Afganistan Collapse

plz describe in detail the "plan" that trump had put in place that biden should have followed

There isn't one. In fact trump made things worse for a gradual withdrawal. Afghanistan was a campaign slogan. trump gutted and undermined everything well before Biden took office. Biden did the right thing and pulled out as fast as we did. Especially since the Afghans were negotiating with the Taliban behind our backs.

Those people can't be trusted. They escorted osama out of the country while claiming to be helping us. They get whatever comes. Yes there are innocent people that will suffer. People suffer all over the world. It's about time we ended this money pit that's killing Americans.

Hopefully this sends a message to other countries we assist. Play games and lose everything.
You don't see any hypothetical parallels? The extreme authoritarian domestic terrorist religious nutjobs using force to take over the government and the people allowing it are cowards and deserve no outside help? Because that's what trumpers want here and I'd effing love some alliance help if/when that happens.
You can't protect people from an enemy most are aligned with.

They made a choice. Fight the Taliban or surrender your weapons and join them. They chose to be cowards.

The culture is fucked up over there. That can't be changed with weapons and force. The people themselves have to want to change. It's obvious they are not ready to join civilized society.

If there are any Afghani people reading this I'm sorry for the state your country is in but you need to fix it yourselves. If that means risking your lives then that's what you have to do. I know that there would be no way I'd succumb to Taliban rule. I'd die with a gun in my hand. Unfortunately most dropped their guns and ran.
seems like the Afgan Military were told to stand down by there own that's interesting.....

They were making deals. That's why Biden yanked things so fast. Those people switch sides as fast as I can load another bowl of weed.
got this off of reddit:

There are a lot of news about the Afghan army collapsing. There isn't much truth to it. They didn't surrender. They were told to stand down. Every unit and soldier has reported this in Afghan media. Whether its by Ghani or by whom its unclear. Taliban overrunning cities makes no sense. The army was winning. In lashkargah they resisted for over 6 weeks. In herat the same. Over 1500 Taliban soldiers were killed in lashkargah alone. It wasn't a surrender. It was a decision to stand down. The culprits are unclear.
the plot thickens:

Most of the Afghan people would prefer the stability of the Taliban to the corruption and extortion that was occurring under the US puppet government. Now all they have to do is pay the Taliban a meager tax instead of getting raped over the coals by the warlords running things. Did you see that palace Dostum had? He was a piece of shit. Killing people right and left. The US propped up government was in it with him and other warlords to extract every penny they could from the Afghan people.

Most of the common folk will be better off with the Taliban. They can farm and raise their families in peace. The ones that have to worry are the educated. They should have already left though. But Afghanistan is still a Genghis Khan culture. They are so far behind it would take decades to change the culture probably closer to 100 years or more. The kind of mass enlightenment they need is not going to happen in our lifetimes.
As harsh as this sounds I'm in the camp of "I don't give a fuck". Blame Biden. Blame whoever you want but it's not Biden, Obama's or trumps fault.

That country has existed much longer than the United States. Yet they can't figure out how to have a modern stable society. Their culture is fucked. Nothing is going to change until the people change.

We should have been out of there years ago. You can't fix what can't be fixed. The mindset of the population is not ready to be part of the modern world. Let them live like people lived 1000 years ago. That's apparently what they want.
Have a heart. They are under sustained attack by one of the deadliest memes (real memes, not net gigglers) of our time: fundamentalist dominionist religion dressed up as government. The west isn’t the only population suffering from an alt-fact problem.
Have a heart. They are under sustained attack by one of the deadliest memes (real memes, not net gigglers) of our time: fundamentalist dominionist religion dressed up as government. The west isn’t the only population suffering from an alt-fact problem.

Afghanistan has been a proxy war for decades. Time to just leave them alone to figure things out for themselves. Given time the extremest views of those now will be overpowered by the next generation.
Afghanistan has been a proxy war for decades. Time to just leave them alone to figure things out for themselves. Given time the extremest views of those now will be overpowered by the next generation.
No argument with that, but compassion recommends we understand they’re in for a hell not of the people’s choice.
Has this not been the most predictable outcome ever? Something everybody saw coming 20 years ago. And I'll be honest, it couldn't happen fast enough. Anybody who wanted American forces to stay just feel that way because of pride and the refusal to admit that it was always the dumbest idea on the planet. The incredible stupid things I heard people saying for reasons, like women's rights. I'll be honest, I could give a rats ass about women's rights in Afganistan. They can't go to college? Boo-fcking-hoo. If they want their women to go to college let them handle it. Between Russia and America they "beat" the two great super-powers for almost 30 years because how are you supposed to beat sand and ignorance? Can't be done. Tell you what will work though. After a few decades of their shitty lives while they watch the rest of the world prosper they might put 2 and 2 together and get rid of the Taliban themselves and save us a few bucks.
Yes very predictable! As soon as the squaddies leave the taliban stop pretending to be farmer's and dig up their guns. Ots easy to bribe people with.... "if you comply with us we will not kill you and rape your daughters"....

Corruption is too deep. Almost as deep as it is in the USA... lol