America has spent $1T and 20 years building afghan infrastructure and then handing it over to the Islamic equivalent of flat earthers with AK’s. Trump’s policy too.
America has spent $1T and 20 years building afghan infrastructure and then handing it over to the Islamic equivalent of flat earthers with AK’s. Trump’s policy too.
I've been following this since we went in. I definitely know what I'm talking about.
“Most of the common folk will be better off with the Taliban”
Yeah, you’ve got your finger on the pulse.
Let them go back to living in the stone age like the savages they are.
They're a bunch of fucking idiots. Twenty years of military training and millions of dollars worth of modern weapons and they just drop their guns turn around and run from the taliban. Now the Taliban is fully armed with weapons and vehicles courtesy of the United States.
It didn't have to end this way. Had we not kept that corrupt piece of shit Hamid Karzai in power for so long Afghanistan might have had a chance. He was flying cash out as fast as we could fly it in. Literally hundreds of millions in cash ended up in the hands of Karzai and his family. And everyone in Afghanistan knew it.
We should have destroyed every vehicle and weapon before leaving. Everywhere we go we end up arming the enemy. It's ridiculous.
Next up... Another conflict somewhere. There has to be one. There are companies that need to make weapons to survive. Profits, profits, profits...
Trump negotiated US withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban, he agreed to have all forces out by May 1.Except he didn’t take everyone, he left at least 2500 troops in strategic locations and the Taliban didn’t start taking over cities until Trump was long gone. The perception of strength and unpredictability Trump created in the Middle East, worked.
This is 1) on the Afghan military 2) on Biden and his administration. The week after Biden was inaugurated, it became his responsibility.
If you listened to what Biden said, he's not going to send our military off to another "nation building". From what he said, national defense is going to be just that.
I'm going to hold him to that.
If you listened to what Biden said, he's not going to send our military off to another "nation building". From what he said, national defense is going to be just that.
I'm going to hold him to that.
And helped legitimize the Taliban as a governing body. The Russians and Chinese are now welcoming the Taliban into their fold (we know they really care about human rights). What is happening now is a crime against humanity but trying to solve their issues was a folly on our part. It’s either the entire world condemns their actions and isolates the country or the shit carries on. It will be telling when the end of year reports on heroin cultivation come in. Could that be used as a weapon against their supposed enemies, flood the world with opiates? This is a very sad state of affairs for the whole world to witness.Trump negotiated US withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban, he agreed to have all forces out by May 1.
Sending troops to Afghanistan had nothing to do with “nation building”. The purpose was to fight terrorism at the source. 20 years ago Afghanistan was a hotbed of Al Qaeda. So, if you’re going to talk about the reasons for going over there, at least be honest about it.Screw that damn nation building. Americans shouldn't be giving corrupt leaders millions of dollars like we do. If what we were doing made a difference it would be one thing. The way things are all we're doing is spending money to prop up corrupt officials that are funneling every dime they can into their personal bank accounts.
We have enough problems on our own soil. We don't need to be wasting time and money on all these shithole countries that can't get their shit together.
History has proven that nation building does not work. Time to stop trying and leave these people to their own destiny.
Sending troops to Afghanistan had nothing to do with “nation building”. The purpose was to fight terrorism at the source. 20 years ago Afghanistan was a hotbed of Al Qaeda. So, if you’re going to talk about the reasons for going over there, at least be honest about it.
I’ve enjoyed watching you go on like you’re some kind of expert on the topic of Afghanistan and the Afghan people. Watching someone who possesses unwarranted confidence is funny to me so you’ve given me quite a few laughs.
BTW, If you need further confirmation that you are an idiot, Garybo and RobRoy liked your posts.
You may be right about that. I’m sure the Taliban will crack down on terrorism now that they are in control.One of the purposes was to funnel money to the military industrial complex. The whole "middle east terrorism" horseshit is a USA and European colonial caused problem.
You may be right about that. I’m sure the Taliban will crack down on terrorism now that they are in control.
The problem isn't "who will be the boss" .
The problem is that people have been conditioned to think a coercion based boss, either USA empire or Taliban fuckheads, is necessary. False dichotomy.
Yes, of course I'm right. Good call. Sometimes you're almost alright.