Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore

dearest diane,

seriously ?

you don't say?

thanks for the feedback

is it actually annoying you?

what's that feel like?


GK, you know I do not have to read any of your posts, yet I do. So....who
I do my best work when annoyed, thanks
is annoying me; you, or me? Read between the lines........
No, please... you get it.. you are so good at getting old posts and, fabricating quotes of your own and of accusing people of erasing posts.

I am guessing that you are good at other things too.. but that is the only DIANE i know... so please.. I don't want to step on your toes.. fetch away dear sir..


"Get a playboy"......... How many times did you erase that post in your RIU Diva thread. Must have really gotten to you, no?
sounds like you were already there..... why didn't you copy the entire thread and paste it inside the post of this thread.. ?

are you being modest?


I have a good memory.......that's why you can't get away with being a hypocrite. Remember..........:mrgreen:
GK, you know I do not have to read any of your posts, yet I do.


You don't say!!!! seriously? or are you joking? cause I thought all my POSTs went directly to your head and you had no choice BUT TO HEAR ME!!!

OMG you are just to darn clever..

Your profundity never ceases to amaze me... thanks for the insite!

DIANE you are genius!

I know you like to talk about me and have an internet romping... BUT,

how about we get back on topic and you explain to me... how corporations are NOT run by people...

"Get a playboy"......... How many times did you erase that post in your RIU Diva thread. Must have really gotten to you, no?


What posts did I erase? were they your posts?

maybe you can post the screen shots in this thread? you have them right?

refresh my memory... I think you are right though..I do remember erasing a couple posts in that thread.. posts that were not thread related...


You don't say!!!! seriously? or are you joking? cause I thought all my POSTs went directly to your head and you had no choice BUT TO HEAR ME!!!

OMG you are just to darn clever..

Your profundity never ceases to amaze me... thanks for the insite!

DIANE you are genius!

I know you like to talk about me and have an internet romping... BUT,

how about we get back on topic and you explain to me... how corporations are NOT run by people...


No thanks.........

I explain things to people who are genuinely interested, or interesting. I argue with pricks who like to argue. It just happens to be, when it comes to arguing, I'm the biggest prick around...........and have no problems destroying these other pricks. (right now, you):mrgreen:

What posts did I erase? were they your posts?

maybe you can post the screen shots in this thread? you have them right?

refresh my memory... I think you are right though..I do remember erasing a couple posts in that thread.. posts that were not thread related...


The gist of what you were saying on that thread...

"We need to have half naked chicks to put on our RIU calendar; We need to have women get naked for me"

My post...

"Get a playboy"

Which I posted about 5 times, which you erased 5 times.
The gist of what you were saying on that thread...

"We need to have half naked chicks to put on our RIU calendar; We need to have women get naked for me"

My post...

"Get a playboy"

Which I posted about 5 times, which you erased 5 times.

i see... thank you for the clarification

why did you post it 5 times if you thought I was erasing it?

And please.. go to that thread and get my exact posting...I am really suprised you would settle for "gist" that is so unlike you... LOL

I don't recall requesting naked pictures for a calendar... nor was that what I envisioned..although I am ok with naked pictures..

thanks fro PUTTING your TWIST on my post.....

That is what you do with every post.. you put a twist..

shall we get to the bottom of that?

shall we find out what it is that causes you to twist and edit peoples thoughts.. do you agree that you twist peoples thoughts?

I am genuinely interested in why you cannot accept what IS.

i see... thank you for the clarification

why did you post it 5 times if you thought I was erasing it?

And please.. go to that thread and get my exact posting...I am really suprised you would settle for "gist" that is so unlike you... LOL

I don't recall requesting naked pictures for a calendar... nor was that what I envisioned..although I am ok with naked pictures..

thanks fro PUTTING your TWIST on my post.....

That is what you do with every post.. you put a twist..

shall we get to the bottom of that?

shall we find out what it is that causes you to twist and edit peoples thoughts.. do you agree that you twist peoples thoughts?

I am genuinely interested in why you cannot accept what IS.


still over my head ... sorry.... but then again.. you probably knew that.. I am suprised you even read my posts? do you have to read them?

I am starting to suspect you have NO choice..:mrgreen:

thank you...

i'll take that as a compliment.. you quoting me three times without giving me AUTHOR CREDIT... :)

I Said:

Holy shit CC. The fact that you continually respond with the same thoughtless mantra without internalizing a single god damn thing I said is starting to freak me out. Are you really that far gone?

I’m going to keep this real simple. Let’s just start with a single question:


Then you said… Yep… You really said this:
Once more: I...DESIRE...ALL...THE...CHANGES...YOU...DO. Everyone does. Renewable energy sources, clean up dirty industry, move to clean auto fuels...stop clear cutting and burning the forests. I just don't believe in man-man global warming.
How the fuck could you honestly mistake this as question regarding your beliefs on clean energy? You started this thread. Your premise is that the ‘CRISIS’ is a ‘FRAUD.’ My question is: “WHAT IF YOU’RE WRONG? WHAT IF IT’S NOT A FRAUD!!!”

What if the US-Army is correct: “The chaos that results can be an incubator of civil strife, genocide and the growth of terrorism”

What if NASA is correct: That we have reached a critical time period in which man made CO2 emissions must be reduced by 50% before 2050 or the billion plus people who rely on glaciers for drinking water will then be thrust into a situation akin to the 80’s Ethiopia circumstance?

How could you expect anyone to take you seriously if you can’t even internalize such a simple question???
towlie: the problem you have is that really BELIEVE the rest of us who doubt man-made global warming are less educated than you.

somehow you dont seem to understand the statement: "capable scientists are arguing on boths sides of this issue."

[copy & paste] You keep saying this as though I haven’t already addressed it. Many brilliant scientist believe the 911 conspiracy theories, believe in UFO abductions, believe the earth is 6,000 years old, believe in some bat-shit-insane, Cool-Aid drinkin’, spoon bending maharishi is the profit of god, etc, etc. Are you actually insinuating that scientific consensus is no more reliable than the clearly delusional yet somehow brilliant minority?

You insinuate that I present myself as more educated than yourself. Do you realize that I’m attempting to discuss this subject on a Jr. High School Level?

‘SCIENCE’: The investigation of natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation, and experimentation, or the knowledge produced by such investigation. Science makes use of the scientific method, which includes the careful observation of natural phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis, the conducting of one or more experiments to test the hypothesis, and the drawing of a conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis. (The American Heritage Science Dictionary)

1. (Yes or No) Do you agree with the above definition? If not could you please define ‘Science’ for me?

2.Based on YOUR definition of science, and based on your repeated self proclamations of scientific intellect, could you please direct me to a single scientific document you have referenced in this debate or have ever read? If not (and I know you won’t because I KEEP FUCKING ASKING FOR IT!) why do you consider yourself to be scientifically minded seeing as you’re clearly not interested in science?
Did you even read the articles about the suing? Because, if you had you would have read
John Coleman, who founded the cable network in 1982, suggests suing for fraud proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits.
"Is he committing financial fraud? That is the question," Coleman said.
"Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," Coleman said. "I'm confident that the advocates of 'no significant effect from carbon dioxide' would win the case."

Why don't I trust NASA's scientists? LOL.. that's a joke right? LOL... Why would I listen to the people who have an agenda on this issue? Sry, I'd rather listen to the sane scientists who AREN'T getting a piece of the pie on this...