Advanced Nutrients and "grower level"


Well-Known Member
Canna is much cheaper than AN
and I don't bother with their one bullshit product - Boost.
As for pH perfect - what's the big deal?
You lean to set your pH
it's part of the skills they call GROWING
but certain people would rather throw money at it than learn the tricks.

Am I advanced enough to buy AN stuff....?

Oh, let me see.....
I don't know....
It's a big ask....

Go on then
But don't tell anyone else.
This favour was just for you.

You not only fall for the tricks
Your proud to do so!

If you grow for another two years you will not use a single product by AN
I'll bet you $100 that's true.
Only absolute beginners fucking use it.
So where do you get a gallon of Canna base for less than the $43 I spent last year for a 2-1litre bottles of sensi grow and 2-1litre bottles of conni equaling 1 gallon of AN base nutes for $43? I just checked ebay so its definitely not there. Its a simple question, gimme the link where a gallon of aqua vega is cheaper than $43, a gallon would be 4 litres if that helps. I have several lines on my shelf, they all work and they are all overpriced


Well-Known Member
I will also add that typically those that bash AN without ever using it are the same people that parrot other BS that you only read on pot forums. Do the math on the price per mixed gallon of nutes, we are talking about cents difference per gallon, and a few dollars difference per grow, get over it, and let people use what they want rather then push what your using. I've mostly used Gh for the last 4 years, and its ok, but I'm open to other things. My favorite nute I ever used was some quart samples I got of , this was the best nutes I've ever used. Very simple, had NO deficiencies or toxicities, and it was some of the best tasting bud I've ever grown. Sadly I can't buy this brand locally, so I havn't used it since.


Well-Known Member
fertilizer is fertilizer. but what number 10/ 10/10 or 5/55/10 example your expose to pump light or hard depending on the final stages does make a yield difference. like before you start your flush you push the nutrient very hard in the p rang up to 2000 ppm. instead of veg 300 to 500. feed table is very important. brand not so much there all the same .


Well-Known Member
I wish i could say fert is fert.
Here is the difference.I Pay 7 dollars a litre for sensi A B.about 12 bucks in base nutes per feeding.If you purchase in 23 litre jugs this is what you pay.
Sensi..and other AN products are protein based.This is a huge difference from salt based nutes or ferts.
Use it..check the root zone..use other products and check the root zone after a will see what i mean.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ive seen major danks bud come from my professional friend and when i asked him how does he get perfect bud 100% of the time he told me he only uses
Advanced Nutrients his bud is so strong it will get you high for days on end! and the size of a fist! theres no exuse not to use AN nutes
you are lietary dumb if you dont like AN nutes because of the price
of course good things cost more! DUUH ;-)
sir settle down.... your about to turn this in to one of those AN battle royal threads. please show us your professional buddies fist size buds that get u high for days on end.


Well-Known Member
sir settle down.... your about to turn this in to one of those AN battle royal threads. please show us your professional buddies fist size buds that get u high for days on end.
Yeah, thats a bit Hes made that post a few times n iv been waiting for it to blow up but nobodys ever said shit to him. Kinda funny. I see high times covers and $6000 pounds in our immediate future. Lol

thump easy

Well-Known Member
they sold my old formula that took me years to fix i cried when they changed the lable and formula for x factor aka taranchla they play to many games i had to buy out green coast and round all their stores containers of their last flowering base every last drop they discontinued it.. :( i had house and garden dutch master Advanced base monster bloom and a few key ingreedients and know i have to serch for another base already tried and it just aint the same i thougt they fucked me when the did the x factor my yields have never been the same ;.......(

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im not shure i only know what works for me and the system im in i just go back on what did the trick i been nick nack pady wacking my system and experimenting since i started i kinda like some better than others from trial and error but thats just me..


Well-Known Member
So where do you get a gallon of Canna base for less than the $43 I spent last year for a 2-1litre bottles of sensi grow and 2-1litre bottles of conni equaling 1 gallon of AN base nutes for $43? I just checked ebay so its definitely not there. Its a simple question, gimme the link where a gallon of aqua vega is cheaper than $43, a gallon would be 4 litres if that helps. I have several lines on my shelf, they all work and they are all overpriced
Here lies the ultimate trouble.

Costs across waters.

AN in the UK is expensive because the distance it travels to get here.

Canna in the UK is pretty cheap be ause it doesn't travel as far.

Its probably for the same reasons that canna is expensive in the US and AN isn't.

I'm not going to bash any nute brand. They all can work fine once you understand how to use them.

I have issues with nute brands that manufacture 101 bottles of products and market them on the basis of if you spend more, you get more.

The 3 products that have helped increase my own yields??? Ca Mg and Si.

NOT a sugar substitute boost product marketed at SUPERCHARGING your plants.



