Afganistan Collapse

hannimal said:
You are pretty INCEL man. You should take a good look at why that is.

I actually thought you were above that, oh well, you aren't. Boy I wish I could get laid, I really do.

Lol if you have weed and you can't get laid... well either your dong is straight up dead or you're just an asshole. Think about it dude. Maybe people *can* take your "real talk", they just don't want to.
Quite honestly I think it holds up for a while. They've got techs. Taliban fighters came in from all around the world. Bringing there skills with them. Also us training the afghans who flipped to the dark side.
We will see. A lot of the good shit was old it looked like, or taken to anti-caliban territories.

Not posting the entire article because it is long:
Some of the more expensive U.S. equipment appear to have been disabled or removed by departing Afghan officials and forces.

Mitzer said that video evidence showed that a number of aircraft, including three Blackhawk helicopters, had been taken to Panjshir Valley north of Kabul, where anti-Taliban forces have gathered under the leadership of Vice President Amrullah Saleh and Ahmad Massoud, the son of late Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud.

Uzbekistan claimed on Monday that around 22 planes and 24 helicopters from Afghanistan had been forced to land after entering Uzbek airspace. Dempsey said that satellite imagery supported these claims, which if accurate would represent around a quarter of all Afghan Air Force aircraft.

Biden administration faces big choices as economic calamity hangs over Afghanistan

Lol if you have weed and you can't get laid... well either your dong is straight up dead or you're just an asshole. Think about it dude. Maybe people *can* take your "real talk", they just don't want to.
lmao is sex a transaction to you?

Besides I was talking about him being a dick about women, not getting laid.
Quite honestly I think it holds up for a while. They've got techs. Taliban fighters came in from all around the world. Bringing there skills with them. Also us training the afghans who flipped to the dark side.
But the real expensive hardware like the helicopters have a shelf life. Wondering about all the pilots they targeted before taking over. High tech parts will have to be scrounged off of other machines. They can go for the next five years but beyond that we will see. The only thing I would be concerned about is missiles.

How Valuable Are The U.S. Weapons The Taliban Just Captured?
"On that road there is a lot of equipment that has been abandoned," McKay said by phone from neighboring Uzbekistan. "It was sort of unclear to me whether (the vehicles) were already destroyed by the soldiers, or that they were functioning and that the Taliban hadn't quite figured out how to use them. But there was certainly a good bunch of them along that single road into Uzbekistan."

imilar scenes have been repeated across the country: In the weeks before the Taliban seized Kabul, retreating Afghan forces ditched billions of dollars worth of U.S.-supplied military hardware — ranging from assault rifles to Black Hawk helicopters.

The Taliban wasted no time in gloating over their new war booty. Photos and video posted to social media show Taliban posing with captured aircraft, trucks, Humvees, artillery guns and night-vision googles. Such equipment could be used to suppress internal dissent or fight off their rivals.

A report last month by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) indicates that the U.S.-backed Afghan military possessed more than 150 aircraft.

They include four C-130 transport aircraft; 23 Brazilian-made A-29 "Super Tucano" turboprop ground-attack aircraft; 45 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and 50 smaller MD-530 choppers. In addition, they were given more than 30 military versions of Cessna single-engine fixed-wing aircraft.

However, its not clear how many of those aircraft are still in Afghanistan. Uzbekistan says that hundreds of Afghan troops fled there last weekend with 22 military planes and 24 helicopters.
White people are always leaving shit around when they leave.

Without money for the expensive maintenance I wonder how fast they stop working.

