Aeroponics - SCROG for the roots?

Forgot about this part.

Thats the whole purpose of these forums - to share what works and what does not work - so people dont have to re-invent the wheel every single time, and waste time, and money many of us dont have to spare, and so newbies can have half an f'ing chance at success.

I know that was a long run-on sentence, but did you not know that?

Seriously. Why are you here if not to help others be successful?
If you dont have money to spare you shouldnt be contemplating AA. Its not exactly a method i`d recommend for newbies. The last time i looked, everyone on the site is free to choose what they share, I have never refused to help folks where i can or share information (apart from AA nozzle model numbers),,newbie or not. From your comments on OG its clear that you want/expect everything to be done for you.
I want to know ALL the details, specs, processes, theory and best practices, etc etc etc before I ever start. I want it all planned out to the last detail before I start assembly of the first piece of what ever. Before I even buy the first piece.
In my book, I wants dont get. I guess you reposted the nozzle information on OG in the hopes that Heathen will take the leap that you are unwilling to take.
You just proved everything I said about you. You even added a little elitist 'AA is for rich guys only' BS on top.

As far as my posts on OG or anywhere - I'll gladly put them up against yours and let folks decide why I post and why you post, and who is truly trying to help others build a successful system and who isnt.

Yes, people do want as much help as they can get with ANY aspect of growing. They come here and to OG looking for that help because they need the meds for one reason or another. Some have cancer or arthritis, or have panic attacks, or some other serious condition that they think our plants can help them, or a loved one handle.

They are not looking for someone to worship. The vast majority want to build a system that works for them at the lowest possible cost, and in the shortest possible time so they can get to harvest as soon as possible without draining the bank.

You post just barely enough information to be sure people know how much smarter you are than anyone else - but - never enough for them to have a real chance to actually be successful the first time around.

You seem to think everyone should be rich enough to spend months of wasted time with failed harvests, and hundreds of wasted dollars buying the wrong parts, trying to figure out how to build a working aero setup from scratch. If they cant afford to do that, then screw them. They are not worthy to hold the hammer.

I will grant you may well be the Thor of aero growing. You are certainly vain and arrogant enough.
Not necessarily, bruv. The 10gal tote system I used has benefits I didn't originally forsee. Mainly that watering is dialed down to one single minute per hour and the residual water left in the tote, acts as a safety blanket for the roots BECAUSE they splay all over it. They do tend to find their way to the drain though so that's something that needs to be kept in check every now and then. But the reservoir is, exactly as you mentioned, a 13gal trash can. This works well because the pump has to overcome 5' of head pressure each time upon start up and a "column" of water rather than a low wide volume like in a 20gal tote, is a huge advantage because the water pressure is much greater on top of the pump to help push down and gives the pump a lot of assistance.
Is the 13 gal trash can the Rez in your main system?
If your talking about an aero setup, then taller is better up to a point, but the roots will eventually get down to the bottom of the root chamber. How much of the root mass in still up in the air vrs on the bottom depends on how long the grow lasts. With autos, and a fast grow, most of the root mass will still be up in the air if your chamber is tall enough. With a photo, and especially if you veg a long time, you will have a lot more of the roots on the bottom just due to the time factor. The roots keep growing until almost harvest time - well past the stretch the plants do above.

My root chamber is 24" in diameter and about 29" tall or about 55 gallons total volume. My roots have filled it almost all the way up on a long grow. The bggest root mass Ive had was with a single mostly sativa C99 that I let veg for 6 weeks, then had a 10 week flower. The roots have completely covered the bottom every time. Sometimes the bottom is only an inch or so deep in roots and others it has been 4" to 6" deep - like with that C99. Lately Im only growing two to 3 autos in the tent at a time, but even with the shorter grow times, they fill up the chamber pretty full.

Also, how wide the roots spread out horizontally is almost entirely dependent on how wet or dry your mist environment is. If its too wet, they go almost straight down. If its just a hair too dry, they like to go sideways like crazy. They WILL find your nozzles :)

As far as yields, Ive had way better yields from HPA and AAA than I had with any other type of growing. When I did soil, I was just under 5 gms dry yield per growing day. In my other hydro grows, I got between 5 and 6 gm/day. HPA got me up to 7 gm/day +- a bit, and AAA has me almost to 8 gms per day when I fill the tent.

I dont use grams/watt - its a meaning less number that cant be used to compare different grows - even your own. Grams per watt is entirely dependent on how long you veg - all other factors being equal.

Forgot to mention - I use a fabric root chamber for evaporative cooling. If you are considering a plastic container, you may have temperature control issues depending on how your grow space is configured. Temperature control in the root zone is really important in aero.
Do you have any concern about a plant becoming male or hermieing during flower while in the same bucket?
Im not 100% sure what you are asking. I only grow FEM's, because males are a problem when you can only grow a max of three plants at a time. As far as herms, I dont really care. Herms dont seem to hurt yield any at all, and I dont smoke, so seeds are no problem for me. I only do RSO, and make it into capsules, so I dont worry about bag apeal, taste or smell, etc.
Wow. I just continuously pump nutes through a pvc manifold that i,drilled holes in. I,usually let the roots grow into the res..
Just today i put a screwn in to try and keep roots in the top,tub where the manifold is.
Heres a root ball from a previous grow..


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Actually, I have given you full credit for all of that as well as the info you provided on flow rate targets, droplet size ranges, hang times, various on/off times, target chamber temperatures, sizes, and all the other info you have provided in little drips and drops. Several different times in fact. In addition to credits in open posts, I have posted a doc file with all the AA and HPA notes I gathered from you and tree farmer, and a few others - while being sure to say who the info came from - in different threads - more than once. Guess you missed all that.

So, your saying nozzles are the only pieces of grow equipment that cant be returned after you use them, and thats why you dont share the info with everyone? I know you dont share the info with everyone who asks in the forums, so how do you pick and choose who to share with privately and who to ignore?

Other than me of course.

Thanks for that bit of nozzle info. I will add it to the doc file, and pass it along to anyone who asks - publicly or privately.

With full credit to you of course.
Larry, can you share your notes with me?=) I have my own system build on tefen nozzles and raspberry controller, but I'm having issues with plants, they don't look too healthy, so I would be thankful if you share your notebook with me and maybe I can contribute to your valuable records, although you guys are too far forward.
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sent you a PM
Very impressive grow and love the info sharing.

Curious, do you run a sterile environment and (and I know this is somewhat a loaded question) but what ppms/ec do you run?

I run a hpa and center of my root mass is dry and dirty. Outter looks decent but center is dragging it down.

I'm running sterile with Jack's 321 in the 500-700 range (.5 ratio) and it sure looks like it's too much..
?? Thoughts? Thinking of running a wetting agent.