Welcome to the AeroGarden Guide for Beginning to Grow Marijuana!
The Aerogarden is a wonderful tool that helps new growers learn the fundamentals of cultivation through great hands-on experience and provides a starting point for transistion to bigger and better setups.
It uses two techniques of growing, one being Aeroponics and the other Hydroponics. As you read through this guide, you will learn how to grow marijuana from seed to harvest in your AeroGarden machine.
I will take you through the basics of:
* Materials Required
* Suggested Supplemental Materials
* Lights and Their Cycles
* Nutrients and Their Schedules, and
* Making It All Happen
Materials Required
* AeroGarden
There are many different shapes and sizes of AeroGardens to choose from. Pick one that suits your needs.
* 24hr Timer
You can snag one of these from Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc... They usually run anywhere from $4 to $15.
* Figure 8 Power Cord
You can find these at Radioshack or other electronic stores.
If you're like me, you can use the power cord from your old Original Xbox or PS2.
* Nutrients
You can use the nutrients that come with your AeroGarden, but, with better nutrients you will achieve a better outcome.
There are a couple different types to choose from, and several brands.
* pH Testing and Adjustment Kit
This is a must! You can order these online or obtain them from your local hydro shop.
There are other ways of going about this, but I wouldn't recommend them.
Suggested Supplemental Materials
* Additional Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL)
You can find these at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc...
They range in size, watts, lumen output and color temp.
* Aquarium Air Pump and Tubing
You can pick these up from Walmart or a pet store. A 30 gallon pump should work just fine.
* Aquarium Air Stones
Same as above. Ranges from small rock sized stones to around 20 inches.
* Thermometer/Hygrometer (Temp/Humidity)
Walmart carries them for around $7.
Lights and Their Cycles