Aerogarden, Round 2

Yea, I have been to petco... I just have three kids and a wife to worry about too... I make good money, but when your feeding and housing that many people funds can be a little sparce. I get paid tomorrow tho...hehe ill have about 100 extra bucks to throw into more lights and a test kit. Also need a timer cause im tired of turning the lights back on for two hours every night. Im lazy I guess... lol
Guys, i read somewhere in about getting a free replacement pump. I tried looking around for the post so i can give credit where its due but can't find it now.

It works. I just received email from them that they will send me a new one free of charge. So i have an backup just incase the pump does goes kaput.

I just received this after i send them my address and they didn't ask for anything sales receipt or serial number if there was one.

"Thank you for sending me that information. I went ahead and placed the order to have a new pump sent to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, you can reach us at 800-476-9669.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you

Scott Huizenga
AeroGrow Customer Care"

Here was their email response to my initial email stating that there was a problem with my pump...

"Thank you for contacting us concerning your AeroGarden.

I'm sorry to hear that the pump in your garden has recently become noisy. This is due to a minor flaw in the pump which has since been corrected. If you will provide us with your name and address, we will gladly send a replacement. The new pump will come with simple installation instructions, but of course you can call if you need any assistance.

We apologize for the inconvenience (and the noise), and look forward to hearing from you.
I believe that was tec's post... I havn't done it yet, but on my priorty list! God forbid that mofo goes out without a backup, ill go off the deep end.
Yea, I have been to petco... I just have three kids and a wife to worry about too... I make good money, but when your feeding and housing that many people funds can be a little sparce. I get paid tomorrow tho...hehe ill have about 100 extra bucks to throw into more lights and a test kit. Also need a timer cause im tired of turning the lights back on for two hours every night. Im lazy I guess... lol

i hear you dude...funds is a problem for me as well.

sorry i forgot that petland is a local franchize only...its cheap there. :-)
Yea, I live in the "Natural State" thats just cuz they fuck their cousins and sisters here... Sorry if anyone here was born here... Im from Cali originally...
I believe that was tec's post... I havn't done it yet, but on my priorty list! God forbid that mofo goes out without a backup, ill go off the deep end.

yeah that's what i was thinking...i got one seed going and nothing more and one pump...I need to send an email to them ASAP.

i need to build a closet to the flowering stage. its on my desk now.
Ok am I just evil or what? I just sent this email to aerogrow...

I recently bought a aerogarden from your company. The pump has quit working all together after making a whining noise for about a week. All of my gourmet herbs have died because of this, not to mention the time using the lights being wasted. I know that the instructions say to replace the bulbs every 6 months, but whats it matter if the pump is just going to go out and everything dies? I'm sorry but I expected better quality from this machine. Is there a defect in the pump or did I just get a faulty pump? Please make this right...
Thank you,
And my name

Lets see if the dumb fuckers will send extra lights with that free pump...hehe
when you look at the aerogarden pump it has a dial on it (at least mine does) and I turned it up full. Also you may want to contact aerogarden and tell them the unit made a whinning sound for a few days and then just stopped, after doing this they sent me a new seed pack and a new pump just as a standby, and all this at no cost....just thought ya'll might want to know...I e-mailed the customer service thru the aerogarden website. there have been some issues with the pumps going down, so having a backup ready is a good idea....
I posted that 4 days ago, you should have also said your plants seem to be dead and you would have gotten a new plant seed kit also. Thats cool you got the pump it takes about a week for delivery, but what the heck its free and its great to ave the backup.:mrgreen:
I posted that 4 days ago, you should have also said your plants seem to be dead and you would have gotten a new plant seed kit also. Thats cool you got the pump it takes about a week for delivery, but what the heck its free and its great to ave the backup.:mrgreen:
also I like the added part about the new bulbs lol I bet it works. keep me updated, I love free stuff...isn't that why we are here lol...
yup yup... I sent the email after business hours, and since im two hours ahead of them I havn't gotten an email back yet... As soon as I get the email back ill post what they had to say... Peace
also I like the added part about the new bulbs lol I bet it works. keep me updated, I love free stuff...isn't that why we are here lol...

damn...i hope they send me new pods as well.

oh the subject of bulbs...anyone know of a bulb replacement that will fit that socket but have a stronger light.
damn...i hope they send me new pods as well.

oh the subject of bulbs...anyone know of a bulb replacement that will fit that socket but have a stronger light.

Nope I sure don't... Im going to Wally World today and getting a pack of cfl's and going to petco to get reptile reflectors... The reason im getting these expencive ass reflectors is because they are high rated for heat and once I go into flowering im switching to hps bulbs for them. :peace:
oh man...i got to research the lights and what to use b4 i move them.

I want the cool ones that don't turn hot at the touch since i'm putting them into a portable closet...(similar to a locker type). I would like the lights to be portable as well similar to how teks has his to the sides...
Thats basically what im doing... Only thing is that im spending a little more money than I need to because I want to be able to use the same ballast for my hps bulbs... You can get just a regluar clip on work light and they will work great for cfl's. Its not the wattage of the cfl that matters... it's the lumins it puts out that counts. Peace
Thats basically what im doing... Only thing is that im spending a little more money than I need to because I want to be able to use the same ballast for my hps bulbs... You can get just a regluar clip on work light and they will work great for cfl's. Its not the wattage of the cfl that matters... it's the lumins it puts out that counts. Peace

hey mr_issues...can you enlighten me as to what you are talking about. Do you know where i can purchase the unit and the light bulbs...we not talking like homedepot / lowes are we? my local hydro place is sooo expensive. 3x the cost on the net.
Walmart dude... Thats the cheapest place I have seen them. Lowes/Home Depot will have them too, just a little more expencive.
Some are spiraled, but I would get the ones that look just like the lights in your aerogarden except they screw in just like a regular light bulb... As far as the highest lumin's emitted by one cfl, I don't know...there are many different kind... Anyone with a little more experiance in the field want to take that one?
thanks dude for your replies...if i'm asking newbies questions...thats caused i'm a serious newbie.

i'm gonna go check out got pics of what i should be looking for...the portable light unit that will fit both bulbs...
Here's a couple examples of the clip on lamp reflectors im talking about. Don't have to get them at petco, but this is the quickest example I could find...

Exo-Terra Glow Light Porcelain Clamp Lamp & Glow Reflector at PETCO

Fluker's Clamp-Lamps at PETCO

And for an example of the cfl's im refering to... Again, don't have to get them at petco, but gives you an idea of what to look for...

Zoo Med ReptiSun Compact Fluorescent UVB Lamp at PETCO

And No problem...Isn't that what were here for? Peace