Afghan Kush, High Brix, LED...


Well-Known Member

**** Before I get started and before anyone else leaves any comments:
1. I am not seeking discussion on the subject of this web based journal. I am not here to convince anyone to change anything that they might not want to change. I am, kindly, sharing the results of what I happen to do within the small grow space and budget that I get to work with. 2. If I want additional information. I will do my own web based research and or will ask the individuals, I trust, for their thoughts. 3. Please, kindly, read this thread left behind by an administrator. ****

Technical details:

Grow space: A portion of my closet that is about 21in x 21in x 60in (53.3cm x 53.3cm x 1.52m). With Orca grow film on the walls and on top of the carpet.

Lighting Source: :
1. Main- LED (includes infrared)

2. Supplementary- (Ultra Violet) Two 26 watt Exo-Terra Reptile CFL bulbs.

Lighting Schedules: 1. Vegetative phase: (Gas Lantern Routine) 12 on / 5.5 off / 1 on / 5.5 off 2. Blooming phase: (Diminishing light) Starting with 11 on / 13 off and decreasing down to, possibly, 6 on /18 off

Container: Starter pot- A one gallon Smart Pot "transplanter" pot. Finishing pot: A five gallon Smart Pot.

Grow Medium: 1. Amended ProMixHP (ProMixHP is sphagnum peat moss, with endo-micorrihaeza, a starter charge of Dolomite Lime, and perlite) The amendments added to the fresh ProMixHP include: a number of missing trace minerals such as boron, some rock powders, beneficial bacteria, and 19.5lb (8.85kg) of earthworm castings with an NPK ratio of 1-1-0. Excluding the earthworm casting, the additional amendments are included in the"Doc Bud's Kit."

Organic Nutrients: "Doc Bud's" High Brix Blend Kit.

Water: Tap water

Co2 source: An open window

Humidity control: Wet paper towels sticking out of a plastic bottle.

Genetics: World of Seeds- Afghan Kush (feminized)

Generally speaking:
1. Wikipedia Article: Brix
2. For information on "High Brix" at your own pace....
3. For anyone who may not understand the vegetative lighting schedule... Hyperlink one. The lighting schedules I am using are not new at all. The vegetative lighting schedule is commonly used in large scale, "Commercial," greenhouses and will be found in college level horticultural books. Please, feel free to do your own web based study and make your own well informed and thought out decisions.
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General Update: Day 2 (Germination phase: 2)

Pictures first:

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General information:

1. The grey looking dust, around the seed and on top of the soil, is the root inoculate known as "Roots." (See the kit instructions for more specific details.)

2. Most of the time... In this grow I plan on using up to 1.5x strength doses.of the kit "Drenches" ("Growth Energy," "Transplant," and "Cat Drench.") For the sake of information: half strength is about 2.46ml, full strength is about 4.93ml, 1.5x strength is about 7.39ml, 2x strength is about 9.86ml, and 2.5x strength is about 12.32ml

3. Mixed into 16 fl oz (1 pint) of water about 1.85ml (a quarter strength dose) of "Transplant" plus the 2.5 ml of "Tea."

4. At the moment, I have my main light source about 30in (about 76cm) away from the top of the soil.
Picture update- Day 4 (Vegetative phase 1)

The sprout's emergence:
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The vegetative phase begins...
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General update:

Day 7 ( Veg phase 4 )

- The container and seedling weighs 982g

- The first set of single blade leaves are broadening.

Day 9 ( Veg phase 6 )

- The container and seedling weighs 890g.

- It is been five days without food / water.

- The second pair leaves are developing and look like single blade leaves.

- The light is 60cm away from the top of the plant.

Day 11 ( Veg. phase 8 )

- The container and seedling weighs 836g

- The second set of single blade leaves are turning out to be three blade leaves.

- A week without food / water. For the sake of promoting greater root development, I am waiting for signs of under watering.
New photos will be added with the next post.

Day 12 (Veg. phase 9)

- The container and seedling weighs 800g

- Eight days without food or water.

- Just for the sake of information: the water I am using has a ph of about 6.5

Day 14 (Veg. phase 11)

- The container and seedling weighs 760g

- 10 days without food or water. 15 days was the longest I have taken a grow without food or water

Day 15 (Veg phase 12)

- The container and seedling weighs 740g

- Day 11 without food or water.

