Advanced Stealth Hydro Bubbeponics Thread

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SpongeBob Squarepants grows hydroponically!

He grows with tiny bubbles, just like you and me!


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We are The BubbleHeads!

If you want to learn from the greats,
PurpDaddy, Mostly Crazy, Bongtok4u,, db297, JonnyBtreed, Southern Grower, HomeGrown Hairy, ACGrower, MajPat, tSunami13, BlueyBong, Paranoid420, LongHornFan, SmokeNchoke, hubebaba, peterman990, xpac7007, chnk915, and hundreds of other skilled bubbleponic growers, then learn from THE BUBLEHEADS.

If you can teach DWC and Bubbleponics, am willing to help the new members here, and want to be part of a family, then join us.

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We are The BubbleHeads!!!!!


We are NOT DirtBags!!! We can grow in water!

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By adding this bubblehead Logo to your signature, and claiming membership to the BubbleHeads, you agree to be very helpful to Newbies with DWC and Bubbleponics with patience and caring and make all other BubbleHeads proud to be a member of the gang. If you do not know the answer, go get someone else from the BubbleHead Gang to help.
Send this invitation to anyone you like and be sure that they know DWC and Bubbleponics and are willing to help newbies.

May the Bubble Force be with us all.
God Bless our Chief BubbleHead, Mostly Crazy!

The BubbleHeads are dedicated to helping others learn to grow in water, simple, fast and easy.

Helpful links:

BubbleHead Logo Post # 10672

CFL Tutorial -

What is Bubbleponics Post # 9835

8 Step Recovery Post # 9838

Start Nutes - Drain and Replinish # 10395

10 Days, 12 days, 15 days, 20 days Post # 9

Temps, Humidity Post # 8491


Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial
BUBBLEHEADS know how to grow!
Tonight I harvest gentlemen! Thanks again for all the help i'll be sure to post pics in my journal

Today is 2 days short of 11 weeks flowering

Got some extra sharp scissors for trimming?

And next harvest, I am going to try rubber gloves. I've been told they are great to save that extra kief.
Got some extra sharp scissors for trimming?

And next harvest, I am going to try rubber gloves. I've been told they are great to save that extra kief.

Im going to buy a new spring loaded scissor today! Luckily I have plenty of latex gloves so maybe i'll give that a try...>What do you like to trim over rose? I have like a giant salad bowl but I want to put somthing over my table to catch any falling kief lol:joint:
Hey Smoke - First of all - congrats man - have fun. I'm going to be doing the same thing for the first time in about 3 weeks or so. I'm kind of following your posts to pick up some tips.
Salad bowl is good. I use a big walnut salad bowl I got as a wedding present 35 years ago. I knew I find a use for it someday! LOL! The good trim goes in the bowl and the fan leaves go in a box for drying. I lay the fan leaves out on the top of a 50 gallon tote and put a fan blowing in their general direction.

I used latex gloves the last 2 cuts and your get some fine finger hash that I smoke when I'm done cutting! Just keep the gloves on and at the end rub your fingers in a circular motion over something flat like a plate or mirror.

I've used the same scissors for 5 grows and it might be time for a new one. Mine was cheap but functional.
Im going to buy a new spring loaded scissor today! Luckily I have plenty of latex gloves so maybe i'll give that a try...>What do you like to trim over rose? I have like a giant salad bowl but I want to put somthing over my table to catch any falling kief lol:joint:

I hate to let one grain of kief get away.
I cut off limbs in my grow room, and lay them on a tray covered with non stick tin foil and take the tray to my kitchen table.
I have two boxes there lined with non-stick tin foil, one for fan leaves, one for trim leaves. I keept hem separate, and use the fan leaves for oil, and the trim leaves for hash. And I have a trash box for the stems.
Im going to buy a new spring loaded scissor today! Luckily I have plenty of latex gloves so maybe i'll give that a try...>What do you like to trim over rose? I have like a giant salad bowl but I want to put somthing over my table to catch any falling kief lol:joint:

Harvesting and Curing
Many hydro growers drain the tank and fill it with plain water, two days before harvest. Called Flushing. (I quit doing that, I just could not taste any difference.) Soil growers also FLUSH before harvesting.
I cut the longest branches, put them on a tin-foiled covered tray, and go to my kitchen table. I try to catch any fallen trichomes on the tin foil.
I have three boxes, one for the big FAN leaves. (for oil)
one box for the TRIM leaves, the leaves with trichomes on them, that I manicured off the buds, FOR HASH. I've manicured much more since I learned how to make HASH. I want some naked STEM at the end of the buds to fasten my tape to, so I can hang it in the drying box.

AND One Box for the smaller popcorn buds. (small buds with no stems)

I manicure them, and cut the leaves off. I manicure closely. IF you leave those leaves on, by the time the buds are dry, the leaves are crispy and harsh to smoke.
I string masking tape across the top of the box, making rows about 3 or 4 inches a part. I wrap a piece of masking tape, about 4 inches long, around the tip end of the stem, and hang it from the masking tape, in rows, not letting the buds touch each other. VERY IMPORTANT.

