AeroGarden Guide *NEW AND IMPROVED*

oh aight, never really heard of anything, but im sure any green light would work, but you would want to examine them quickly
I got 5.5 oz off of three plants with 4 65W CFLs and the General Hydroponics 3 part nutrient line.

Fox youre a beast tho lol one of the masters normal ppl would have about 1 oz per plant with out a HPS

if not I should be getting about 3-4oz off of my grow w/2 plants 4 85w CFLs & Fox Farm trio:leaf:
Hi just got agd started germ process with 5 in a pod 6 day cracked spurted but lil brown on leaves maybe because used 2 small nute took dome off and all have sum growth and not all have partial brown but look good so far growing fast. I also have 400 w hps reflectors and pumps other nutes plan on using uprooting sum and starting n my own home built system to produce more yield and have a variety ways of doing so any tips for why brown and is harb setting ok for ag
Hi guys,

Really interesting forum, I saw the ag a couple months ago and it didn't really click how I could use it to it's 'fullest' capabilities, the only problem is that here in the UK we can only get the standard model.. not the pro or deluxe version, which as I understand, the primary advantage is the additional extension of the light, will the standard be ok? and just a quick question about the additional lights, where is it best to position them? And are there any seeds that may work better with this reduced height?

I'm really excited about this whole project and can't wait to put my AG on order, i'm looking to get everything sorted to start my grow on New Years Day.

Easy Fellaz 'Nuff love
[QUOTE="SICC";3484723]the standard should be fine, as for the lights if you skim thru this thread there should be some pics of peoples set up, i cant post any of mine cause this laptop im on sucs, and for reduced light lookin into TOPPING the plants


Nice one man, I was looking at the lowryder strain (, seems like it will suit the job nicely, I'm gonna put in an order for a CFL with a reflector for a bit of additional lighting, but since the strain im gonna get goes from seedling to flowerring by itself I dont quite know if I should keep it on 24/7 from the off....

Ill make my own thread once i get everything and have it all set up!

sounds good man, there is a thread some where about the auto's , i'll have to try and find it
Hey guys, this thread is a goldmine of info and im using it as a base to start my Aerogarden project. Good work !

Just wondering, im looking at getting an air pump for my airstones just now, does this one seem suitable ? I presume having two outlets means I'll be able to have two air stones in the reservoir ?

Sera Air 275

Annoyingly, Im not seeing any airstones on this website. Trying to do it all online.
[QUOTE="SICC";3493225]that pump looks fine, weird that they dont have the stones tho[/QUOTE]

Cheers SICC, yeah it is weird, im just going to get some off of ebay or maybe head to a pet shop and see what they've got.

I've yet to find a Y splitter for CFL's online anywhere in UK but I'm hoping to find one when I visit some hardware shops. Checked out B & Q's website ( big gardening, DIY chain) but couldnt find nout.

Gonna grow Diesel Ryders I reckon.
Ive decided i'm going to wait to get an aero garden and just invest in a couple more lights and do it in soil first, i mean its my first grow i think i want to just test the water before i jump right in, i mean for the same money i could get a pretty decent set up with decent lights good soil mix and a couple fans, gonna be interesting no doubt, still gonna go with the lowryder though, I like the look of that bad boy! Ill keep ya posted

Nice one man, I was looking at the lowryder strain (, seems like it will suit the job nicely....

Ill make my own thread once i get everything and have it all set up!


You are an inspiration TwoJoints, I tried the standard 7 cell at first but the plants out grew the unit. Invested in the 24" lamp hood and still over grow!
It became a clone nursery after that until the strain morph'd.
Followed your LowRyder link and figure maybe one more try.....$8 to $9 a seed?...Shipped to the US?...Oh My!
BTW: Be careful of root saturation, chokes the pump filter and flow is reduced considerably not to mention changing solution as needed.
Currently have 2 EarthBoxes with bubblers and 150w cfl's and FoxFarm nutrients the spare room is stinkin and buds are sticky...LOL
Next run will be AK-48 and/or Medussa from my friends in the Netherlands!