Hey everybody!!!
My name is Gypsy and I love my Aerogarden... lol
I am in week 5 of flowering 4 clones...
The AG has allowed me to have a grow in a hotel room...

... I am in the big city, undergoing physical therapy after a severe injury... and instead of going crazy... 7 months in a hotel room...

... I got an AG...
You can take a peek at my journal and see that I have modified the lights quite a bit... and I am getting ready to do another big re-vamp...
I still don't need a lot of smoke but I do want it to be the best quality I can make it...
My plan (once I am back home) is to have 4 trays (1 AG and 3 DIY "AGs") flowering under the 600 watt HPS with an 8" cool tube I just ordered...

Waay overkill , I know, but if I ever decide to grow more, or bigger, I will be ready...
Right now I have a concoction of lights over and around the AG...
Oh! by the way, I have not had my AG on it's base for weeks now... it is just a reservoir with an airstone... I donated the original hood and base (to hold the light) to
The Alpha Beta Project - A Miniature Aquaponic Farm
So, on to the lights I am currently using...
10 x 26 watt CFLs
1 x 35 watt HPS
2 x 70 watt HPS
1 x 100 watt MH
Soooo, I am running over 400 watts in a bunch of lights that are doing an acceptable job ... but I figured I should just bite the bullet and commit...

The AG has taught me so much... there is no way I could ever bash it... every home should have one... have you guys seen the 3 hole units???? perfect for flowers in the corner of your desk... the whole program, cannabis or not is great...!!!
But I must say... right now, my AG is just a tank with a lid that has holes in it... the base right now is holding ZEN STYLE mini DWC trays with food and cannabis seedlings, along with my future mum...
So, one would have to agree that it can be done cheaper...
But I have been one to always defend the convenience factor and also the fact that it helps to remove some of the "magik" out of the whole thing, bringing it down to a practical level that most of us can relate to...
I mean... I'm in my room, in a wheel chair, and I dial around until I locate a store that carried it... then called a cab to get my money, go buy the thing and bring it back to me...
There is no other way I would have gotten into growing IN MY HOTEL ROOM...!!! Thanks AG...!!!
Well ... enough rambling... here are a few pictures from my thread, just to make it worth the read, i guess... lol
Well... I hope you guys liked that... sorry for jumping the middle there... but you get the idea...
Thanks again for starting this wonderful thread!!!!