hey banana,
great job thus far. I've been watching this thread for sometime now, I've got a similar set up with an aerogarden classic. I have recently run into a minor issue and was wondering if any of you kind people out there could help in finding a solution. my "girls", lets hope, are between 1-3 weeks in, i started them at different time periods, and just within the past few days the largest of the three is starting to show signs of yellowing and slight burning on one of the leaves, practically the entire leaf with the occasional spot or two on others. The second largest is now doing the same thing and i am puzzled to what is doing this. I have been giving the proper amount of nutes, fox farm grow big, and i try and keep my ph around 6.3. I just got done flushing the resevior as well, so everything is new and clean.
Could someone please shine some light on what I'm doing wrong, I dont want them to die
also, I apologize for not adding pics, my camera is lame
thanks so much,