AeroGarden Guide *NEW AND IMPROVED*

Ive had a couple good grow on the ag with some af blue diesel. I used nutes on day one. Im setting it back up next week. i got a dope camera so i will have my grow up soon.
I just set up two AeroG Pros one with 3 Joint Doctor's Diesel Ryders and one with 4 of G-13 Labs Poison Dwarfs. Got it on 24 hr light schedule on the strawberry setting. The temps running high at around 85 during the day, higher if the door to the grow room is closed, and prolly around 75-80 at night with the door open. I'm running one small non oscillating fan on high and when circumstances are primo I open the door and run a regular 3 speed box fan on high directly on the door way. My grow area is about 44cubic feet. 5'2" at the tallest point or left hand side(H1), 3'1" across (W), 1'10" at the lower side or right hand side (H2), 4'6" running from the left hand side to the right hand side(C1), by about 4' deep (L1). To try and make it clearer the roof goes from the highest point to the shorter, 1'10", point forming a triangular roof. My issue is the heat and air circulation. I've considered adding a 70cfm flat whisper fan but if the 3 speed box fan only brings the temp down by 5-8 degrees F then what other options could I employ if the 70 cfm flat whisper fan doesn't cool the room to below 80-85 degrees F? I wanted to use an AeroG just to work on my basic growing techniques and to get some quick automatik nug for my head stash until I use my 400w HPS and other seeds. I've grown several times using bagseed indoors and out but almost always under the circumstances of growing it at someone else's place and leaving the little guys in their care resulting in either death, thievery, or poor care. I feel that I can grow but just wanted to take baby steps into it until I'm fully confident that my babies will do fine in a second larger scale setup. I'll try and post some pics of my current setup so you might get a better idea of what I'm talking about. My bad I'm new to the forum and trying to learn. I'll be posting on here,,, and with full gro journals and pics as soon as things start to get under way. Any help would be much appreciated.:leaf:
do i grow from seeds in the strawberry setting tooo on 24 hr light schedule.
Fa sho man, sounds good, i do believe you keep the auto's on 18/6, they should show by them selves
could i just put them in my aerogarden from seeds and set them on kitchen counter until germination for their first sets of leaves with no fan and just lighting from the aerogarden.
question : for my seeding what should i put my aerogarden settings toooo ? i have the aerogarden classic 7 pod... and is it possible to germinate all 7 for about 3 weeks before transplanting into my bigger grow room 400 watt hps system with 6 inch net pots should i just use aerogarden nutes for the first 3 weeks of grow will that be ok..... thanks in advance......
yes you can do that but you definatly want to get an air pump and an air stone and ad that to your Aerogarden ASAP. With an airstone the stock pump that comes with the aerogarden is obsolete. I have an Aerogarden 7 pod and I have grown a few small ladies in it but right now Im using it as a starter before I transfer into my DWC setup. I tried the stock aerogarden and found that the airstone setup is a must. But other than that you can leave it stock and forget about it. I germinate in mine and everything. Hope this helps. Anymore questions just ask. This is a great guide and I hope to help keep it updated.
question : for my seeding what should i put my aerogarden settings toooo ? i have the aerogarden classic 7 pod... and is it possible to germinate all 7 for about 3 weeks before transplanting into my bigger grow room 400 watt hps system with 6 inch net pots should i just use aerogarden nutes for the first 3 weeks of grow will that be ok..... thanks in advance......

Unless you have no alternative i would stay away from the Aerogarden nutes is possible. If you have to use them start out at 1/4 strength and move up from there
okay, first id like to say this guide was extreamley helpful but i was looking at some onf the new aero gardens and the model i was looking at had a digital timer in it its stated that it was for the lights. so do i still need the timer im in the prosess of procureing these itemes one by one. so im just trying to get my shoping list in order. and also i watched a vid on you tube with someone growing some ak in an wero garden it looked amazeing but she didnt seam to have any additonal lighting so my question is are the cfls requred?
okay, first id like to say this guide was extreamley helpful but i was looking at some onf the new aero gardens and the model i was looking at had a digital timer in it its stated that it was for the lights. so do i still need the timer im in the prosess of procureing these itemes one by one. so im just trying to get my shoping list in order. and also i watched a vid on you tube with someone growing some ak in an wero garden it looked amazeing but she didnt seam to have any additonal lighting so my question is are the cfls requred?

