Well-Known Member
Satellite data on ice age reveal that multiyear ice within the Arctic basin increased from 2.25 to 3.17 million square kilometers (869,000 to 1,220,000 square miles) between the end of February in 2013 and 2014.
Yes they have the new 2014 NASA data... now... don't be an idiot and say it was written by Glen Beck... that only shows you being an idiot.... and numbers, you understand, that 3.17 million is a much bigger number than 2.25 million? Understand so far?
So... Just answer one question:
Since the graph and language of this says that the SEA ICE has gotten bigger since 2012 [bad year-]....
Since SEA ICE can not grow if it is warmer....
And since second year ice is more...
Here are the questions:
WHY... can you not give mother earth the thumbs up for cooling a bit... it's a trend... a hopeful trend...
So... WHY can you not admit that something good could be happening? To Earth?
Why do you only accept Bad News?
There is more ICE... "This Year" maybe there will be less next year... Let the truth be told...
Now go and cherry pick the NASA data /graph from this article... it's there... and Opps... more ice now, at this time of year than 2012/2013... Wow how could that be?
This is good news... it could be a trend...
Now go and Ignore this because it does not suite your negative agenda...
IDIOTS Unite... Don't believe the good news.... because it does not fit your agenda....
Now... that is Very Foolish....
Have a nice warm day....