Day 16 (Veg phase 13)

- The container and seedling weighs 726g

- Day 12 without food or water.

Day 17 (Veg phase 14)

- The container and seedling weighs 710g

- Day 13 without food or water.

- I flipped the "Bloom" switch on to for the infrared exposure, in addition to the UV radiation. If I recall correctly, with the "Bloom" switch on the LED array gives off a 2700k color rating.

Day 18 (Veg phase 15)

- The container and seedling weighs 694g

- Day 14 without food or water.

Day 19 (Veg phase 16)

- The container and seedling weighs 676g

- Day 15 without food or water.

Day 20 (Veg phase 17)

- The container and seedling weighs 664g

- Day 16 without food or water.

Day 21 ( Veg phase 18 )

- Since the cotyledon leaves were yellowing, I gave the plant a good drench using full dose of "Growth Energy" (about 5ml) plus 2ml "Tea" mixed in water. (Technically: I used 10ml Growth energy... 5ml was directly put onto the top of the soil and the other 5ml was added to the water. According to kit instructions "Drenches" are made with double the chosen amount of food added to the water)

- Before the feeding / watering everything (the plant, soil, and container) weighed 664 grams (about 1.46lb).

- After the feeding / watering everything (the plant, soil, additional water, and container) weighed 1.922 kilograms (about 4.24lb).

- At the moment, the plant is showing signs of over watering, however that will resolve itself within the next day or two.

- With this feeding and watering the longest I have let a plant go without food or water is now 16 days. With each feeding / watering I am expecting the plant to need food and water again sooner than last time.
General Update:

Day 26 (Veg phase 23)

- Weight 1,420g - Day 5 without food / water

- The fifth pair of leaves are developing... it is time to introduce foliar sprays
- Foliar Spray: Destress - .5ml to 1oz of water

Day 28 (Veg phase 25)

- Weight: 912g - Day 7 without food / water. I probably have another week to go before giving the plant a decent water / food drenching.

- Foliar Spray: Brix - .5ml to half ounce of water

-Raised the main light source up to 24 inches (about 61cm) above the canopy.
Day 30 (Veg phase 27)

- Weight: 808g Day 9 without a food / water drench

Day 31 (Veg phase 28)

- Weight: 770g Day 10 without a food / water drench

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.25ml to .25oz water)

- Secondary branches are forming

Day 33 (Veg phase 30)

- Grow space temperatures reach up to 26C (about 80F)

- Weight: 718g Day 12 without food / water drench

Day 34 (Veg phase 31)

- Weight: (Before Drench) 702g (After drench) 1kg 886g

- Food / Water Drench: Quarter strength Transplant (about 1.24ml transplant x2 in 1890ml - 2360ml water)
Just for the sake of information... According to the kit instructions "Drenches" are made with double the amount of intended nutrients and the plant and container are put into the mixture. I am using a bucket that can hold about 4 liters of liquid.

Day 35 (Veg phase 32)

-Day one without food / water drench.

- Weight: 1kg 572g At the moment most of the weight loss was from the water being held by the container's fabric.

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.25ml to .25oz water)
Day 34 (Veg phase 31)
Before "Drench"
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After "Drench"
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Day 35 (Veg phase 32)

The next day
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Technical details:

Day 37 (Veg phase 34)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.25ml to .25oz)

- Seven blade leaves are developing... You have to look carefully to see the sixth and seventh leaves

Day 39 (Veg phase 36)

- Day 5 since the last drench.

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.25ml to .25 oz)

-Weight: 886g

Day 40 (Veg phase 37)

- Day 6 since the last drench

- Weight: 808g

Day 41 (Veg phase 38 )

- Day 7 since the last drench

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.25ml to .25oz)

- Weight: 780g

Day 42 (Veg phase 39)

- Day 8 since the last drench

- Top dressed with fresh amended soil. (This adds additional earthworm castings to the soil and will give the plant more nitrogen and help the soil microbes that do not feed off of the root exudates.

