Aerogarden, Round 2

Just ordered my aerogarden today, can anyone give me some pointers, additional chems I need to buy? or what is the proper ph, and how do you adjust it? and what is the proper way to do a resevoir change? thank you
i just realized that maybe part of the problem is that my roots are exposed. when the babies opened up and popped out, i was forced to take off the little paper covers. i have recently just popped them back on as a result, maybe that'll help with my adjusted ph. so as of now i'm probably a 5.5-6.0 ph, with covering the roots, we'll see.

Jamie, i would refer to Teknique70's grow:;


a good resource for overall grow techniques: Marijuana Grower's Handbook

another overall idea of whats goin on:
Drugs-Forum - Cannabis cultivation: Overgrow's GrowFAQ

and then for problems:
Marijuana Plants Problems - Yellow Leaves, brown spots, nutrient shortage etc.

i found both those quite informative.

both are freakin sweet... You've got yourself a dynasty here, Tek..

can't wait to see the lowrider grow!

Thanks trent... I'd like to see lowryder in the aerogarden myself....

When the seed is young use very little nutes, or else you well get yellowing and spotting like scott... And leave the paper covers on! haha

Do a search on rollitup for "Aerogarden" to find all information....

actually it wasn't the nutes. ph was off, combined with the roots exposure-makes a spotty group, but they're better meow. i'm using general hydroponics ph balancing so now we're all good. at least they're just ugly, not dead. and yes, leave the paper covers on.
Get a fish tank pump and an aerator... put it in the water... when the air bubbles pop they mist your roots :hump: I did this and also put tin foil down over the platform... My plants are looking awesome! :peace:
finally got one of the little buggers to start in the areo, should start to bud in 3 weeks will post pic soon. I hope for a few seeds in the lowryder as the are very expensive from england or amsterdam. 10 buck a piece and so far one out of 3 sprouted ouch lol....but hopefully choke choke choke very soon ....
here they are so far sorry for messy space but efficient...the little one is lowryder2 now just keep the nutes up and ph right and hope for fems...


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The plants look very healthy, nice job!

But the plants look like some stretching has occured, my guess is that you raised the lights sooner than you should have, next time don't raise the hood until the plants are practically touching the bulbs, also next time get some side lighting like I have if possible...

I like how you have cut the fan leaves on the lower part of the stem to allow for light to get to the new growth....I have tried this recently and I believe it could be somthing necessary to do with the aerogarden...

It seems like you have enough space to satisify large plants cause those 2 will get big! How tall are they now? I'm also worried that the 2 low ryder wont get enough light but if you have that HID you'll probobly be fine...

Overall looking nice man, keep it up.

Thanks for the link TEK..

nice to see such GREAT pictures (first post in this thread)

How come you are cutting off so many fan leaves...?

yep the one plant on the right seem to be long and stemmy from the getgo but the other is growing the way I want it seems to be fillling out nicely and yep removed the lower leaves to get more light/more nuts to the top where hopefully the buds will be growing, and with the 400 w hps light should provide more light then needed, it seem like only one lowryder is going to come up, so I will try to keep it happy by either clipping or tying them away from it, hope it works as always with this system we will see but so far I am pleased.:hump:
GardenKnowm, What do you do when your fan leaves are blocking all the light from lower parts of the plant? Does the plant get buds on parts where it recieves little light?

Thanks for the compliments,
when you look at the aerogarden pump it has a dial on it (at least mine does) and I turned it up full. Also you may want to contact aerogarden and tell them the unit made a whinning sound for a few days and then just stopped, after doing this they sent me a new seed pack and a new pump just as a standby, and all this at no cost....just thought ya'll might want to know...I e-mailed the customer service thru the aerogarden website. there have been some issues with the pumps going down, so having a backup ready is a good idea....
Stubbone How tall are they? Is this your first grow?
right now the lowryder is just coming up, the others are about 10-12 inches, by the time the lowryder is about 6-8 inches, when it should be auto flowering I think they will be about 2-3 feet and then I will switch to budding nutes and the bigger light, right now it 18 on 6 off. Nope I have done a few many years ago, (outside in the woods) with pretty good skunk grows. I used to help my gramps with his tomatoes in a hydro setting, but this aerogarden, being so compact fits into my small space, and I will try to make the most out of it... so far I have not changed the water, I think doing so may shock the plants, but I am keeping a close eye on the nutes and ph, to me it is like a small pond which I took care of, if you have plants and running water it should filter itself without changing the water, but then again if it get stagnant I will change it but until then I will let em grow thanks....:peace:

I never ever cut fan leaves ... well.. sometimes.. but only if there are severe ventilation issues in massive SCROG grows... 100-500 plants...

The fan leaves ARE ..... what need the MOST light the most..

FAN LEAVES "capture" the light and turn it into energy for the plant...

This is why it is important to have adequate light OR flower when the plant is very small.. 4-5 nodes...

Your plants grow fan leaves to get energy for the BUDS!!!


keep the pictures flowing...