Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore

And the debate lingers on. By the time the naysayers come around, it will be too late. I'm certainly not worried for myself, I'll be long gone by 2050, but my grandkids will certainly be pissed that this generation didn't listen to the doom and gloom predictors. The prime question that all of you that disrespect global warming predictions should ask your self is: What if we're wrong, just a question that you may have to live with for years. Common sense would dictate that mans influence on the planets systems is driving it into submission, but if you want to remain "ignorant" of this, then I say to you, beware, you are an easy mark for Vacuum cleaner salesmen,~LOL~.
towlie, i have answer your question a number of times now. i'm surprised you dont understand me. if i'm wrong: nothing changes. the energy changes and polution clean up will happen. it may be just a few years later than if climate crisis litigation forces them to.

that's my point: all these changes that the AGW people are asking for: everyone, including me, already want. we dont want polution either.

but if i HAD to admit that i was wrong, i would probably believe the more moderate forecast of 1.4 degrees warming over the next century and 20 cm of ocean rise. that actually gives men plenty of time to address the problem. look what can change in 100 years! and the idiots that built their house right next to the shore, and more importantly AT SEA LEVEL are the only people who will have issues. hurricanes should actually lesson in intensity. so: nothing changes. there is no crisis.

with regards to posting studys: the only data important is the data which is available to anyone: ice core data of historic temperature. also, the work on CO2 is important. but the planet's record of CO2 FOLLOWING temperature is the nail in the coffin. i dont have to provide all the graphs and non-sense because if i did you still wouldn't believe me. read what the skeptical scientists say and get back to me. why you, a layman, continue to try to debate ME, a layman, is beyond me. I'm saying: "i've read BOTH sides. have you?"
I dunno.. maybe you're coming off your high horse? :blsmoke: :blsmoke:

oh man.. tell me how you really feel..

the last 2 weeks of passive aggression have been so titillating and suspenseful..

sounds like you are about to let the flood gate open..

let me have it.

let me here how you realy feel.

please please please
oh man.. tell me how you really feel..

the last 2 weeks of passive aggression have been so titillating and suspenseful..

sounds like you are about to let the flood gate open..

let me have it.

let me here how you realy feel.

please please please

I'm fine.. :blsmoke: Wondering if you have cooled down... your insistent verbal assaults on members here, unwarranted I might add, has had me defensive when talking to you on here.. just wondering if you have come back down.. :blsmoke:
the last 2 weeks of passive aggression have been so titillating and suspenseful..

Also, please show me how my actions have ever been passive aggressive? That would imply that I'm avoiding a confrontation.. and that's just not that case- I've no problem telling you what my problem is, assuming there's even a problem..
No problem here, well no problem with you anyway, I do gots problems~LOL~, which may be apparent, and ya, I'm a parent. Kids are problems, from day one till the last, but don't ya just love em? Oh and the weather is beautiful although it rained last night, No global warming in my neighborhood yet, about mid June we'll feel the real deal. Those of you that don't believe in global warming, come visit me in July and august, I'll seal the deal.
It’s most definitely that simple. All Med is saying is that if energy is not allowed to escape (if it’s absorbed if you will) then the increase in the earth system internal energy is directly equal to the energy added by heating the system. This is the first law of thermodynamics and it is perfectly acceptable in science to quote law as fact.

Med has only the very slightest idea of what hes talking about and from what you have said you are only a slight bit better. For one thing he said the suns rays are being reflected back to earth! if they came from the earth would they not be earths rays? Any sun rays that are reflected aren't being absorbed by the earth and aren't adding to the heating nor the energy of the earth. You spinning what he said into the first law of thermodynamics, while funny has no value other than your own dissimulation.

The debate here is the extend of man-made CO2 emissions on GMT… At least according to the peer reviewed studies you’ve indirectly linked.

