you're more pedantic than i am .. congratulations. visible light. all better now? not sure what rotting wood has to do with the moon emitting no VISIBLE light.
The only things that would emit light, sorry VISIBLE light in our solar system without the sun would be Jupiter and possibly Saturn and some of their moons.
Sorry but your WRONG the sky is blue because blue light is a high energy photon, being absorbed and emitted over and over so that it comes from all angles from the sky to your eye, You see red sunsets because red is a lower a energy photon less easy to absorb, and travels through more atmosphere because of the low angle of the sun where the higher energy photons have been filtered out by being absorbed and emited in different directions. So please understand the moon does absorb and emit light. I could far more picky with what you have said, Hell you seem not to noted that the stars emit light. Nor do you seem to know what light is.
I was more than a bit drunk and high when I posted yesterday, though i'm always high when I post I seldom drink, exept when I have a very real need for sleep. Though I do party sometimes.