It is a lot like all that lead, asbestos, and giant schools white people left behind in Detroit when they fled to the burbs IMO.
These weapons look really nice. The taliban are totally stoked. I can just imagine the excitement in the locker room as they dressed in those silly white dresses and strapped on those shiny black machine guns
Parading down the street like a bunch of goofballs. Looking good is very important to them . There is some kind of psychological game being played here. I think they are going to try to behave for now. We have given them what they wanted for now but who knows how long it will last? 2 years at the most being a stretch. China is going to get involved when they start to get out of control and fight against them next since the USA did the best they could for 20 years.
These weapons look really nice. The taliban are totally stoked. I can just imagine the excitement in the locker room as they dressed in those silly white dresses and strapped on those shiny black machine guns
Parading down the street like a bunch of goofballs. Looking good is very important to them . There is some kind of psychological game being played here. I think they are going to try to behave for now. We have given them what they wanted for now but who knows how long it will last? 2 years at the most being a stretch. China is going to get involved when they start to get out of control and fight against them next since the USA did the best they could for 20 years.
All I can think when I see these pictures is 'Bearded males and their guns'.

But I agree with you. I think they are trying to get these pictures out there to make themselves look like they are unstoppable force in their country.

Looks like there are already cracks forming though. I just hope that the regular people there can avoid being caught in the middle as much as possible. Shot 2021-08-21 at 10.59.24 AM.png
KABUL — Groups of armed Afghans attacked the Taliban on Friday, driving Afghanistan's new rulers out of three northern districts, the first assault against the Islamist militants since they swept into Kabul last week and seized control of the government.

Local anti-Taliban commanders claimed in interviews they had killed as many as 30 of the group’s fighters and captured 20 in the takeover of the districts in Baghlan province, just over 100 miles north of the capital. Former Afghan service members were joined in the fight, they said, by local civilians. Images shared online showed celebrations as the red, green and black Afghan national flag — rather than the white flag of the Taliban — was raised over government buildings.

“We have ignited something that is historic in Afghanistan,” said Sediqullah Shuja, 28, a former Afghan soldier who took part in Friday’s uprising. “Taliban fighters had armored vehicles, but people threw stones at Taliban fighters and drove them out.”

“As long as we are alive,” he said, “we do not accept the Taliban’s rule.”

Friday’s attack is the latest sign of defiance toward the Taliban, ranging from Afghans refusing to fly the white Taliban flag to women protesting to preserve their rights. Together, they illuminate some of the obstacles the Taliban faces as it seeks to form a government deemed acceptable by a broad spectrum of Afghans and by the international community, especially donors.

But whether Friday’s attack is a sign of an emerging new military front against the Taliban remains to be seen.

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The Taliban is militarily far superior than its earlier incarnation, which ruled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 and was toppled following the U.S.-led invasion.

In just 10 days, the Taliban took control of every provincial capital across the nation, despite the Afghan government wielding a massive U.S.-funded and equipped military, an air force and special commando units. The Taliban seized the arsenals of Afghan army and police units, including American-made weaponry and armored vehicles. Having been humiliated by the Taliban’s triumph, there is no appetite in the West to fund an insurgency against their rule.

Taliban officials were not immediately available for comment Friday about events in Baghlan. But a tweet from a pro-Taliban account claimed the clashes killed 15 Taliban and wounded 15, and that the Taliban was betrayed after offering amnesty to locals.

“All those who committed this crime must be killed. The doors of conversation are closed,” the tweet read.

Friday’s assault to retake the three districts of Puli Hisar, Dih Salah and Bano — which was confirmed by a former defense minister — came after Taliban fighters conducted house-to-house searches in the Andarab valley of the province, local commanders said.

As in most parts of Afghanistan, the Taliban had taken over the districts with little resistance in recent weeks. Shuja said that the local residents had told the Taliban fighters they can govern as long as they don’t enter their villages and homes.

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Bismillah Khan Mohammadi, a former defense minister who has called for the arrest of the former president, Ashraf Ghani, confirmed in a tweet that the local forces retook three districts in Baghlan province.

“Resistance is still alive,” said Mohammadi, who was an anti-Taliban commander during the group’s first stint in power.

On Twitter, Afghans posted photos and videos from the captured districts, including images of rifle-toting fighters congratulating one another on their victory and chanting “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.”