- Weight (with the additional soil): 996g

Day 43 (Veg phase 40)

- Day 9 since the last drench

- Weight: 920g

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.25ml to .25oz)

- Added 177.4ml (about six oz)of water

- Weight: (With the additional water) 1kg 98g or 1098g

Day 44 (Veg phase 41)

- Weight: 964g

- Showing signs of under watering

- Drench: Full strength "Growth Energy" and 2ml "Tea" in about 2.84L of water

Day 46 (Veg phase 43)

- Day 2 without a drench

- Weight: 1592g
Pictures first:

Day 53 (Veg phase: 50) Before being watered / fed

Day 54 (Veg phase 51) After being watered / fed
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Technical Details:

Day 47 (Veg phase: 44)

- Weight: 1,390g (1kg 390g or about 3lb)

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml to .5oz)

- Day 3 since last drench

Day 50 (Veg phase: 47)

- Weight: 1,022g (1kg 022g or about 2.25lb)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.5ml to .5oz)

- Day 6 since the last drench

Day 52 (Veg phase: 49)

- Weight: 888g (1.96lb or a little under 2lb)

- Day 7 since the last drench. It is looking like it needs it's next watering / feeding.

Day 53 (Veg phase: 50)

-Drench: quarter strength "Transplant" (1.23ml) mixed into about 3L of water
I used about 2.5ml of "Transplant since the kit instructions call for adding twice the amount of food being given.

- Weight: (After) 2,124g (2kg 124g or about 4.68lb)

Day 54 (Veg phase: 51)

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml to .5oz)

- Weight: 1,924g (1kg 924g or about 4.24lb)

- I added a tablespoon of magnesium sulfate to the top of the soil for any possible magnesium deficiencies.
Pictures first:

Day 56 (Veg phase: 53)
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Day 59 (Veg phase: 56)
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Day 57 (Veg phase: 54)

- Day 3 without a drench

- Weight: 1,294g (1kg 294g or about 2.85lb)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.5ml to .5oz)

Day 57 (Veg phase: 55)

- Day 4 without a drench

- Weight: 1,102g (1kg 102g or about 2.43lb)

- Nine blade leaves are developing and the nodes are alternating above the sixth node. I had to look carefully to notice the tiny eighth and ninth blades that are forming. The last MadKush plant I grew was at day 72 (Veg phase 66) when I noticed the nodes where alternating.

Day 59 (Veg phase: 56)

- Weight; 1,002g (1kg 002g or about 2.21lb)

- Day 5 without a drench

Day 61 (Veg phase: 58 )

- Weight: 904g at midnight, 896g at 6:20am, 874g at 5:74pm

- Following the kit instructions, the transplant into the final container was completed. I will let the vegetative growth continue for another week before flowering.

- Feeding/watering: (After six days without a drench) In about 4 liters of water full strength Growth Energy(5ml) and 1 ml Tea. I also dissolved a tablespoon of magnesium sulfate in some warm water and poured that onto the soil, near the stem, to help get more magnesium to the root zone.
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Pictures first:

Day 62 (Veg phase 59): The day after transplanting
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Day 68 (Flower phase 1)
Before minor pruning:

After minor pruning:

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Day 63 (Veg phase 60)

- Day 2 without food or water

- The plant is about 30cm tall

- The main light source sits about 51cm above the canopy.

Day 64 (Veg phase 61)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.5ml to .5fl.oz)

- Day 3 without food or water

Day 65 (Veg phase 62)

- Day 4 without food

- I gave the plant 2 liters of water hoping to resolve possible nitrogen toxicity.

Day 67 (Veg phase 64)

- Day 6 without food. Day 2 without water.

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml to .5fl.oz)

- I added a small space heater to grow space.

- Last vegetative phase night.

Day 68 (Flower phase 1)

- Day 7 without food. Day 3 without water.

- I completed the pruning I had intended on doing for this particular plant. The next Afghan kush plant will have more pruning done. This first one is just to see how the strain might grow if left alone. My last Mad kush grow produced an ounce "Dry weight."

- With outdoor grows, cannabis begins to flower when the length of day becomes shorter and the length of night becomes longer. Which makes it a "Short Day / Long night" flower. With the beginning of the flowering phase. I am going to follow a diminishing light schedule that begins with 11 hours of light and 13 hours of darkness.

