Aeroponic Space Shuttle


Well-Known Member

Amazing roots.....

I am doing a DWC with an ultrasonic mister floating in the res. Thinking about attaching sprayers as well for a boost. I see it works well!!!


Well-Known Member
They are looking great.

Hope there are lots of girls.

I would love some pollen from them,
if you feel like harvesting any.



Well-Known Member
They are looking great.

Hope there are lots of girls.

I would love some pollen from them,
if you feel like harvesting any.

I do feel like it, may even try to pollinate a few brances. The folks that have look at this think they look better than the blues did and they are pushing 2' tall. I found out peak seeds has the texada time warp. maybe you told me that I don't remember. yeah one male one 10 females would be great. Only one is lagging, the rest look good. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Flush Day again.

The gnats are back!

There weren't any gnats on the sticky inside the rez last week,
and now it is covered.

Gettin' phat.



Well-Known Member
where do the gnats come from? how do you think they got into your grow room?

whats your remedy for gnat control aside from the sticky paper? also, how much do you think this would effect your yield?

you should put some xmass ornaments on her and take a pic like that :D that would be rather comical:mrgreen:


Active Member
Great setup man and great thread. Lots of pic's, that's what I like. Beautiful girl you got going there. Good luck on handling those gnats. Rapid reproducin' bastards.
-MMT- Later on...


Well-Known Member
A soon as the weather got warm outside,
the gnats bloomed.

I don't think they will affect the yield this late in the grow.

My plan is to close up all the holes in my rez,
and eliminate the gnats access to the root zone.
