Afghan War declared over


Well-Known Member
Dude, Google "US soldiers guarding poppy fields".

They're running the show...
I'm familiar with the situation. I remember watching vids of the American soldiers going through a "clandestine" lab, and found it curious they knew all about grades of smack including prices.
That moment caused my radar to go bidip bidip.


Well-Known Member
Better news on the home front. Hoopa Indians of Cali. Move for June vote to clear way for pot planting. Hope this is first drop in a flood.
Even better news on the home front. Dozen Nebraska tribes investigating pot grows.My money is on at least 1 tribe taking advantage
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Well-Known Member
I like the parts where the Taliban asked for evidence before they handed over Bin Laden and we had known and the fact that Bhutto saw Bin Laden dead long before the Iraq invasion, so why would we need her silence? :) makes no sense......


Well-Known Member
for furthering uneccessary escalation in Ukraine, Libya and Syria. Your mormon, jewish, arab handlers know better than you!
Saw a news trailer on TV today about a show to be run shortly on how the CIA ran a 30 year program to topple Khadafi and the chaos there now is the fruit of this SUCCESSFUL action. Don't think you can blame that on O'Bama. He may not even have known?


Well-Known Member
Saw a news trailer on TV today about a show to be run shortly on how the CIA ran a 30 year program to topple Khadafi and the chaos there now is the fruit of this SUCCESSFUL action. Don't think you can blame that on O'Bama. He may not even have known?
Please kill yourself....fuck republicans fuck democrats fuck stupidity..Libya was debt free and not on the dollar standard and had paid off the Great Man-Made river, which in the desert is fucking gold, what part confuses so easily?


Well-Known Member
Please kill yourself....fuck republicans fuck democrats fuck stupidity..Libya was debt free and not on the dollar standard and had paid off the Great Man-Made river, which in the desert is fucking gold, what part confuses so easily?
You need your prescription changed.
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Well-Known Member
But what about all those deserters hiding away in them hills living like tribes people
at least 13 Mericans, 2 Germans and a Brit, even a Canadian, all presumed dead
many conveniently assisting the enemy, with inside info, lost to the west forever?


Well-Known Member
Here's one for the books.Bunch of Repub. legislators in Okla. have requested state atty. gen. to drop suit against Colo.,argue winning case would be worse for state than losing it. Huff. Post.