Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore

It seems pretty obvious to me what the agenda of the "Global Warming Crisis" is. Its a religion created by zealots ... the same zealots who fell into disgrace with the failed policies of Marxism, communism and socialism. The theory of MAN MADE global warming is nothing more than an effort, through fear-propaganda, to get people to conform to a socialistic agenda. Carbon footprint? What a crock of shit. Hey, they would have each one of us comply with a mathematical formula called a "carbon footprint" in order to level their beloved playing field. Everyone equal. Everyone driving a Tinker-Toy car. Everyone living in a 700 square foot high-rise apartment. Everyone limited to one child. Everyone limited to a certain income. Everyone paying a World Tax that THEY control. Everyone a drone living for, and under, the thumb of the god-state.

I majored in Computer Science and minored in Climatology. While there is almost universal scientific acknowledgement that the earth has been in a warming trend of the past 30 years, there is huge debate as to why. Some theories are about man made conditions others are naturally occurring. Greenhouse gases have gotten a bad wrap because of a widely published but incomplete report in the late 80s. Every study that has ever been published about greenhouse gas effects has been done in a contained space at a parts per million concentration way higher than what is in our atmosphere. No one has been able to create a lab environment that accurately represents what CO2 does in our atmosphere. In the lab there is no stratosphere, no ozone layer, no trees or other plants, oceans, land masses or any of the many things that collectively have a huge affect on sunlight. They shone infrared light into a tank with tap water and then injected CO2. They found that CO2 is an insulator that traps heat.
While I do support the overall goal of producing less pollution, I firmly believe that what has happened is that some over zealous environmentalists read the greenhouse gas report and used it to start a crusade for the environment and it has snowballed since then. The earth warms and cools naturally. The earth has been a lot cooler and a lot warmer than it is now and life has gone on.
The climate and weather is a complex thing. Scientist have been studying a climate event called El nino for decade. El nino is sudden warming of the ocean on the west coast of South America that affects global weather patterns. After 40 years they still have no idea why it occurs. I caution anyone against an alarmist attitude and like I said before, if C02 is in fact the culprit it would far less expensive and far more effective if we spent our resources on trying to simulate what plants do by converting CO2 back into oxygen. If we can figure out how to split an atom, we can figure out photosynthesis.

I found this on the net: FINALLY! An educated guy who says exactly what I'm thinking. IF CO2 is the problem, all efforts should be used to sequestor CO2. Grab it our of the air and change it into oxygen or some other benine element. (Hard to imagine a more benine element than CO2, though :neutral: )

But is this being suggested? NO! The Church of Evironmentalism would rather tax us or shut down the worlds energy sources immediately!, instead of continuing to make the most of our advacements. Well, that's the most you can expect when a science subject gets into the hands of a politician.
It seems pretty obvious to me what the agenda of the "Global Warming Crisis" is. Its a religion created by zealots ... the same zealots who fell into disgrace with the failed policies of Marxism, communism and socialism. The theory of MAN MADE global warming is nothing more than an effort, through fear-propaganda, to get people to conform to a socialistic agenda. Carbon footprint? What a crock of shit. Hey, they would have each one of us comply with a mathematical formula called a "carbon footprint" in order to level their beloved playing field. Everyone equal. Everyone driving a Tinker-Toy car. Everyone living in a 700 square foot high-rise apartment. Everyone limited to one child. Everyone limited to a certain income. Everyone paying a World Tax that THEY control. Everyone a drone living for, and under, the thumb of the god-state.


true, true. and THAT world is FAR scarier then the other dooms day scenerios being thrown around like a warm planet, which would actually save lives lost to cold and increase flora world-wide.
I found this on the net: FINALLY! An educated guy who says exactly what I'm thinking. IF CO2 is the problem, all efforts should be used to sequestor CO2. Grab it our of the air and change it into oxygen or some other benine element. (Hard to imagine a more benine element than CO2, though :neutral: )

But is this being suggested? NO! The Church of Evironmentalism would rather tax us or shut down the worlds energy sources immediately!, instead of continuing to make the most of our advacements. Well, that's the most you can expect when a science subject gets into the hands of a politician.

