After 2 years of near hits, I've finally hit one out of the park

Congrats on a successful harvest, but in all honesty you have a long way to go before you should say stuff like "hit one out of the park."
Based on this standard I'm fucking amazing at this shit already. Apparently I'm knocking it out of Earth's orbit. No HPS required.
Just my $0.02, and I'm an asshole, ask anyone.

Yeah, bagseed sucks, check my pathetic Purple Wreck from bagseed. Kinda sad, really.

your plant looks good, we can't all have access to thousands of dollars of grow equipment and some have to do their best with the budget they have.
your plant looks good, we can't all have access to thousands of dollars of grow equipment and some have to do their best with the budget they have.
Cool, I hear you man. I have respect for poverty, I was fucking homeless 6 years ago. I have spent about $1300 over six months on equipment. I just have a regular job and no kids, and so I incrementally got my shit together. I know what you're saying, but seriously, you can grow some pretty good shit with a $100 T5 and a few environmental controls.
Bagseeds are a phenotype crapshoot, especially if you want to have multiple plants of similar size/height
You're totally right, I was just saying there's always an exception to the rule, and most plants aren't hard to keep happy. I sure wish I would have got a cut off of this one, but I didn't.
those are some stressed lookin plants

I've been in coco for a few years. although it's a hydroponic medium, and they say you can't over water it.... obviously you can...

you need to let the stuff fully dry out from time to time. at least once every other week.