Mother Earth Gives Al Gore the Finger

Satellite data on ice age reveal that multiyear ice within the Arctic basin increased from 2.25 to 3.17 million square kilometers (869,000 to 1,220,000 square miles) between the end of February in 2013 and 2014.

Yes they have the new 2014 NASA data... now... don't be an idiot and say it was written by Glen Beck... that only shows you being an idiot.... and numbers, you understand, that 3.17 million is a much bigger number than 2.25 million? Understand so far?

So... Just answer one question:

Since the graph and language of this says that the SEA ICE has gotten bigger since 2012 [bad year-]....
Since SEA ICE can not grow if it is warmer....
And since second year ice is more..
Here are the questions:

WHY... can you not give mother earth the thumbs up for cooling a bit... it's a trend... a hopeful trend...
So... WHY can you not admit that something good could be happening? To Earth?
Why do you only accept Bad News?

There is more ICE... "This Year" maybe there will be less next year... Let the truth be told...
Now go and cherry pick the NASA data /graph from this article... it's there... and Opps... more ice now, at this time of year than 2012/2013... Wow how could that be?

This is good news... it could be a trend...

Now go and Ignore this because it does not suite your negative agenda...
IDIOTS Unite... Don't believe the good news.... because it does not fit your agenda....
Now... that is Very Foolish....

Have a nice warm day....
The study found that forecasts are quite accurate when sea ice conditions are close to the downward trend that has been observed in Arctic sea ice for the last 30 years. However, forecasts are not so accurate when sea ice conditions are unusually higher or lower compared to this trend.

The Study found....that the study of ice when a downward trend is happening [less ice over and over every year]
It was easy to predict [computer can not self adjust when less is happening... less bad that is...] so the growth of sea ice is under yes... ice older than a year old is up...also...
new ice is up...
Good Job Mother Earth.... two thumbs up...

Maybe it's the start of a trend... maybe it is nothing... either way... under reported news.... because most people like bad news...
This is good news...

I just want to celebrate.... I just want to celebrate.... another day of living.....
I just want to celebrate another day of life.....

Yes they have the new 2014 NASA data... now... don't be an idiot and say it was written by Glen Beck... that only shows you being an idiot.... and numbers, you understand, that 3.17 million is a much bigger number than 2.25 million? Understand so far?

why don't you show me where 2.25 and 3.17 million square kilometers would fall on the graph i provided earlier, genius?


cat got your tongue, OP?

No use responding to someone that only wants there to be bad news about earth....

More Ice This year is good...

Talk to you again in a year....

When the new data will be out, and then, there will be a three year trend, or another down year....

Your above graph is quite cute... you are very good at manipulating the truth...

I don't want to Change/Manipulate the truth... just report it...

The Ice for this small two year period is better...

Why do you live in a make believe world where everything is shit, and everyone "Else" is a doubter/idiot...

Just the truth... Does't matter whom reports it...

Just so you know.... You should probably update your graphs, to show the truth...Not your agenda...

So... Ask yourself... Why... Why do you want there to be Climate change only in a bad way?

Why are you so negative, down trodden and sad? More ice is good news....

Put down your shit sandwich and grab some feel good lemon aid....
Al Gore was duped, like all the other highly paid stooges, who lie to foment war, and higher taxes

See world wide carbon tax
No use responding to someone that only wants there to be bad news about earth....

More Ice This year is good...

Talk to you again in a year....

When the new data will be out, and then, there will be a three year trend, or another down year....

Your above graph is quite cute... you are very good at manipulating the truth...

I don't want to Change/Manipulate the truth... just report it...

The Ice for this small two year period is better...

Why do you live in a make believe world where everything is shit, and everyone "Else" is a doubter/idiot...

Just the truth... Does't matter whom reports it...

Just so you know.... You should probably update your graphs, to show the truth...Not your agenda...

So... Ask yourself... Why... Why do you want there to be Climate change only in a bad way?

Why are you so negative, down trodden and sad? More ice is good news....

Put down your shit sandwich and grab some feel good lemon aid....

"Who only wants bad news about the Earth"....? Seriously? Do you believe in the power of positive thinking that much?

The year by year data is nearly meaningless when looked at year-by-year. Look at the trend. Where is your "good news" now (Moses)?

