Air Pump Question


Through research I've read for hydro you're looking at watts and not gph. I have an o2 elemental 571gph,41watt airpump at home from an old pond it still works fine. I was gonna run 2 buckets and possibly a res, ifnot just 2 independent buckets. Anyway is there really such a thing as too powerful? I plan on using flex airstones mounted to the bottom of each bucket.

So rundown
41watts to aerate 2 5gal buckets holding 3galish of water in dwc, or is it absolute overkill and i should get a weaker pump?
Likewise I'm running 5watt per bucket/ 100gph

I've never seen anyone have overkill with bubbles, I think an issue you could have with excess bubbles is heat depending on some other factors but generally you should be fine. But yes, that large of a pump is unnecessary for your situation.
Thanks for the feedback, I think I'm gonna use it for while and watch temps. Maybe pick up a lower power pump and just keep my o2 for backup.
That's my concern the bubbles being so forceful it'll damage the roots. I plan on using a 3ft flexible aistone that should make small weaker bubbles