicely and are looking great. The Atomic Northern Lights is probably my favorite so far, just bushy and loving life. The Sour Diesel are stretching more too, not as much as the Kush but more than the rest. Smile is going in a plastic cup, basically 12/12 from seed (~5 days of 18/6) and so is the Pink OG (true 12/12 from seed) bagseed which is in the party cup competition. The Pink OG is catching up to the smile quickly though, probably genetics.

Sorry for the lack of pictures this time. I can't seem to take good pictures for the life of me anymore and it's pissing me off. Better pics next time even if I have to bust out my real camera and say bye-bye convenient camera phone.

Peace, official update next Monday or Tuesday. Feel free to comment or ask questions. Thanks for stopping by.
Dude, you have your hands full with all those strains. I would think you got your work cut out for you this time.

Then again if you get in trouble you can always buy another panel ;).