Al Gore's ridiculous statements "earths core is millions of degrees"

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Polution is bad and yes we should continue to find alternative energy sources. However, if you think that man made CO2 is causing global warming and we should tax it, you my friend are retarded.
Ok, the Romans used to grow grapes in northern England.
I dare you to try that now.
Hence western europe and americas taste for beer over wine.

We had a mini ice age from approx. 1300 to 1850.
That is why you see temp increases from 1850 till now.
We are coming out a a global chill.

Polution is bad I don't like the mercury in my tuna.
But CO2 isn't a polutant it is the stuff of life.

You people running around panicing.
It would be funny if you wheren't so dangerous.

BTW who gives a shit what Al Gore said, Pfft.
What I find funny about the whole thing is Gore talking about "carbon offsets". You cannot offset excessive use in anyway. If mmgw was/is real, the goal would be to reduce emissions, not government control. I mean the developing countries won't do anything unless they are paid to? LMFAO.

Excessive use is just that. Buying an offset is the rich peoples way of saying it doesn't apply to us. You can still use less AND buy the offsets if you are rich, therefore having a negative footprint. That would be the best no? The rich like Gore should be forced at gun point to use less if mmgw were true..

just my .02 cents.
Carry on
Al Gore doesn't know much real science. He comes up with "Facts" based on guesses, he can always claim his lack of credentials to back up his ignorance. Snake Oil salesmen make the same kind of pitch.
Al Gore is an ASS CLOWN. The problem with him is there are armies of simpering idiots willingly lining his pockets and actively endorsing his oral flatulence. Sobbing Eco-loons crying and holding demonstrations calling for the systematic destruction of their own race. As long as they get to keep their Ipods and latte' macchiatos.

I've seen it before, up close and personal. I was living in Oregon during FAT AL'S false campaign to destroy our timber industry (err, save the spotted owl). I heard all the arguments for and against, and watched the mocking of the scientists forwarding data that showed it all to be fictitious. I watched my family's friends lose their homes, saw the news reports of yet another lumber mill closing, over and over. It was heinous and it was a complete lie.

So you saps go ahead and buy into the bullshit, not me sister. Homie don't play that.

Interesting article in case you forgot about FAT AL'S last successful campaign.

Timber Companies Exonerated, Barred Owls Blamed for Spotted Owl Decline

Environment & Climate News > September 2007
Environment > Endangered Species
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Written By: Tom DeWeese
Published In: Environment & Climate News > September 2007
Publication date: 09/01/2007
Publisher: The Heartland Institute
Environmentalists are quick to lecture the rest of us about the ways of nature. Don't clean the dead trees off the forest floor; they're natural. Cattle and horses on the range aren't native, so let the grizzlies and wolves devour them; it's natural. Man isn't part of the ecology, so lock him out of vast areas of land; it's natural.

It is interesting to note how the "natural" argument applies only when it is used to impose the radical environmental agenda. A case in point is the Northern spotted owl.

Timber Companies Ruined

Spotted owls, we were told a decade ago, were disappearing because big bad timber companies were cutting down old-growth forests. So the environmental movement rushed to the forests, hugged the trees, and issued news releases to decry the evils of the logging industry. Save the owl. Save the trees. Kill the timber industry.

Of course, that was exactly the point. Kill the timber industry. As a result of the hysteria to save the "endangered" owls, U.S. timber sales were reduced by 80 to 90 percent, forcing saw mills to close, loggers to go broke, and the literal disappearance of entire towns that depended on the industry.

The federal crackdown on the industry caused a shift in U.S. domestic lumber supplies to foreign sources. In short, American industry suffered in the name of protecting the spotted owl.

Turns out, the whole spotted owl scare was unfounded.

Barred Owl Was Culprit

According to a new government draft plan to save the species, scientists are no longer saying logging is the great threat to the spotted owl.

"The draft recovery plan recognizes the primary threat to northern spotted owls as competition with barred owls," the report says. According to the report, barred owls are less selective about the habitat they use and the prey they feed upon and are out-competing northern spotted owls for habitat and food, causing the spotted owl's decline.

In fact, for the entire decade since the issue emerged on the political scene, the property rights and land use movements have been reporting the fact that the Northern spotted owl is only a sub-species of Mexican spotted owls, which are not endangered at all.

It was no secret that the spotted owl did not need old-growth forests to survive, since spotted owls were found living under bridges and in McDonald's signs. What it needed, like any other species, was a good food source. Now we know it was undercut by another owl--a completely natural occurrence.

Movement Built on Lie

What was accomplished during the 10-year fight, besides the destruction of an entire industry and the economic welfare of the people who worked in it?

What was accomplished was the regrettable establishment of a very radical and dangerous political agenda called the environmental movement. Its power is now so great that no politician dares to oppose it.

Yet that power, we now know for certain, was built on a lie. Some in the movement have even candidly admitted that if they hadn't had the spotted owl they would have invented something like it to drive their agenda.

In fact they did invent it, and the purpose was to destroy the timber industry and private property rights. They called it an environmental emergency.

Government Still Clueless

Now the truth has come out. So, will the same federal government that rushed to impose harsh treatment of innocent property owners and industry now roll back those stifling regulations and let freedom breathe? Of course not. Agendas are agendas, regardless of the facts.

So instead, after the nation spent millions of dollars to destroy private property rights, the government plans to spend $200 million more on a "barred owl removal plan" in order to save the spotted owl from its natural competitor.

