Afghan War declared over


Well-Known Member
By the U.S digging for it's own oil OPEC is scared . It's literally dragged down the price to make it not worth fracking for. Basically said fuck you to all the companies over here Do I love that it cost me 36$ to fill up ? Helllll yea . But rest assure it'll go up again !


Well-Known Member
By the U.S digging for it's own oil OPEC is scared . It's literally dragged down the price to make it not worth fracking for. Basically said fuck you to all the companies over here Do I love that it cost me 36$ to fill up ? Helllll yea . But rest assure it'll go up again !
Most of the companies fracking will still make a profit at 40 a barrel


Well-Known Member
The oil is still going to be profitable at 40 a barrel.
And it will be there when the prices go back up
Don't be too quick to forecast such a rosy scenario when Saudis are still making a profit at $10/bbl (avg cost $5-6/bbl), and have $900Bn in Reserves.
They'll play the game longer than frackers or asphalt-juice pits can remain solvent, even if it means going down to $20, just as they implied.
Those top 5 countries which the US relies on are going to change unless there are binding contracts.
I don't believe you are contemplating the larger picture here. After all, there was "no way" the market would drop below $50/bbl. What's the response going to be at $20? At what point will the small 'entrepreneur' ops shut down? I know Alberta is starting to shit bricks...


Well-Known Member
Don't be too quick to forecast such a rosy scenario when Saudis are still making a profit at $10/bbl (avg cost $5-6/bbl), and have $900Bn in Reserves.
They'll play the game longer than frackers or asphalt-juice pits can remain solvent, even if it means going down to $20, just as they implied.
Those top 5 countries which the US relies on are going to change unless there are binding contracts.
I don't believe you are contemplating the larger picture here. After all, there was "no way" the market would drop below $50/bbl. What's the response going to be at $20? At what point will the small 'entrepreneur' ops shut down? I know Alberta is starting to shit bricks...
Chesus is one of the most wilfully ignorant people I've ever met, he just repeats quotes he reads without ever even vaguely understanding any of the underlying fundamentals.


Well-Known Member
Don't be too quick to forecast such a rosy scenario when Saudis are still making a profit at $10/bbl (avg cost $5-6/bbl), and have $900Bn in Reserves.
They'll play the game longer than frackers or asphalt-juice pits can remain solvent, even if it means going down to $20, just as they implied.
Those top 5 countries which the US relies on are going to change unless there are binding contracts.
I don't believe you are contemplating the larger picture here. After all, there was "no way" the market would drop below $50/bbl. What's the response going to be at $20? At what point will the small 'entrepreneur' ops shut down? I know Alberta is starting to shit bricks...
Chesus is one of the most wilfully ignorant people I've ever met, he just repeats quotes he reads without ever even vaguely understanding any of the underlying fundamentals.
THen we shut down production and buy at 10 bucks a barrel. WHen they tap out their oil we still have our reserves


Well-Known Member
THen we shut down production and buy at 10 bucks a barrel. WHen they tap out their oil we still have our reserves
We shut down production, become 100% reliant to OPEC then oil hits 200 a barrel while we hurry to re-open production and have our economy devastated for a year. Meanwhile, while getting our production back up we are back in the middle east doing our "not a war" thing we do.

It's going to be interesting what happens. I wish I had been shorting oil this whole time but even now I'm too skeered. It has to stop somewhere and I'm not willing to try and predict. Is 10 a barrel even possible?


Well-Known Member
Chesus is one of the most wilfully ignorant people I've ever met, he just repeats quotes he reads without ever even vaguely understanding any of the underlying fundamentals.
What's the negative of the Saudi selling is oil at 10 a barrel?


Well-Known Member
Cracks are appearing; Pinoleville Pomo Indian Nation, building 10 mil.indoor grow facil. in Cali. Get one outside Cali and I would venture to say the rush is on for the tribes.


Well-Known Member
Cracks are appearing; Pinoleville Pomo Indian Nation, building 10 mil.indoor grow facil. in Cali. Get one outside Cali and I would venture to say the rush is on for the tribes.
One co. talking to 100's of tribes, another talking to a couple of dozen. A gold rush that may work for Indians instead of ruination.


Well-Known Member
After failed attempt to get casino ok, impoverished Menominee tribe to fast track efforts to grow weed in Kenosha Wisc..