I thought it was on climate crisis fraud?
Or by your early posts one would think it could be towlies histrionic fraud.
How could you be so dumb as to point to him, as the one whos not on point?
Med has only the very slightest idea of what hes talking about and from what you have said you are only a slight bit better. For one thing he said the suns rays are being reflected back to earth! if they came from the earth would they not be earths rays? Any sun rays that are reflected aren't being absorbed by the earth and aren't adding to the heating nor the energy of the earth. You spinning what he said into the first law of thermodynamics, while funny has no value other than your own dissimulation.

I thought it was on climate crisis fraud?
Or by your early posts one would think it could be towlies histrionic fraud.
How could you be so dumb as to point to him, as the one whos not on point?

Not sure about the rest of your post but the Earth reflecting sunlight does not make it Earth rays. Just like the moon - no such thing as moon rays or moon light - merely reflected sunlight since neither the Earth nor the moon can produce light.

You are also forgetting that some of the sun rays that are reflected off the Earth's surface do get reflected back from our atmosphere and most especially from cloud cover. I won't pretend to know how this affects our climate but at least what i am describing is observable and not part of a model.
Not sure about the rest of your post but the Earth reflecting sunlight does not make it Earth rays. Just like the moon - no such thing as moon rays or moon light - merely reflected sunlight since neither the Earth nor the moon can produce light.

Sorry but you don't know what you are talking about, even wood in the prossess of rotting gives off light and it can be seen on a dark night, its called fox fire.

Its really in wave form as in radiation and the earth and the moon does emit energy in the form of radiation. Light is just a small wave band in electromagnetic spectrum.

You are also forgetting that some of the sun rays that are reflected off the Earth's surface do get reflected back from our atmosphere and most especially from cloud cover. I won't pretend to know how this affects our climate but at least what i am describing is observable and not part of a model.

Yes your right, although its less than .000000001% . You were wrong about me forgetting.
Only about two-thirds of the sunlight that reaches Earth actually makes it to our planet's surface. The rest bounces off reflective surfaces into space. A portion of this reflected light falls on the dark side of the Moon, causing what we call Earthshine. NASA-funded researchers at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) compare this Earthshine found on the Moon's dark side to the reflection from sunlight on the Moon's bright side to study the earth's global climate change by measuring changes in the earth's albedo, or total reflectance. Courtesy: NASA

Sorry but you don't know what you are talking about, even wood in the prossess of rotting gives off light and it can be seen on a dark night, its called fox fire.

Its really in wave form as in radiation and the earth and the moon does emit energy in the form of radiation. Light is just a small wave band in electromagnetic spectrum.

Yes your right, although its less than .000000001% . You were wrong about me forgetting.

you're more pedantic than i am .. congratulations. visible light. all better now? not sure what rotting wood has to do with the moon emitting no VISIBLE light.

The only things that would emit light, sorry VISIBLE light in our solar system without the sun would be Jupiter and possibly Saturn and some of their moons.
Only about two-thirds of the sunlight that reaches Earth actually makes it to our planet's surface. The rest bounces off reflective surfaces into space. A portion of this reflected light falls on the dark side of the Moon, causing what we call Earthshine. NASA-funded researchers at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) compare this Earthshine found on the Moon's dark side to the reflection from sunlight on the Moon's bright side to study the earth's global climate change by measuring changes in the earth's albedo, or total reflectance. Courtesy: NASA

I think its 70% and 30% I was higher then hell and was speaking of light from the sun unreflected and unrefracted, reflected off the earth into space, only being reflected the one time and into space.

Reflecting and refracting are not the same and you have lumped them togather
Just stirring the pot. That was a NASA post, not mine. Did you read the interesting part? Monitoring climate change by monitoring the dark side of the moon. Kind of steals the thunder from the Man Made proponents. Although, what does NASA, the government agency, really know, other than how to spend gargantuan sums of money?
I'm fine.. :blsmoke: Wondering if you have cooled down... your insistent verbal assaults on members here, unwarranted I might add, has had me defensive when talking to you on here.. just wondering if you have come back down.. :blsmoke:

i see.... and who were my verbal assaults directed too? ccodiane? lol


and if so, those were not verbal assaults... that was merely play with an old friend.. and I can totally see how you may have taken that out of context... but me and the DIANE have some history.... and ifyou new the history... or if you KNEW everything maybe you would not see things as you do.. maybe you are looking at the world through a role of toilet paper and have limited vision.. making your judgments and accusations a bit harsh and unwarranted... maybe all judgments and accusations are un warrented all the time.. UNLESS ONE is being self righteous and BELIEVES they kow better than others.. MAYBE one has to be on a HORSE or a LADDER to judge other peoples actions?

no need to be defensive.... or shall i say offensive..