Well-Known Member
they sold my old formula that took me years to fix i cried when they changed the lable and formula for x factor aka taranchla they play to many games i had to buy out green coast and round all their stores containers of their last flowering base every last drop they discontinued it.. :( i had house and garden dutch master Advanced base monster bloom and a few key ingreedients and know i have to serch for another base already tried and it just aint the same i thougt they fucked me when the did the x factor my yields have never been the same ;.......(
Yea..they fucked me too when they changed the nute system..but im getting used to it again.Spotty results.
There new system will not work with the bud blood..but bud igniter is to be used.
They refined the system to where it makes it difficult to mix and match products we like within that system..Kind of sucks as i was getting outstanding results.
The bud factor x ive used a few times..the product it replaced that i had better results with was scorpion juice.That shit was great..but it took allot of it..the bud factor x recommended dose is half of what scorpion juice used to be..but scorpion juice was the bomb..not so much for the increase in bud size but the increase in resin and was fucking outstanding.
Right now im running the full line to see how it works just running ANs line up.From there i will make a determination after this next run.
Running ANs line up with DM zone right now.It is looking really really nice.Although a little shock from using bud blood with it.Still looks fucking outstanding for 18 days old.
The bud blood for whatever reason has been running strong as fuck..Maybe its the PHP system its not supposed to be used in causing it.
But after running different batch's of bud blood im sure there are inconsistent in making it.Some runs have turned out perfect with it..other have burned.
Im sure the run without the zone using instead for a root conditioner voo doo juice and pirhanna will turn out better.I like the zone ..the roots like the zone.The res likes the zone.
But the voo doo juice,pirhanna without a doubt will increase root development over and above the zone.
DAN..(discount advanced nutrients) IN cali said some of their growers are running AN ..then about the third week switch to zone in bud.This way they get the massive root structure but after that get the sterile enviro that many of us hydro growers love.
The new PHP system has dropped the cal mag.humics.fulvic sea weed juice,They have dropped these items from the main body of the line up in PHP. and added these items into the system where you no longer need to purchase them making running with AN..quit a bit cheaper than it used to be actually.
With all of the haters of makes me that much more of a fan of them.
Like col. Gritz said..if you are on are going to take some flak.
I figured if everyone is hating on them..there is probably a good reason..there is.They cant fucking compete,and are too cheap to get in the game.


Well-Known Member
I'm under the impression there actually IS no significant difference in quality between the major brands of hydroponic nutrients. As I said, the only reason I go with AN is their PH Perfect. If another major brand would have it half the price, I would go for that instead.
Almost all liquid nute lines are Ph balanced..


Well-Known Member
Naa why would they bow out on taking your money because they do something right :) lol...they make it anyway in case someone needs it that maybe isn't using their nutes or had some type of problem..or buys it because they don't know better lol


Well-Known Member
Use Ph balanced soil and nutes and you literally never need to check or worry about Ph..water won't change the Ph of a large amount of media when it will usually be somewhat close to the Ph of the media anyway


Active Member
why is it after these type of threads I'm further convinced 90% of the assorted nute line crap all works about the same....

NTM I'd lay odds you could throw out 1/2 the periphery shit and just use the base nutes and get 99% yield with 99% less headaches....

PTI: Argue on :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
But the point is that you can get equally good results from using much less expensive nutes
and AN overcomplicate their systems because it's got far more to do with advertising and sales manipulation than it has to do with growing.


Don't buy into the hype.


Well-Known Member
The idea behind the PHP system is that you are supposed to be able to mix it an walk away no ph adjusting to start with either in an ideal case(I believe they say with ro water). Other nutes are PH buffered so that once the PH is set it should stay stable for a few days without a problem. I'm not saying the PHP system is "better" but I like the idea of it. Even with the PHP system if your not using RO water its not gaurenteed to work, and you might have to adjust the Ph when you mix it. Also I would think that if you start to "tailor" the nute mix to your garden it might prevent the PHP from doing its thing quite right.

Different nutes mix very differently, when I was using the GH 3 part nutes I always had to add a little ph down each time. I gave the GH granulars a trry, and had to buy a bottle of silica to use as PH up cus it was super low with just the GH. Once the res was set it would stay stable though. Now I'm using the GH flora nova, and when I mix it up with my tap water it ends up being very close to perfect.


Well-Known Member
So many factors affect pH ad EC readings.
I just cannot see the point of flying blind, when a test can taken so easily...??

Even if the nutes are pH perfect, if my clay pebbles carry dust, it mixes with the water/nute mix and sends pH levels bouncing all over!
Atmospheric contaminants affect pH, ph of water varies dramatically....

I have read these ONE STEP pH solutions before
But it's like being told there is a short cut that will take 5 miles off your journey
before anyone even knows the destination.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
2.jpg this was the buba gum og....ogees exploded crazzy ...the lens fell on this one but for one light the buds roded up from the bottom to the top i didnt like to take pictures back then i was even scared to go to the hydro store for of being followed,, well if i begin to make a documentary on my favorite base, i already sending to the lab and i have a two year old bottle of x factor the milky white formula the reason i know talked to the reps and they change their reps like changing sox they know who i am... but they confessed that they had labeling issue's and they buy cores of salts from diffrent parts of the world and well they do whats cost effective??? i didnt hear it from the lab this is down the line so how could i be shure????? so im gona fix my formula up and send it out to a lab... so i can get another person to make it for me... this ph perfect is suppose to reach all growers from first grade dixie cup growers to the adult growers with eazzz but the thing is yes you can get from A TO B in other it works but doesnt work like the old formulas....2.jpgthe old real cherry bomb had purple red hairs this is it back in the day the dates are wrong but the buds are indoor and real..deathwidow crossing.jpg death widow from hawii the cherry bomb was hybrid the leafs were fat at the begining and later had both but it doesnt grow that way but that formula and a few other mesurements of other lines i was able to create one of the best formulas i ever encounterd..