Afganistan Collapse

got this off of reddit:

There are a lot of news about the Afghan army collapsing. There isn't much truth to it. They didn't surrender. They were told to stand down. Every unit and soldier has reported this in Afghan media. Whether its by Ghani or by whom its unclear. Taliban overrunning cities makes no sense. The army was winning. In lashkargah they resisted for over 6 weeks. In herat the same. Over 1500 Taliban soldiers were killed in lashkargah alone. It wasn't a surrender. It was a decision to stand down. The culprits are unclear.

seems like the Afgan Military were told to stand down by there own that's interesting.....
The 300K army was never a national army. It was always local, controlled by local commanders. Those guys all made deals.

The thing that stands out about the videos released, the folks were welcoming them into each town they took.
. . . . . . .Corruption is too deep. Almost as deep as it is in the USA... lol
Most Americans never come face to face with corruption. There is a cop on every corner shaking folks down over there. They are not paid enough to live, so they are expected to make up the difference in bribes. It was that way before we came, stayed that way while we were there, and will continue to be that way now that we are leaving.
The 300K army was never a national army. It was always local, controlled by local commanders. Those guys all made deals.

The thing that stands out about the videos released, the folks were welcoming them into each town they took.

yeah that's what i am seeing searching through reddit.....seems like commanders made back door deals especially in the tribal areas
America has spent $1T and 20 years building afghan infrastructure and then handing it over to the Islamic equivalent of flat earthers with AK’s. Trump’s policy too.
They were all making deals long before we pulled out. That's why Biden shut the door. Backroom deals with the Taliban. Why stay any longer to defend a country that's already made a power sharing deal. Most of those on the US side have no problem living with the Taliban rules where those with power command absolute power. The damn Generals we trained will just become Taliban Generals. That's just the way those people are.

America getting the hell out of there as fast as possible is good news. Fuck that life sucking shithole. Other than cannabis and rugs there is nothing there. I have landrace afghani strains and I can't have rugs because my dogs would pee on them.

So I say fuck that place. At least 2500 Americans have died over that worthless piece of land. One death was too many but 2500 or more? Who the hell cares how Biden got us out of there. The thing people should be celebrating is that he did.
By common folk, I take it you mean men. Because women, not so much.

And America should stay there indefinitely to protect these rights?

I agree it sucks for them but the USA should have been out of Afghanistan years ago.

Canada is free to send in tens of thousands of troops to prop up a corrupt government that most of the population is against.
And America should stay there indefinitely to protect these rights?

I agree it sucks for them but the USA should have been out of Afghanistan years ago.

Canada is free to send in tens of thousands of troops to prop up a corrupt government that most of the population is against.
I think he was describing the terrain, not calling in a strike.
And America should stay there indefinitely to protect these rights?

I agree it sucks for them but the USA should have been out of Afghanistan years ago.

Canada is free to send in tens of thousands of troops to prop up a corrupt government that most of the population is against.
Canadian forces were already there.

I don’t expect you to have the answer. I just enjoy watching you go on like you know what the fuck you’re talking about, when you obviously don’t.
Canadian forces were already there.

I don’t expect you to have the answer. I just enjoy watching you go on like you know what the fuck you’re talking about, when you obviously don’t.

I've been following this since we went in. I definitely know what I'm talking about. I have several Afghani friends that agree with me as well.

Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. If you are so worried then hop on a plane, grab a rifle, and risk your life to stop the Taliban.

well this is interesting....this is off CNN

The President also pointed to the top Afghan leaders as deserving blame.
"So, what happened?" Biden asked. "Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
The President said he had "frank conversations" with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the Afghan delegation to peace talks, earlier this summer, but -- ultimately -- they didn't take the US' suggestions.
"We talked about how Afghanistan should prepare to fight their civil wars after the US military departed, to clean up the corruption in government, so the government could function for the Afghan people. We talked extensively about the need for Afghan leaders to unite politically. They failed to do any of that. I also urged them to engage in diplomacy, to seek a political settlement with the Taliban. This advice was flatly refused," Biden said. "Mr. Ghani insisted that the Afghan forces would fight. And obviously he was wrong."
Biden also laid part of the blame for the current situation on his predecessor, Donald Trump, who brokered a deal with the Taliban to withdraw American troops by May 1, 2021.

and here is the agreement:


found that here

Most Americans never come face to face with corruption. There is a cop on every corner shaking folks down over there. They are not paid enough to live, so they are expected to make up the difference in bribes. It was that way before we came, stayed that way while we were there, and will continue to be that way now that we are leaving.
I was thinking more about corruption at the top... like backhanded to your mates who run industrial operations etc