AK-47 Fall/Winter Attic Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
For security or so you can watch them? Haha. You should aim one of the cams on a thermometer/humidity meter and/or a moisture meter in the pots and then you can watch those and go up when needed.


Well-Known Member
one on the overall setup, other on guages. then you only have to go up when you need to. haha. save energy ;)


Well-Known Member
I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and see the temp change if I were to close off the ladder access door when I'm not up there. So this morning after I watered the plants I closed the attic door. After a few hours the temp in the growroom was at 89 degrees. This will be good news in the dead of winter but as for now I'm going to be leaving the upstairs door open to mix with the freezing air of the downstairs. The temp soon lowered to 73.


yeah dont look like you would need a heater if the door is closed...add the cameras and you will have a op that you watch like a movie..


Well-Known Member
Check out Bonz's grow. He's doing a time lapse, but he's moving so he has to scrap his grow :(


Well-Known Member
Okay heres todays update. I had to moisten the soil twice today. Once this morning and just a few minutes ago. I'm noticing the plants are starting to grow a little bit more rapidly now. That is all except for the mutant. AK #4 instead of growing its first two leaves its growing this mutant like single clover leave thing. I really wish I had a better camera to show you. But the bud off that freak is going to be some fungus. I also found the outside temp box for my display so that information will be accurate after today.

Oh and the cut up uno card box for tags isnt working out very well. I'm going to cut up some plastic for tags or just buy some tomorrow morning. Cardboard is no match for moist soil.



Well-Known Member
I just got back from checking on the room, and lets just say that I'm happy with the overnight growth. I had to moisten the soil on AK #1 and #3 but other then that they were perfect. I changed the setup a little bit by taking the blueberry out of the middle and pushing the ak's under the light a little more. The blueberrry now sits at the end in the middle. I will post pictures later on this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Moistened soil on all plants except blueberry. The outside temp is not accurate yet, thats what it is in my house. Sorry if this post is short i just smoked some super silver haze for th e first time and it is great and i'm blown back in 2 hours..



Well-Known Member
Haha. Looking goood! I got my grow journal started check it out in my sig. Early along, but got my details on it of my grow, and all of that info. Seeds I'm planting in like 2 hours when I'm less lazy. Hehe. :)


Well-Known Member
underphire, a couple of questions: how big are your pots - they look like 3 gallons. and how much are you watering and how often? My plants look similar but i have no idea on the watering front.


Well-Known Member
5 gallon home depot buckets, they get watered in the morning and checked again at night to see if the soil needs to be moistened, most of the time like 2 of them need to be rewatered.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from checking on my plants. I figured I would let a little bit more time pass before I posted again since they are only seedlings. The 1000w'er is doing great things for them so far. I had to move it up a little bit because I noticed a little twisting of the leaves that I diagnosed as heat stress. Once the light was raised to approx 3.5 ft the curling subsided. I started my little ladies out on their first dose of nutes last night without any visible negative effects on the plants. I'm using Ionic growth for coco/soil at 4tsp/gallon \\ 5ml per liter.

I also lined the inside of the room with poor mans mylar (emergency blankets).

Another thing I added for about 50 cents were two flystrips to help catch
any unwelcomed guests.

Also, the high temp pic is from midday today when the sun was beating down, and the low is from after sunset when the temps dropped to 50 degrees.

---pfffft wtf is up with the mutant, never seen a seedling like that, Oh well i'm gonna let nature run it's course.