I separate the bigger buds from the smaller ones IN DIFFERENT BOXES.
I put the boxes in a dark room, NO DIRECT LIGHT, and blow a gentle oscillating fan across the top, but not on them.
The big buds take 7 days, the smaller ones 5 days. Popcron buds take 3 or 4 days. Some take 5 days.
If you dry them too much, you can add back moisture. If you do not dry them enough, you get rotten buds and mold.
Dry them til the end of the stem will SNAP when you break it, but not crispy dry.
Again, the big buds take 7 days to dry, under a small fan,the smaller ones 5 days.
Keep them in the dark with little light to see and inspect.
I never smoke them then, NEVER.
VERY IMPORTANTLY I then CURE them 30 days in wide mouth jars, opening the jar for ten seconds EVERYDAY , for 30 days.
Every day, I sniff them, smell them, for any funky moldy smell. If they do not smell right, then dry them outside the jar another day or two.
I've lost one jar, out of hundreds, the 30th day, it went bad, to Bud MOLD.

I can not emphasis the importance and difference if you properly MANICURE, Dry AND Cure them.
DO I HAVE TO Cure 30 days?
Definitely, I do know for sure, I tried smoking buds cured for a only a week, for two weeks, three weeks and 4 weeks. You should try it too, and you will find what I found. Buds cured 4 weeks not only taste better, they burn better and get you higher too. It has something to do with some scientific complicated SUGAR PROCESSING. or the sugars change . I am 100% sure, you will agree, if you test it like I did. CURE FOR 30 DAYS!

DRYING? They say dry them til the stem will snap. Well, I get stems the thickness of fishing line and I get stems the thickness of a pencil, even bigger. That tells me that you can not DRY them ALL the same amount of time. So I sort mine, fatter stems from skinny stems. The skinny ones, I DRY for 5 or 6 days. The fat ones, I DRY for 7 to 8 days. IF YOU OVER DRY, YOU CAN REMOISTEN THEM. IF YOU DO NOT DRY THEM ENOUGH, THEY WILL ROT ! I dry mine in the open air, moving air, moved with an oscillating fan. A gentle breeze, in temps of what central air or central heat gives me, which is around 75 to 78 degrees and humidity of 30% to 40%.
AND YOU MUST DRY AND CURE THEM IN DARKNESS. LIGHT IS THE ENEMY WHEN DRYING AND CURING. I do DRY mine in a room with the shades pulled down, it is not very dARK, but it is not any direct LIGHT, just some leaking light. I read up on Drying and Curing in 4 books I bought, and the above is what they say.

Save the trim leaves for HASH, you'll be so glad you did.

When I put my buds in Jars, I put them in the jar one bud at a time, feeling it, to see if it is VERY dry, overly dry, or NOT dry enough.

I also save several large pieces of the STEM, for later. When I check a jar, if I find a vERY dry bud, a bud too crispy and dry, I ad a short piece of fresh moist stem to the jar, for a half day, to re-moistion it.

Daily inspecting the jars, opening and smelling them, is of the upmost importantance.

Those pics are a mixture of my 2007 and 2008 crop. The 2007 crop, I did not trim close. I trimmed, but not close. I'd leave a half inch, to keep the scissors from getting glued together adn I was just lazy and in a hurry. I always got a lot of very dry, too dry, bud leaves, that smoked harsh. More times than not, I threw them away or gave them away.

And then I got a KIEF Box with a screen, and I started trimming much closer. The 2008 pics, I trimmed close and everytime I opend a new jar, I went and trimmed them again, to make MORE hash.

Now I reccomend trimming as much as possible and making hash, I never leave any leaf to go into the jar now. I pluck off what I can not trim off.

Buds without STEMS, I just spread out in a box, NOT LETTING THEM PILE UP OR TOUCH EACH OTHER. I stir them everyday.
Proper Harvest and DRYING and Curing are as IMPORTANT as GROWING.

Attached Thumbnails

Popcorn buds:


AHhh so it took me and 3 of my friends over 4 hours to trim it up! Everything is hanging minus a few that are drying in baskets because i couldn't hang em up....I had no idea I was going to harvest as much as I did...Can't thank you guys enough for all the help! I will be posting pics soon
Jonny ~ here's a reflector I made for six 40W CFL's, which I use during the veg cycle.

Simple & clean by design with a sheet of mylar over both boards for max reflection.

Peace Out!!


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Im ready to join the Bubbleheads! I dont have much experience with DWC but I liked what I had seen from it... before I had to kill her that it. With the summer heat I couldnt keep the res temps cool enuff and eventually the temps climbed to 85 and thats when I pulled the plug cause I had 4 other healthy plants that I didnt want getting fucked up if the DWC caught a disease.

Well the temps are cooler now and I have one Super Lemon Haze that germinated today and went straight to a small rock wool cube. Cleaning out some hydroton while the air stones are being cleaned (damn hydro store was out of stones). I dont have much knowledge to offer since my only prodject last all of 5 weeks but the plant looked pretty good despite the high temps so something was going right. Once she sprouts I plan to start a new journal for this little girl only and leave the rest in the other journal.