And as usual when a new government debacle is rolled out, there is always an emergency to drive the policy. According to Ren Loheofener, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Pacific Region, "Because the range and numbers of barred owls are expanding rapidly, our effectiveness in addressing this threat depends on immediate action."

No Need for Panic

Here's an immediate action sane folks could recommend: Leave the barred owls alone to do what comes natural to them.

If the spotted owl can't keep up--then good riddance. It's been used to cause enough pain, and obviously its time is up.

After all, it's a natural process. Species come and go. We've got plenty of Mexican spotted owls to play with if we get homesick for them.

Of course, the final chapter is yet to be written. If the new "recovery plan" is successful, it won't be long before the environmental movement has a new emergency--man's wanton destruction of the barred owl. Creating false environmental disasters just comes natural for some people.
My guess is that animals have been gong extinct for millions of years. Long before man arrived. Dino's???
In addition: Environmentalists are blaming pollution and the sport fisherman for the decline in the Salmon runs in the northern California rivers. Bunk! The same environmentalists lobbied to stop the culling of the California Sea Lion, and as a result, the Sea Lion has proliferated into an enormous number. They sit outside of the mouths of the rivers and decimate the Salmon as they begin their trip back up the rivers to spawn.

The environmentalists have successfully banned DDT under the guise of thinning Pelican egg shells and the decline of the Brown Pelican off of California shores. In the meantime, millions of human beings are dying from malaria in under developed countries. Malaria deaths were near zero before the banning of DDT.

The environmentalists have lobbied congress to cut off the water supply to farmers in California's Central Valley in order to save a little fish. Again, the demise of the Salmon is the issue. This is the most fertile soil in the country. The San Joaquin Valley is known as the bread basket for the country. Today, it stands barren, and locally, there is a 40% unemployment rate.

The modern environmental movement is not about conservation, it is about economic and political control over humans.
In addition: Environmentalists are blaming pollution and the sport fisherman for the decline in the Salmon runs in the northern California rivers. Bunk! The same environmentalists lobbied to stop the culling of the California Sea Lion, and as a result, the Sea Lion has proliferated into an enormous number. They sit outside of the mouths of the rivers and decimate the Salmon as they begin their trip back up the rivers to spawn.

The environmentalists have successfully banned DDT under the guise of thinning Pelican egg shells and the decline of the Brown Pelican off of California shores. In the meantime, millions of human beings are dying from malaria in under developed countries. Malaria deaths were near zero before the banning of DDT.

The environmentalists have lobbied congress to cut off the water supply to farmers in California's Central Valley in order to save a little fish. Again, the demise of the Salmon is the issue. This is the most fertile soil in the country. The San Joaquin Valley is known as the bread basket for the country. Today, it stands barren, and locally, there is a 40% unemployment rate.

The modern environmental movement is not about conservation, it is about economic and political control over humans.

The sea lion population is taking over SoCal. Also, sharks are more prevelant than any time I can remember. Killer Whales are spotted more and more in the outer banks.

The massive filthy sea lion population is drawing in the predators. Humans will and have lost their lives when in close proximaty to these sea lions. It will only get worse.
Its to bad we all sit behind a computer and talk about this shit. The government is pushing an agenda and we cant stop it, only delay and try to fight it. In the end they are going to get what they shot for. One way or another.

See!! I told you all he was real!! I was super cereal and none of you believed me!!!
Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $1,200 last year for its 10,000-square-foot home.

The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press spanning the period from Feb. 3, 2006, to Jan. 5. That is far more than the typical Nashville household, which uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.

His Nashville home is more than four times larger than the average new American home built last year — about 2,400 square feet, according to the National Association of Home Builders.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month, according to the Tennessee Center For Policy Research's release.

That is more than an average American family uses in an entire year.

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Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $1,200 last year for its 10,000-square-foot home.

The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press spanning the period from Feb. 3, 2006, to Jan. 5. That is far more than the typical Nashville household, which uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.

His Nashville home is more than four times larger than the average new American home built last year — about 2,400 square feet, according to the National Association of Home Builders.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month, according to the Tennessee Center For Policy Research's release.

That is more than an average American family uses in an entire year.

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not to mention the gazzillion tons of co2 he used in his car security detail and the hours he spent in his plane.

but al isnt the problem. the real problem is you. when you drive to work and spew that crap out of your suv.

this is exactly how stateists work. the "good" guys in the govt will take care of all those big polluters by taxing every cent of energy they use. people go along because they think the govt dick is talking about someone else. then they realize that the "polluters" are them, and its too late to do anything.

judging by your post, i am glad you get it.
not to mention the gazzillion tons of co2 he used in his car security detail and the hours he spent in his plane.

but al isnt the problem. the real problem is you. when you drive to work and spew that crap out of your suv.

this is exactly how stateists work. the "good" guys in the govt will take care of all those big polluters by taxing every cent of energy they use. people go along because they think the govt dick is talking about someone else. then they realize that the "polluters" are them, and its too late to do anything.

judging by your post, i am glad you get it.

I feel myself becoming more disillusioned everyday. I want to believe the guys in the government but they just keep lying to us. The interest isn't in the people in helping all their college buddies. It doesn't matter who you vote for. They're gonna be crooked. luckily for them they know how to keep the population content. well american idol's on I got to go lol.
I feel myself becoming more disillusioned everyday. I want to believe the guys in the government but they just keep lying to us. The interest isn't in the people in helping all their college buddies. It doesn't matter who you vote for. They're gonna be crooked. luckily for them they know how to keep the population content. well american idol's on I got to go lol.

they do it on purpose. its a nice distraction to inch their policy along. the money maker wizards of oz rule this country, not republicrats.