Our culture has handled the whole thing pretty badly. From the disastrous comedy "The Day After Tomorrow" to the local news asking people to send in their pictures of climate change..... You cannot see global climate change by looking out your window.
Just so you know.... You should probably update your graphs, to show the truth...Not your agenda....

do you even realize that the 2.25 and 3.17 million square kilometers of arctic sea ice would drive the graph sharply downward?


are you so fucking illiterate that you can not read the simple fucking graph?

that would explain why you are getting your climate change data from glenn beck and tabloids like WND instead scientific institutions like NASA or NOAA.

what a fucking joke.
Because Uncle Buck says
and take this shit back to the politics section
You agree?
No... This is not political.... This is just reporting the facts...
Ice is more this year than last in the Arctic...
Uncle Buck just wants to argue... that's not political... that's just him being a control freaking ass...
There is nothing "Political" about it...
Does RIU have a Science section?
No... it does not...LMFAO...

Laffing at all of you that think me reporting that there is a slight sea ice increase is political...

Go Fuck yourselves... you make me very sad... nothing political...

Take a hit.... Breath.... now there is way less... sea ice than there was five years ago...
Way less than there was three years ago....
But what the FUCK..... there is more than there was two years ago....

So... Just shut the fuck up about it... You are acting foolish....
do you even realize that the 2.25 and 3.17 million square kilometers of arctic sea ice would drive the graph sharply downward?


are you so fucking illiterate that you can not read the simple fucking graph?

that would explain why you are getting your climate change data from glenn beck and tabloids like WND instead scientific institutions like NASA or NOAA.

what a fucking joke.

You seem to be confused about the date...

It's 2014...

Your graph ends when the sea ice is at it's worst..... reporting biased sea ice news?
Why is that? Seems like....
You report the bad news... Look in the mirror.... why is that? Why do you need to feel like you have the inside info...
Except....You keep putting up an old graph...
LMAO... You are so funny in a weird kinda way....
Since when is "ICE" political...
Oh when I point out when of your Monument Men is an idiot....Sorry...
Personally, I hope all the north sea ice melts and the northern passage is 100% re-opened... Yes, re-opened.....
That would be grand....I do not fear rising oceans...

Ice isn't political.... anyone that believes it is, well you know what who you are....

Stay out of toke n talk with your political bull shit....

Especially if you just want to dispute the facts....

How Crazy is that? More acres of ice = more ice....

Fear Not....
You seem to be confused about the date...

It's 2014...

Your graph ends when the sea ice is at it's worst..... reporting biased sea ice news?


the two most recent numbers you cited, 2.25 and 3.17 million square kilometers of ice, would not even be on this graph.

notice how the graph ends at 4 million square kilometers of ice on the bottom parameter? notice how it's at about 5.5 million square kilometers of sea ice in 2010?

that means that we have lost about half the remaining sea ice in the last 4 years alone.

take your glenn beck bullshit and go get laughed at over in the politics section, where this belongs. because your glenn beck nonsense certainly isn't "science".


your ellipsis abuse is out of control.

period to end a sentence, comma to separate out a thought. read up on when to use ellipses.
Sure bet... I will do that what ever hahahaa....
Wait first I will clean the bong...
Oh wait,,,, haha like I give a fuck what you say or think I should do...

You are wasting your time, as am I....
haha so fucking funny....
Uncle Buck is so un-en-lightning... or is he/it what??
Because Uncle Buck says

You agree?
No... This is not political.... This is just reporting the facts...
Ice is more this year than last in the Arctic...
Uncle Buck just wants to argue... that's not political... that's just him being a control freaking ass...
There is nothing "Political" about it...
Does RIU have a Science section?
No... it does not...LMFAO...

Laffing at all of you that think me reporting that there is a slight sea ice increase is political...

Go Fuck yourselves... you make me very sad... nothing political...

Take a hit.... Breath.... now there is way less... sea ice than there was five years ago...
Way less than there was three years ago....
But what the FUCK..... there is more than there was two years ago....

So... Just shut the fuck up about it... You are acting foolish....

i havent met a global warming naysayer yet who wasnt repub... just sayin
Sure bet... I will do that what ever hahahaa....
Wait first I will clean the bong...
Oh wait,,,, haha like I give a fuck what you say or think I should do...

You are wasting your time, as am I....
haha so fucking funny....
Uncle Buck is so un-en-lightning... or is he/it what??
do you really believe that global warming is a myth?

how could you?

do you really believe that burning all the fossil fuel we can get our hands on is a good idea with no consequences?

we might as well go back to dumping PCBs into the river and put the kids back into the mills.

wake the fuck up

and move this shit to POLITICS!