Honestly, why should we be surprised by a rise in co2? We've been consistently getting rid of plants, making bigger and bigger cities.. we make co2, plants turn that co2 into oxygen.. cutting back on nature as much as we have is obviously going to offset this balance... :roll:

But is this type of logic suggested to offset the co2 'problem'? No... more more more money. that's how they aim to 'fix' this 'problem'...

Environmental 'problems' is the perfect religion.. no one is going to say 'fuck the environment'... feed the propaganda to the people and watch them all unite under a global carbon tax... where does the money from a 'global carbon tax' go? To a global government... wake up people..
Honestly, why should we be surprised by a rise in co2? We've been consistently getting rid of plants, making bigger and bigger cities.. we make co2, plants turn that co2 into oxygen.. cutting back on nature as much as we have is obviously going to offset this balance... :roll:

But is this type of logic suggested to offset the co2 'problem'? No... more more more money. that's how they aim to 'fix' this 'problem'...

Environmental 'problems' is the perfect religion.. no one is going to say 'fuck the environment'... feed the propaganda to the people and watch them all unite under a global carbon tax... where does the money from a 'global carbon tax' go? To a global government... wake up people..

exactly. the masses have not yet made the connection of: "how will paying a tax change the planet's climate?"

maybe the wheels will start turning: holy shit! it's a scam!!! :evil:
exactly. the masses have not yet made the connection of: "how will paying a tax change the planet's climate?"

maybe the wheels will start turning: holy shit! it's a scam!!! :evil:


Under the proposed carbon tax, I would have to pay extra for my child...yeahh... because my little two year old and myself breathing is 'killing the environment'..:roll: give me a break..but the huge corporations.. they don't need to cut back- they just need to pay for what i like to call a 'pollution permit'.. :evil: So.. it's ok to pollute the environment.. but only if you have money.. hm.. funny... those are the people producing the ridiculous amounts of pollution..:finger:
And you can bet that the "Carbon Tax" would be heavy and progressive. (Where have I heard that before?). In other words, the larger your home, the more productive your business, the more profitable your endeavors, the more tax you would pay. Hey, its right up the old Marxist alley.

It seems pretty obvious to me what the agenda of the "Global Warming Crisis" is. Its a religion created by zealots ... the same zealots who fell into disgrace with the failed policies of Marxism, communism and socialism. The theory of MAN MADE global warming is nothing more than an effort, through fear-propaganda, to get people to conform to a socialistic agenda. Carbon footprint? What a crock of shit. Hey, they would have each one of us comply with a mathematical formula called a "carbon footprint" in order to level their beloved playing field. Everyone equal. Everyone driving a Tinker-Toy car. Everyone living in a 700 square foot high-rise apartment. Everyone limited to one child. Everyone limited to a certain income. Everyone paying a World Tax that THEY control. Everyone a drone living for, and under, the thumb of the god-state.

I ask you, why is everything a communist plot to get your money. Are you really that paranoid. What happened to all that inner peace you always push off on me? Seems like it doesn't take much to get your blood boiling. Better lighten up and take a chill pill. I'd certainly miss your lively banter if you had a major stroke, not the commie crap but some of your more lucid stuff. I wouldn't miss your Ann Cuntler posts either.
ccodiane ...

Thanks for your input ... and the links.

Yep ... In recent years, with my quest to attain life simplification, I've been buying used cars and then driving the wheels off of them. Five or six years with no car payments is a beautiful thing. I used to buy a new car every two or three years with the resultant never ending car payments. I no longer have the desire to "make a statement," or "impress." Honestly, the simpler I can make my life, the better I like it.


Is that why you have been jerking it to the same 1954 Playboy that your pappy got you? You save on Condoms, Paying for your dates dinner and purchasing new magazines? I really admire that... saves on paper and tree consumption too... one magazine 12,000 jerk sessions... VI for president.