If I were following the standard indoor grow methodologies the standard 12/12 lighting schedule only gives the plant 84 hours of darkness per week. With the diminishing light schedule this first week the plant will have 91 hours darkness to begin flowering under. Using a diminishing light schedule I can give short day/long night plants seven more hours of darkness every two weeks.

By the time my last plant was harvested, at week seven, it was flowering under 16 hours of darkness per day. At the time of harvest the plant was given a total of 826 hours of darkness.

With the standard 12/12 lighting schedule, at week seven, the plant would have received 588 hours of darkness and would needed at least two more weeks to mature.
Pictures first:

Day 69 (Flower Phase 2)
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Day 70 (Flower Phase 3)

- The plant went eight days without food and four days without water.

- Food / Water: 1/4 strength Transplant in about 4 liters of water.

- The plant seems to have recovered from Nitrogen toxicity.

Day 71 (Flower Phase 4)

- Foliar Spray: Destress ( .5ml to .5fl oz)

- Pistils are showing.

Day 74 (Flower Phase 7)

- Raised the light up about 10cm

- The plant is nearly 50cm tall

- Day 4 without food or water

- Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml to .5fl oz)

- Diminishing light schedule: It is the end of week one, for this week the plant will have 13.5 hours of darkness. The total amount of darkness for the week is 94.5 hours. Last week the plant had 91 hours of darkness

Remember cannabis is short day / long night flower. Meaning it flowers best as the night grow longer. It's critical night length is eight hours. When night arrives switching the phytochromes means the total darkness comes faster and the plant can begin it's flower (calyx / pistil) bud production sooner, which then leads to bigger colas. Longer nights means the plant has more time to produce more flowers.

Day 77 (Flower phase 10)

- Six days without food or water.

- Food / Water: 5ml Transplant with 1ml Tea in about 4Liters of water.

Day 78 (Flower phase 11)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (.5ml to .5floz)
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I will post more photos another day.

General update:

Day 79 (Flower phase 12)

- The main light was raised about 10cm.

- The plant is about 63.5-66cm(25-26in) tall.

Day 80 (Flower phase 14)

- The main light was raised about 8cm.

- Foliar Spray: Brix (1ml to 1fl.oz)

Day 82 (Flower phase 15)

- Turned the plant 180 degrees

- Reduced the light schedule down to 10 hours on / 14 hours off. This week the plant will have 98 hours of darkness.

- Food and water: 1.25ml transplant in about 4 liters of water plus another 500ml of water in the tray.

- Top dressed with .45kg of fresh, low phosphorus and potassium, earthworm castings.

Day 85 (Flower phase 18 )

- Foliar spray: Destress (1ml to 1fl.oz)

- The light is at the top of my grow space.

- The plant is about 91cm (3 foot) tall.

Day 88 (Flower phase 21)

- Food and Water: 5ml Cationic drench (aka: Cat Drench) and 1ml Tea in about 4 liters of water. The "Cationic Drench" heavily favors flower production since it contains a lot of flowering hormones. The "Transplant" drench favors flower production also, just not as heavily as the Cat drench.

- Turned the plant 180 degrees

- The plant is over growing my small space so I pulled a few branches back closer to the main stalk.

- Lighting schedule is reduced to 9.5 hours on and 14.5 hours off. This week the plant will receive 101.5 hours of darkness.

Day 89 (Flower phase 22)

- Trichomes are noticed.

Day 90 (Flower phase 23)

- Foliar Spray: Brix (1ml to 1fl.oz)

- I poured 2 liters of plain water in the tray.

Day 91 (Flower phase 24)

- I poured 2 liters of plain water in the tray.

Day 93 (Flower phase 26)

- Foliar spray: Destress (1ml to 1fl.oz)

Day 95 (Flower phase 28 )

- Food and Water: 4.5ml Cat drench with 1.5ml Tea in about 4 liters of water.

Day 96 (Flower phase 29)

- I poured about 1.5 liters of plain water into the tray

- Lighting Schedule: 9 hours on and 15 hours off For the week the plant will receive 105 hours of darkness.
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