Friday’s uprising appears unconnected to another anti-Taliban force that emerged this week in the north: The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, led by Ahmad Massoud, the son of the late Afghan mujahideen leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud.

The elder Massoud fought the Taliban in the late 1990s from his base in the Panjshir Valley, roughly 90 miles northeast of Kabul. Two days before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, he was assassinated by al-Qaeda operatives.

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His cause, however, has not been joined by other Afghan leaders who resisted Taliban rule the last time around.

Many have chosen instead to work with the Taliban in the hopes of creating an inclusive transitional government. Former reconciliation council leader Abdullah Abdullah, former president Hamid Karzai and a powerful warlord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, have formed a council that seeks a political settlement with the Taliban, rather than join the budding insurgency.

“Talks and meetings are all about how we can pass on the current situation toward forming a government,” said Fraidoon Khwazoon, a spokesperson for Abdullah. “The Taliban says that all leaders must be invited back to Kabul for negotiations.”

Abdullah has been asking the Taliban to guarantee security for leaders who are not part of the group, while stopping house-to-house searches and the seizure of government-issued vehicles, said Khwazoon.

“A senior Taliban leader is in Kabul for talks, but first Afghan leaders need assurance of safety from the Taliban,” said the spokesperson.

On Friday, such assurances of safety were in doubt, especially for Afghanistan’s minority Hazara community, who are Shiite Muslims. An Amnesty International report detailed the torture and massacre of nine Hazara men last month by the Taliban, who are Sunni, after they captured territory in Ghazni province.

The Taliban insists it has changed. Afghanistan’s future hinges on whether that’s true.

The allegations came just after the Taliban offered security for rituals and processions during Ashura, a significant Shiite commemoration that is considered blasphemous by hardline Sunnis. The decision raised hopes that perhaps the Taliban has changed its approach toward the Hazara — who were persecuted during the last Taliban government. But deep skepticism remains.

“I cannot believe that the Taliban has changed,” said Habibullah, a 33-year-old Hazara who, like many Afghans, uses one name. “Taliban fighters are the same as they have been trained. And for them, Hazaras are infidels.”
Im not sure about the truth of any of the video, but it is interesting to see a old documentary on Afghanistan prior to the invasion by the Russian.

Interesting . But at 31 minutes I had to disembark . That guys voice was just too much to bear . For such a primitive culture I couldn’t help noticing what nice dental work they had.
I have total faith in Biden’s decision and the way this has been executed.
The Taliban is actually checking passports and letting United States citizens through check points and into air planes to leave peacefully is quite shocking

All you sleepy joe fanatics have you head in the sand.

Even CNN has turned on joe. lol Ain't that something. LOL

All you sleepy joe fanatics have you head in the sand.

Even CNN has turned on joe. lol Ain't that something. LOL
At least the traitriots are being purged from the executive branch and major agencies, and the indictments loom on the horizon. It will be satisfying to watch the cadres of the Big Lie being fed into the rock crusher that is our judicial system.

Also it may have escaped your attention thatthe President has essentially owned the mistake and is pledging to get our citizens and many Afghani collaborators out safely.

All you sleepy joe fanatics have you head in the sand.

Even CNN has turned on joe. lol Ain't that something. LOL

It doesn't look like Biden is doing a great job, but people sure do have some short memories...

You are so programmed you even regurgitate the stupid as shit put downs that Trump and the Republicans (or their foreign dictator buddies) spam into you.

The one Churchill called That Man did it similarly. We need to publicly try the Big Lie Repugs. The soul of much of our nation needs that.

edit: Because fifty million people cling to the 30000+ shameless lies spoken by our cut-rate Fuhrer.
Abrams tanks require a semiannual scheduled maintenance that includes removing and disassembling the engine and transmission to replace the seals. This maintenance takes about 5 days, and you need the new parts.....
I read that the tracks on an Abrams are good for about 1000 miles...
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