Is that why you have been jerking it to the same 1954 Playboy that your pappy got you? You save on Condoms, Paying for your dates dinner and purchasing new magazines? I really admire that... saves on paper and tree consumption too... one magazine 12,000 jerk sessions... VI for president.


maybe another sensible mod can see fit to delete this post. there's nothing here but uncalled for insults and degradation.
Of course global warming is a scam... a total scam that tree huggers are at the helm of.. it is a ploy to get people to conserve energy, find alternate energy sources, clean up the environment, advance GREEN technologies and save the planet...

and it should not be tolerated!

Of course global warming is a scam... a total scam that tree huggers are at the helm of.. it is a ploy to get people to conserve energy, find alternate energy sources, clean up the environment, advance GREEN technologies and save the planet...

and it should not be tolerated!


Yeah.. except that's not what's happening.. what's happening is that the big corporations are using as much energy, resources, and polluting as much as they'd like for a 'fee' while they try to impose taxes on us individuals for the air we breathe and reroute our whole way of life at our monetary expense. no one honestly reading anything i say could ever think i like or support this modern day wasteful existence- we are destroying our planet no doubt- however, we are not causing 'global warming' anywhere near to the extent that politicians and propagandists would like one to think. I honestly believe you aren't even looking into this or care to.. seems you just want to bring your black cloud in here to hurl insults instead of actually discussing ideas..
It seems pretty obvious

What is the purpose of ever starting a sentence with "obviously?

It's like starting a sentence with "Honestly"

Or "Everybody knows"

Or "You're a dumb ass if you don't"

What does it reveal? What is the use of such verbosity?

There is a use.... do you know what it is?

what's happening is that the big corporations are using as much energy, resources, and polluting as much as they'd like for a 'fee'

i couldn't agree more..

I also see big corporations as US.. me, you and everybody else.. same as the "government"

Blaming the government and blame corporations is the same as blaming US, me , you, yourself, myself... it is just people here.. JUST people, nothing else.. there is NO "corporation" there are only people...

It is people, people, people NO need to make up imaginary creatures such as corporations or governments just to bolster OUR egos... that is what separation DOES.. it is only for the bolstering of self righteousness..

POINTING The finger and blaming... is the road block that stops progress...

THOSE corporations are being run by US.

How about we do something... or at least, if we are not going to do something how about we get off our horses and move him and ourselves out of the way of people who are going to do something..


There are maybe 1 or 2 people in this thread that actually are interested in the truth behind "GLOBAL WARMING" the rest of the people are ONLY here to BUILD a BULLET PROOF WALL AGAINST THERE PRECONCEIVED STANCE...

There is VERY VERY little exploration going on.... IT is 99% loaded comments, presuppositions, and ego driven agendas to TRY to CONVINCE the WRITER that he or she is right (correct)... THE people who post in the politics section ONLY care to prove themselves RIGHT.... THEY don;t actually CARE about anything else...

They have to always call you a LIBERAL or a CONSERVATIVE.. or separate YOU from THEMSELVES.... i don;t evenknow what a liberal or conservative is!

The people in this forum.. IN GENERAL.... want to paint you into THEIR CAMP or THE OTHER CAMP.. there are NO truth seekers in here.. or no solution oriented people..

SO saying that I don't "care" is not accurate... Cause I do care what the truth is...

I do care that CC is drawing a distinction between global warming and pollution... I do care that most of the people in here only care about their bottom dollar... and not the truth... and I do enjoy taking the piss outta VI and CCoDIANE..... and if you look at them in context, you can see that they can handle themselves just fine..


of course I am speaking in huge sweeping generalizations..

I also see big corporations as US.. me, you and everybody else.. same as the "government"

At the risk of sounding condescending, dear lord, I must take issue with this statement. Yes corporations are run by Humanoids, but they are a long ways from being like you or I. Since the corporation is considered a person, the people actually running it are not that culpable to the whims of the people, See: Bhopal India, Union Carbide. Now if I were running that operation and realized there may be a problem and Thousands may die, I believe in all good conscience, I would have shut it down and investigated. You only need to look at the likes of Global Crossing, Enron, Etc. to understand that the people running Corporations are not at all like you and I. they are greedy monsters that have been allowed to literally get away with murder, all in the name of profit.