Ahh yes, if at first you don't succeed, try .. try again.

AllMeat ...

There are several reasons I take umbrage with Med's posts. First, he continually insults and debases others on the site. Not only here in the political forum, but in the grow forums as well. Second, even though he doesn't realize it (yet), he espouses the politics of slavery. Third, the man cannot back up his claims with facts. Confront him, and he resorts to personal attacks. Med is one of those people who just cannot get along, then wonders why he gets negative responses. He needs to realize that results in life are nothing but an echo. You get out of it, exactly what you put into it ... no more and no less.

AllMeat ...

There are several reasons I take umbrage with Med's posts. First, he continually insults and debases others on the site. Not only here in the political forum, but in the grow forums as well. Second, even though he doesn't realize it (yet), he espouses the politics of slavery. Third, the man cannot back up his claims with facts. Confront him, and he resorts to personal attacks. Med is one of those people who just cannot get along, then wonders why he gets negative responses. He needs to realize that results in life are nothing but an echo. You get out of it, exactly what you put into it ... no more and no less.

And I had no Idea you were the great philosopher. Would you could see yourself so clearly. Maybe you are looking into that great mirror when you read my prose. I admit I deal harshly with unwarranted criticism, no-one likes to be made to look like a fool, neither me nor you. Now here we must deal with Profanity! There are no profane words, only profane people. A word is only a word and has no meaning other than the one taken by the observer. If you believe a word to be profane then it is the profane way you are looking at the word. Therefore Fuck is only profane if you observe it to be profane. It is the language of the common folk and I consider myself of that "Ilk" If you believe yourself to be on a higher standard then so be it, As I've said to your brother Wavels, Just pretend it is another word to your liking, Like intercourse, although Fuck has so many more meanings than intercourse, it is a very useful word,..... And I plan to include it in my repretoire. Thank you very much!
med, how are you going to use fuck and repertoire (actual spelling) in the same sentence? don't agree with your def of profanity but that is another area. how do you want people to respect you if you do not give them the decency of respect. i know that I agree with you on alot of things, but you are wrong! lets play a scenerio; I am posting something and we'll look at 2 different ways to answer it. you be the judge med.
Q. I am a newb grower. i am using a 600 watt digital ballast HPS and I am in my flowering phase. I grow in foxfarm ocean forest soil. I use tiger bloom and beastie bloomz. bith are formulated for each other. my strain is blueberry. I have 6 fems in a 4x4 area. I dechlorinate my water for 2 days them pH it to 6.5. I use a little desk top oscilating fan to promote air movement. my problem is the tips of my leaves were turning brown and all uf a suddon they were dry, brittle, and falling off. my light is 1 foot away from the trees. what should I do to stop the leaf damage?

Answer 1. you light is too close to your trees. you might want to consider venting the light with induction fans and tubing, or move your light higher if your grow space alots for more height.

Answer 2. you are going to fuckin kill that thing. put a fucking fan on it or mave the fuckin thing higher. you ain't going to get shit with what you got. If you don't want your weed, send it to fucking me. fuck you Vi! lol sry, just had to throw that one in there.

do you see our point med?
do you see our point med?
Look If I came accross like that scenario you just described then I would need chastisement. I don't use fuck as an every other word entailement in my posts, have I been a little out of hand with the profanity, well thats in the eye of the beholder .If I say fuck you 7 times in a paragraph, then I am being vulgar. The people that get the profanity directed their way are deserving of it in my estimation. I especially don't like Frick and Frack ganging up on me with their plutocratic nonesense, this will usually dispense with some profanity. I am educated enough to know how to avoid profanity but feel it fits the niche where I use it. As I've stated many times, If you treat me like an ass be prepared to be labled something unpleasant, a spade is still a spade, and Fuck is in the dictionary!
But the term "fuck" is hardly "prose."

Maybe I'm a poet and don't know it! Chuck Chuck Bo-buck Banana-fanna fo "Fuck" There it is in a rhyme,or as the educated say, Prose! You are seeing the word as profanity because you have a profane mind. Reason please!