ak47 Grow


Well-Known Member
Good job so far man keep it up. Yeah when ever theres something looking not normal always flush, or add water to the resv that always worked for my issues I flush for about 2-3 days, hey have you ever smoked some AK-47? I have once and its bomb hows yours if you did? Im def going to get some. Subbd bro good luck and +rep


Well-Known Member
Good job so far man keep it up. Yeah when ever theres something looking not normal always flush, or add water to the resv that always worked for my issues I flush for about 2-3 days, hey have you ever smoked some AK-47? I have once and its bomb hows yours if you did? Im def going to get some. Subbd bro good luck and +rep
I don't know if he has, but I have, its amazing! I grew it for a long time as a beginner, excellent strain for beginners, easy to grow, heavy yield, very frosty, very tastey. I lost my mom when a digital timer went crazy and switched to 12/12 on its own. I think everyone should grow it at least once. Its also very versatile, a weeks difference in crop time gives you totally different and fantastic results, I personally like mine cut a little early.


Active Member
I have smoked it and it is very good. I also am starting to notice it is very stinky. It is very easy to grow and its not fussy at all. I will flush for 2 days that way i wont have to deal with any build up of nutrients. Im hoping to get more than 5 or 6 ounces from these 7 plants but who knows. I attempted to do the "fim" it seems to have worked ok i now have multiple shoots coming up instead of the one. hopfully it goes well. If it does im going to get another ak47 clone from the guy and make a mother.


Active Member
Why don't you just snip a little (doesn't take much) and make your own mom. I am about 2 weeks from cutting my first batch of AK47, I can't wait. It's been all White Widow until now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, as long as you haven't started flowering, you can take your own clone. Cloning is really easy, and only takes a branch with 4 nodes on it. If the plants get to a decent height and everything goes well you should be able to pull 2 ounces off each plant. You could actually pull a lot more, but since it is your first time, 2oz a plant is pretty reasonable. You should get at least 1.5 oz of each plant, if you don't, you know you messed up somewhere. Haha, I have friends that brag when they pull 1.5 oz off a plant... If I pulled 1.5 oz off a plant, I would probably punch a freaking hole in the wall.


Active Member
I have already started flowering its almost been 1 week. Im not all that worried about how much i get off each plant mostly i just want to have a successful grow then everything else will fall into place. Im going to get some mother plants going soon for the time being im maxed with plants. michigan only lets me have 12 unless i sign up some people to be their caregiver. which im working on but first i need to know that i can produce qaulity product.


Active Member
It will be 1 week into the flowering on sunday. I started a pure h2o flush today and will resume nutrients on sunday. I am interested in know if the 2 parts that are coming up on this plant mean im gonna get 2 main buds instead of one or is that just random growth.plant.jpgweek2 flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those are 2 sweet as tops dude. Awwhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeah! It's too bad there is nothing growing in the middle of that circle, so much potential. But I know you are just getting your feet wet, but I'm such a freaking light-nazi!


Active Member
I am so pumped about my plants and how great they are doing i wanna give you another pic from today just to show them off. here ya go. and as always any imput would be awesome. I wanna soak up all the good advice from some pros.
ok 121.jpg


Well-Known Member
Alright bro they are looking awesome. What is wrong with the straggler? Is your tray flooding evenly, or is that the mysterious auto-topping plant?


Active Member
That shorter plant is a super lemon haze. When i got my ak47 clones the guy only had 6 and i wanted 8 so he threw in 2 SLH for free. one didnt root verygood and i threw it away and this girl is making its he is just much shorter than the rest. I just assumed she was a indica dominant strain and therefor wouldnt grow as tall as my ak47 sativas. the floodtray is perfectly level and so is the light. I really didnt want to flower him since he was only about 6 inches when i did but he isnt doing bad and even if i only get a few grams of smoke from him its all good. atm the SLH is 10.5 inches tall the rest are 14.75 most notably she is not very bushy just a compact plant. Im not sure about a mysterious auto topping plant but i attemped to fim all of these and most worked since i know have anywhere from 2-4 tops on each plant. that little one thou did not work i beleive. unless its a late bloomer.


looking nice:) i want to go back too dro i just need to build a good system i am digging your's alot i am allso switching too tent's in the next few month's....


Active Member
thanks. I came in today and was very happy my plants grew alot. at least another 3" around and 2" up since last night.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I thought the one you pictured with two tops forming was doing it by itself. I've seen that on a few plants before that got sprayed too early with nitrozyme. the SLH is sativa dominant believe, but I haven't looked into it since it first took the Cannabis Cup, so you may want to look into it. I am fairly certain Haze itself is pure sativa. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.

You got to watch your language around the ladies, bro. You keep calling them "he"'s and they are going to betray you. Just because they are clones doesn't mean they won't hermy on you. It's a curse I tell you! CUUUURRRRSSSEEEE!!!


Active Member
lol. yea I dont mean to call them hes they are all shes atm and i check everyday. I did look it up and yes SLH is a sativa so honestly I have no idea whats going on. I contacted the guy who i got the clones from and he swears he only gave me 1 SLH and I know the one i pitched was different looking than the rest. SO maybe its just a late bloomer. prolly ak47 just gonna be small. It still is doing good and does have white hairs starting to form so. yeah i only got 2 that didnt get the twin tops. accualy i got 2 that have 4 tops. I accualy got some SLH the other day and it was sticky as hell and it smoked ok.


Well-Known Member
I have had several samples from several different SLH farmers, and I don't know if I am awesome or they suck, or if the judges at the Cannabis Cup were bribed, which many of the contestants from Cannabis Cup 2010 (might have been '09) suspect. I have never been super impressed, I know if you let them go big they yield like champs, but I have never had any smoke that was knock-out good. Still a good strain though, I am still waiting for a sample from someone who doesn't ghetto grow, or warehouse grow, because warehouse plants don't get enough attention and almost always turn out like shit. Fuckers flooding our dispensaries with their fucking illegal warehouse weed. I'd call the cops on all of them in a heart beat.


Active Member
I hear ya. the dispensaries around here rarly get anything worthwhile. That SLH wasnt no topnotch thats for sure. We have a farmers market every weekend at the local farmers market. that is where i typically been geting my smoke i do think small timers take more time and end up with higher qaulity stuff. I mean i spend at least an hour a day hanging with my girls. i doubt that a big time farmer would do that. anyhow im pretty excited for these ak47s. when should i expect to start seeing bud formation. 2-3 weeks? that kinda what ive read but no one is real clear about it.


Active Member
week2 flower.jpg

These photos suck. that red light and all the lines but here it is end of second week off flower and the ladies are looking good.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what nutrients you are using. 2-3 weeks is typical for most strains. Purchasing a flower booster for the beginning stages of flowering would help speed the process up.