Also, please show me how my actions have ever been passive aggressive? That would imply that I'm avoiding a confrontation.. and that's just not that case- I've no problem telling you what my problem is, assuming there's even a problem..

oh fantastic... i stand corrected.....
i see.... and who were my verbal assaults directed too? ccodiane? lol


and if so, those were not verbal assaults... that was merely play with an old friend.. and I can totally see how you may have taken that out of context... but me and the DIANE have some history.... and ifyou new the history... or if you KNEW everything maybe you would not see things as you do.. maybe you are looking at the world through a role of toilet paper and have limited vision.. making your judgments and accusations a bit harsh and unwarranted... maybe all judgments and accusations are un warrented all the time.. UNLESS ONE is being self righteous and BELIEVES they kow better than others.. MAYBE one has to be on a HORSE or a LADDER to judge other peoples actions?

no need to be defensive.... or shall i say offensive..


Are you done? :blsmoke:

Just going back to page 48 you insult 3 different members..

"maybe all judgments and accusations are un warrented all the time.. UNLESS ONE is being self righteous and BELIEVES they kow better than others.. MAYBE one has to be on a HORSE or a LADDER to judge other peoples actions?"

Maybe so, then we can both be 'wrong' and this crap can be dropped. :blsmoke:

Done spreading the 'love' Knowm? My points were not harsh or unwarranted by any means.. almost seems like you're looking for a fight.. um.. frustrated or something GK? LOL.. :blsmoke::blsmoke:
Are you done? :blsmoke:

Just going back to page 48 you insult 3 different members..

"maybe all judgments and accusations are un warrented all the time.. UNLESS ONE is being self righteous and BELIEVES they kow better than others.. MAYBE one has to be on a HORSE or a LADDER to judge other peoples actions?"

Maybe so, then we can both be 'wrong' and this crap can be dropped. :blsmoke:

Done spreading the 'love' Knowm? My points were not harsh or unwarranted by any means.. almost seems like you're looking for a fight.. um.. frustrated or something GK? LOL.. :blsmoke::blsmoke:

Am I done? With what? Please explain?

Maybe we both are wrong.. But only I can know if I am wrong.. and only you can know if you were wrong. you know your intentions, I know my intentions... I know my whole story, you know your whole story.. And it seems that are stories have gotten intertwined some how..

I have no idea what your intention is.. I have no idea if what you are saying is warranted or harsh... Only you can know that.. JUST like you can;t possibel know my inetentions with Closet Cult CCODIANE or Vi redd or anybody else that you claim ALLOWED ME TO INSULT THEM...

JUST like I have no idea why you are getting involved in my relationship with them... MAYBE it is warranted ?

DID I insult YOU? Did I say something that you allowed to insult you?

Please take this forum in context when reading my posts to such legends as Closet Cult, CCODIANE and ViRedd... If these guys get insulted by anything I say... then I suspect they LIKE being insulted. cause people sling a lot of shit in this forum.. and A lot of potential "insulting" takes place... and these guys run the show in here! And I am a small fish in a big pond in this forum..

I have slung shit with the best of them.. and I have taken a ass whooping and run for the hills... and bowed to the better shit talker man... not many times,.. but it has happened.. LOL I have never threatened banning anybody in this forum.. I have never flexed my muscle and been a bully... I like to play rough with the big boys sometimes... I let people swing there dick around... and EVEN I LIKE TO SWING MINE AROUND NOW AND AGAIN...

I am very sorry that I have not lived up to your expectations... the politics forum is a place I like to let my KAK swing a bit... and the boys allow me to enter there arena and play...


Be kind to people, not because the are kind to you, bt because you are kind

mother theresa-