No the cfls are not required BUT if your going to grow from start to finsih in the AG then adding supplemental light is VERY helpful. If your only using the AG for cloning or starting seeds than the stock lights are just fine. BUt a good rule of thumb is the more light the better the plants will respond and that means a better yield because your ladies are happy.
Okay, I need a little help. I have been growing for about 3 1/2 weeks. Ive got a nice little 5 inch plant. I planted Lowryder 2 seeds. I have been on a 24-0 light schedule. Should I change my light schedule yet? What should my pH be? Any advice would be much appreciated.
I just started with a 7 pod system and some seeds my buddy found in a field they seem to be sprouting fine I'm just wondering if there's a way to find out if you have male or a female plant in the early stages
i've heard of using a spray bottle to spray the leaves ontop of what the aerogarden already does. also, what do people mean when they say to cover up the pods with paper seals???
Hi this is just my opinion and others may think differently but here is my thing on watering leaves. I have grown many (many) plants and have never ever sprayed the leaves. The only place I put water is the dirt, the reason for this is plants get their water and nutrients from the root systems. Watering or spraying will hurt more than anything. As with outside plants, people make the mistake of watering the leave and many times the plants burn. Only water the dirt or what ever medium you are using. Hope this helps.
I am very new to gardening and have 0 growing experience. The Aerogarden got my attention bc it seems very easy to use. I have been researching growing techniques for about a week on the internet and YouTube. I think I have a pretty good grasp on how to grow a good harvest. But I'm also smart enough to know that there are plenty of experienced growers who can help me along with my grow and id love to benefit from their experience and knowledge. I am currently waiting on my Aerogarden to arrive. It should be here by Tuesday and I will be posting every step of the process even me opening the box lol I purchased the Aerogarden Extra Elite. I have already purchased the other components I researched that would be needed-Aquarium Air Pump (14.99 Petco)-Air Stone (4.99 Petco)-8 inch Clear Air Tubing (3.99 Petco)-Pond Test Kit (16.99 Petco)-Dehumidifier (39.98 Home Depot )-Round Back Uplights (11.97 Home Depot)-EcoSmart27-Watt (100W) Full Spectrum Craft CFL Light Bulb (8.97 Home Depot)-Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 32 Oz ( 18.95 Hydroponics Store)
  • -Fox Farm Big Bloom 32 Oz (16.95 Hydroponics Store)-Fox Farm Grow Big 32 Oz (18.95 Hydroponics Store)- 25 ft Mylar Reflective Film (36.75 Hydroponics Store)-Measuring Cup (3.99 Hydroponics Store)-Thermometer (9.24 Walmart)-Small Desk Fan (5.00 Craigslist)-Room Fan (10.00 Craigslist)-Deer Park Bottled Water (5.00 7/11)-I listed the items and prices and where I purchased them to help others who would like to know where to purchase these items this by no means a Bible on where and how to shop...I know I over paid on certain items but my biggest concern is quality. And I also don't plan on having the greatest harvest ever but I wanted to get the highest end items for the budget I have.-My 1st grow will be with some Grand Daddy Purple Clones. My Grow Room is basically my closet. I converted 1 of my dresser drawers into a small grow box and lined it with the Mylar bc I wanted more control over the temperature and lighting. The temperature stays consistently around 75 but when I turn the lights on it goes up to 81 I'm worried when I put the Aerogarden in the box the temp will be too high-I'm using Bottled Spring Water for the entire grow bc I don't trust our tap water....I even boiled the bottled water to purify it even more lol (I know that's a but much but *shrug*) I believe the only items I am missing are PH Rising Formula and PH Decreasing Formula and I also want a Digital PH Meter because I don't like the strips but the one at the hydroponics store was too pricey. I will also be posting pics of everything bc I'm more of a picture person.Any and all useful advice would be greatly appreciated
Got my pH meter at with the up and down chems as well around 17 bucks I believe
yeah you NEED the air pump of 24/7, only have the lights on 12/12
Question if pump needs to be on 24/7 do I need timer for pump can't I just plug pump in so it runs all the time and use built in timer for light 18/6 I'm talking about the pump I added the tube runs through hole in top of ag took rubber plug out and ran air tubing through the hole. I'm am on the right track or is this wrong?
Thought I'd share as to why, even though I have a tent and grow in coco, I also am always perpetually growing 1 plant in an aerogarden. Simply, its because I use the aerogarden for short autoflowers only. Aerogardens are particularly well suited for this purpose, especially if you have the "tall" version.

I only grow ONE plant at a time. (if it turns out to be a male I just start another one, autoflowers let you know in a reasonable amount of time.)
I only have to make 1 gallon of water, (convienient).
I can run the built in pump and stock lights for at least two weeks before I have to add additional lighting and an airpump.
I grow with BMO nutes. They work best when constantly being aerated.
It is very easy to adjust PH. The bottles I have seem to last forever!
There are some really wonderful autoflowers out there.
If you also purchase a 4X2 tent, lighting and odor control are a piece of cake! AND it does not need venting!! Just open it twice a day.
Autoflower plants in an aerogarden respond well to UFO LED's. (next I will try a Kessil LED)
Except for the initial investment, its cheap and easily provides enough for a personal grow.

Don't overcomplicate this. Check your PH once a day. Add lights when needed, watch your roots so you don't seize the built in pump, do not use Foxfarm nutes, (to much silt), also do not use the fertilizer tabs that come with the Aerogarden, change the built in lights yearly and sit back and enjoy the grow!

Oh and if you have the cash remove the hood and use a LED UFO to flower. I prefer the Lighthouse Hydro.

And allow me to emphasize, only short autoflowers! Read the info on the seeds before ordering. Good luck!
This is my plan exactly only diff is I bought the ag extra led and the light boosters I have 4 CFLs but I'm thinking of using a 4' 2 bulb shop light with grow lights trying to figure out what will work better. Also using technoflora recipe for success nutes added air pump with 10" bubble wand. Auto purple big bud auto flowering strain. Does this sound right or am I way off