Well-Known Member
got this off of reddit:
There are a lot of news about the Afghan army collapsing. There isn't much truth to it. They didn't surrender. They were told to stand down. Every unit and soldier has reported this in Afghan media. Whether its by Ghani or by whom its unclear. Taliban overrunning cities makes no sense. The army was winning. In lashkargah they resisted for over 6 weeks. In herat the same. Over 1500 Taliban soldiers were killed in lashkargah alone. It wasn't a surrender. It was a decision to stand down. The culprits are unclear.
The 300K army was never a national army. It was always local, controlled by local commanders. Those guys all made deals.seems like the Afgan Military were told to stand down by there own that's interesting.....
The thing that stands out about the videos released, the folks were welcoming them into each town they took.