Thanks to everyone for all the useful info. This thread is why the plant looked good even tho the high temps and now that mother nature is cooperating I can get about 3 grows of sativas this fall/winter/ spring before I go back to coco next summer. Here's to a long winter for me.

So can I be a part of the Bubbleheads?
Absolutely! A lot of people go through the trials and tribulations of their first grow and they learn alot as I am sure you have. Your fellow bubbleheads will do all we can to help you learn so you can teach others! Welcome. Please grab the badge!

Woohoo! I loaded the badge to the sig but it hasnt shown up yet but I know sometimes they dont show up right away in posts.

I did learn alot from the first grow and I was winging it big time. Since then I did more homework and decided to give either Mel Frank or the Lucas formula a try. Got free GH flora nutes for free from the hydro dude at the store so I gave em a try on two of our flowering plants that are growing in dirt. I like what I've seen so I figured if I can make it this far winging it, I wonder what can happen with a good formula to go by along with great advice from you fine people. Hopefully I will learn quick so that maybe I can help others and not look like a boob that knows shit.

Time to go rub it in to the woman about how Im in a Bubblehead gang and Im going to kick her coco ass!
Oh great, now we're involved in defending the honor of Maledom! LOL! We'll just have to put a little extra spit on our fastball! Let the games begin!
Oh great, now we're involved in defending the honor of Maledom! LOL! We'll just have to put a little extra spit on our fastball! Let the games begin!

Na, we just like to talk some friendly trash to one another is all. She's kicking some butt in coco so I have my work cut out for me. In the end Im still her biggest fan even if she wins. :mrgreen:

I love baseball! Bring me that weak ass shit! lol

Going to leave the stones air drying over night so I shall be mixing some nutes for my little baby in the morning. One question... not sure how much to start off with? Was thinking 1/4 strenght and see how that goes. Were finding out now that the Super Lemon Haze's are nute whores in coc so thats why Im unsure about 1/4 strength.

Shit, I forgot to get a battery for the TDS meter. Just when I thought I was finished for the evening. :eyesmoke:
Rule is water only until you see two sets of "real" leaves and not the little round ones it seed uses to break the shell. I had engough nutes to get it that far. When you do start you start with 1/4 strength and work your way up slowly so you don;t nute burn them. No quarter pounders for the two week old! LOL! If your strain is truly a nute hog you'll know soon enough. Best to soak the airstones rather than air dry them.

In Baseball slang I like the high hard one! LOL! I'm a catcher in a 52 and over hard pitch league. I had a quintuple bypass 2 years ago and I had to prove something to myself and especially my Dad. Let's just say he contributed heavily to my screen name! LOL!
Im ready to join the Bubbleheads! I dont have much experience with DWC but I liked what I had seen from it... before I had to kill her that it. With the summer heat I couldnt keep the res temps cool enuff and eventually the temps climbed to 85 and thats when I pulled the plug cause I had 4 other healthy plants that I didnt want getting fucked up if the DWC caught a disease.

Well the temps are cooler now and I have one Super Lemon Haze that germinated today and went straight to a small rock wool cube. Cleaning out some hydroton while the air stones are being cleaned (damn hydro store was out of stones). I dont have much knowledge to offer since my only prodject last all of 5 weeks but the plant looked pretty good despite the high temps so something was going right. Once she sprouts I plan to start a new journal for this little girl only and leave the rest in the other journal.

Thanks to everyone for all the useful info. This thread is why the plant looked good even tho the high temps and now that mother nature is cooperating I can get about 3 grows of sativas this fall/winter/ spring before I go back to coco next summer. Here's to a long winter for me.

So can I be a part of the Bubbleheads?

Please join and display the logo. we are TEACHERS and LEARNERS both.
Rule is water only until you see two sets of "real" leaves and not the little round ones it seed uses to break the shell. I had engough nutes to get it that far. When you do start you start with 1/4 strength and work your way up slowly so you don;t nute burn them. No quarter pounders for the two week old! LOL! If your strain is truly a nute hog you'll know soon enough. Best to soak the airstones rather than air dry them.

In Baseball slang I like the high hard one! LOL! I'm a catcher in a 52 and over hard pitch league. I had a quintuple bypass 2 years ago and I had to prove something to myself and especially my Dad. Let's just say he contributed heavily to my screen name! LOL!
"Give em the heat Rickey!". I love baseball except this year, my team wont sniff the playoffs so Im glad it's football season.

Thats amazing to be out there playing after that kind of surgery. My dad had a quad by-pass back in 92 at about your age so I have an idea of what it takes to recover from such a surgery and it sure isnt a short road to recovery.

Were pretty sure they are whores. The two in coco exploded right out of the gate and almost immediately were deficient as the first true leaves were coming up. I will start slow and wait for her to let me know but Im sure it wont take long.

Going to fire up the bucket here in a bit and put the cube in so the root can go straight to the water... once it taps.

Please join and display the logo. we are TEACHERS and LEARNERS both.
Thank you much. Looking forward to seeing how these sativas try to drive me crazy. :mrgreen: