ak47 Grow


Active Member
Currently im using floranova bloom 10ml per gallon and floralisious plus 1ml per gallon and liquid koolbloom 5ml per gallon. Either way they started this week so.


Active Member
well im glad your sticking it out with me. I cant wait to see what im gonna get. yeah the nutes arent that bad. I got the little buds everywhere now. i couldnt beleive it did that over night.


Well-Known Member
Your fertilizers are great, just minimal, and that is just dandy. The more you put in the mix the more complex it all becomes. Flora Nova is an amazing and well balanced cocktail of chelates. It has been years since I've used it, but it gives you amazing bud, even with out flowering boosters, I don't remember if it needs cal mag or not, call GH and ask. This would be the week your plants start to really drink it.


Active Member
I ussualy add 4 gallons of water to the res 2 times every week. and change it every 7 days. so ill be watching it closer this week. I dont know if i need cal mag. it doesnt say anything on the bottle. I will give them a call. its to late in the game to be cheap and not give them what they need.

Just talked with GH they said I should be fine since im in 3rd week flower and havnt had any signs of deficency but i will get a small bottle and keep it on hand just in case. i start noticing the signs.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. At week 4 I would add it in whether or not you see a deficiency, just small amounts. You can buy anyone's ca/mg, I just don't personally recommend the organic ca/mg because it can sour quickly if conditions aren't right, so I don't even play with it at all. Everyone else's ca/mg is the same stuff for the most part. I bought a liter of CalMax by GroTek for 12 or 13 bucks, exact same as my CalMag PLUS by Botanicare. Of course they don't list all ingredients, that would be foolish of them, but they work the same, smell the same, look the same, and my plants like it all the same.

Looking back I remember I overloaded my plants with ca/mg once using the FloraNova. It has lots of Calcium in it, and I was giving it an accelerated dose of ca/mg, per usual, and they went south on me. Once I backed way off after a flush they came right back and flourished. So just use a little, I personally like to measure out my ca/mg by PPM in my solution, so I can control what parts of the solution the plant will uptake.


Active Member
sure i change the res every sunday so this sunday ill prolly add some starting at 1 tsp. per 4 gallons then see what happens. the floranova bloom has 4% calcium and 2% mag. so i dont want to add to much.


Active Member
Putting up some more photos. let me know what ya think. also wondering if it is normal for all my fan leafs to have red stems.



Well-Known Member
LOOKING GOOD YOUNGDOG! Im using dutch masters nutes I havent tried anything else b4 but its ok pretty simple. But I think it takes away the flavor and the smell of the buds IDK what you guys think will be good nutes for next round. And I was wondering forn those who smoked AK-47 what do ya'll think of the strain from 1-10 10 being the best I smoked it b4 and I thought it was a 10 im gonna have to get some.


Active Member
Thanks. About the nutes I honestly have no idea I picked floranova because my freind used it and it was simple looking and he had good luck with it. As far as the ak47 smoke I would say its 8 not the best ive smoke but it was very good.


Active Member
temps are at 75. maybe to much k its geting the floranova bloom 7-4-10 and floralisious plus 2-.8-.02 and liquid koolbloom 0-10-10 so I know definetly temps are not low. i will cut back on the koolbloom for a week and see if it resolves. also im including a better pics of the red fan leave stems.


Edit: after doing some research Ive found that a mg def can casue red stems as well. so this sunday im going to add some magical in with my ussual nutes and see if that helps. planed to do it anyhow so its a 2fer if it solves my red stems. also got a eva dry absorber to help lower the humidity since its been runing around 60-70 hope it helps also added a small fan and turned my big fan up to medium to help circulate more air.


Well-Known Member
Mg def? Wow, I didn't know that would do it, that is a great early warning sign I will keep in mind! I thought I had studied the effects of ca/mg backwards and forwards.

That definitely sounds like Powdery Mildew to me, sprays like that can sometimes be tough on cannabis plants, so raise your light first if you choose that product. I have a suggestion that works very well for a grower I work very closely with, it's simply called Mildew Cure and it is by SaferGro, You can get it at any hydro store. It is organic, and safe to spray on your plants up to a day before harvest. It is also very easy on plants, but lifting or dimming (if you have a sweet ballast like me) are good options for sprays like this, but it is best to spray it on a 2-3 hours before lights turn on with good ventilation. If you decide to lift your light, lift it all the way up to it's highest point for at least 2-3 hours before lowering it again.

Keeping humidity down will definitely help solve this from happening again, how is your intake and out take? Proper ventilation will keep humidity down. A dehumidifier is 70 bucks, a good inline fan is 150 bucks. If you don't plan on adding co2 (I don't remember if you said you did or not) buy the intake fan instead. If you are scrapped for cash the dehumidifier will work for now, but ultimately you are spending more, because proper ventilation controls a lot more than just things like heat and humidity, but disease and pests. It also increases yield to have your ladies dancing gently in fresh air. Always want our ladies dancing for us.


Active Member
I sprayed them down didnt realize to lift the lights hope that dont damage them. I have a dehumidifier its just big i got it siting in front of my tent with the doors open and plastic enclosing the dehumidifier/tent I have a inline fan its just the duct booster one and atm i cant really afford much more I think my next purcahse is going to be one of the inline fan carbon filter combos from htg then ill take te duct booster and make it an intake. What i have learned is that my base although cooler is not ideal for growing due to humidity and mold. Its always wet down there. It will be easier to air condition an upstairs room and not deal with high humidity and mold. I am definetly going to look into that mildew cure. someone in the plant problems section says neem oil will only control it and if i want to get rid of it i need some copper fungicide. I am looking into that as well.

as far as the red stems being a mg def. I seen that some where and im just hoping its easier to add a little magical than to drop something else. I honestly dont know for sure ill definetly post if it takes care of the issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure ca/mg is the issue, it is that time. I never suggest any combo units, get separate components, so when one goes south you don't lose both. Copper Fungicide is something I am not familiar with, but worth a look, Neem Oil won't do crap. Copper Fungicide doesn't sound very organic or food safe to me, though. Doesn't baking soda draw humidity from the air? I know something does, I can't remember what... would probably take a ridiculous amount to be effective.


Active Member
Thanks The copper stuff sounds kinda harsh to me as well. That bonide rose rx 3n1 seems to have it under control atm. Someone else gave me a receipe of 1 gallon warm water 1/4 cup whole milk 2-3 drops dish soap. I dont know if it will work but it isnt very hard on the plants.


Active Member
Definetly have a mag. def. I started using that magical last week at 1/4 strength this week going to up it to 3/4 strength . I have been battling bronchitis the last week and when i did my water change last week I accidentaly used grow nutreints instead of bloom. hasnt shown any issues so hopfully it wont bother it to much. Ill return to bloom sunday after a 24 hour flush. more photos sunday as well. as far as the PM Ive gotten it managed atm Im using stuff called green cure that i picked up at the local shop they said i could use it up to an hour befor harvest. I cant get the humidity lower than 70% the last week. with all the rain and heat coming in the humidity in my basement went up so im still pushing the dehumifier and runing fans hopefully i cant keep it at bay for another month or so till these plants are done.


Active Member
here is a couple photos taken today they ar a little blurry. I tried to get a pic of the thrics forming on the leafs. enjoy and please give me any advice. dont wanna mess up this late in the game.
