Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013

In the run up to a key global warming report, those sceptical of mainstream opinion on climate change claim they are "winning" the argument.They say a slowing of temperature rises in the past 15 years means the threat from climate change is exaggerated.
But a leading member of the UN's panel on climate change said the views of sceptics were "wishful thinking".
"Some of what the sceptics are saying is either wishful thinking or totally dishonest," Prof van Ypersele, who is vice-chair of the IPCC, told BBC News."It is just a change in a lower border [of the range of temperature rise]. Even if this turns out to be the real sensitivity, instead of making the challenge extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to meet, it is only making it extremely, extremely difficult.
Do we know what is the earths average overall temp(not just since measurements began)?

if we were to adopt the "average" temperatures of the earth through goleogical time from the beginnings of life to present, the tepms would be Fucking Cold.


halfway between the bottom and the top of the peaks and valleys would put us at around the -4.0 region, which would i reckon put the ice cap stretching down to around pensylvania and northern california in the US or around Germany and the North/South Korean border in eurasia.

that means russia and canada are under 50 feet of ice, sea levels down around ~18-20 feet, and sabertooth tigers nomming on our children and old people if they stray outside the cave...

those are just my guesses, based entirely on my own (math and computer model free) assumptions, but, thats no less worthwhile than the "Facts" you get from the Global Warming believers or the 9/11 Troofers.

at least my guesses are reasonable and are at least partially based in established scientific facts.
those are just my guesses, based entirely on my own (math and computer model free) assumptions, but, thats no less worthwhile than the "Facts" you get from the Global Warming believers or the 9/11 Troofers.

at least my guesses are reasonable and are at least partially based in established scientific facts.
Because twoofers have the overwhelming majority of scientific papers to back up their flawed perception of physics?

Perhaps you should mail your "guesses" to the ipcc they're the guys who need to find out about these things.......
Because twoofers have the overwhelming majority of scientific papers to back up their flawed perception of physics?

Perhaps you should mail your "guesses" to the ipcc they're the guys who need to find out about these things.......

Troofers believe every word revealed to them in their sacred blogs, and every claim made in their anointed films.

Troofers lash out blindly with "Name and Shame" websites, and baseless ad hominems against any who disbelieve their communications.

Troofers repeat the same trite assertions over and over, and refuse to see or acknowledge any evidence which contradicts their Sacred Troofs

Troofers wiill spend HOURS endlessly fine-stoning any argument to try and discredit any who doubt their Revelations.

Troofers use fallacies as their weapons of choice.

Troofers accuse dissenters of being on the payroll of "Them" or even being "One Of Them".

Troofers always have many "expert sources" to rely on, but those "sources" always lead back to the Troofers themselves, and their pointless blogs.

Troofers scream shout, throw wobblers and somehow still believe they are "winning"

Troofers use snark and bitter sarcastic remarks to attempt to undermine any dissent, especially when they cannot argue on the facts.

yep.. youre a Troofer.
Troofers believe every word revealed to them in their sacred blogs, and every claim made in their anointed films.

Troofers lash out blindly with "Name and Shame" websites, and baseless ad hominems against any who disbelieve their communications.

Troofers repeat the same trite assertions over and over, and refuse to see or acknowledge any evidence which contradicts their Sacred Troofs

Troofers wiill spend HOURS endlessly fine-stoning any argument to try and discredit any who doubt their Revelations.

Troofers use fallacies as their weapons of choice.

Troofers accuse dissenters of being on the payroll of "Them" or even being "One Of Them".

Troofers always have many "expert sources" to rely on, but those "sources" always lead back to the Troofers themselves, and their pointless blogs.

Troofers scream shout, throw wobblers and somehow still believe they are "winning"

Troofers use snark and bitter sarcastic remarks to attempt to undermine any dissent, especially when they cannot argue on the facts.

yep.. youre a Troofer.
Twoofers do not have the ipcc supporting them

Don't you ever wonder what side your on?
Twoofers do not have the ipcc supporting them

Don't you ever wonder what side your on?

a politically based UN commission is on your side, and THAT'S your appeal to authority??????

the same guys who "searched" iraq for cease fire violations, prohibited weapons, and WMDS and didnt find SHIT??



Chiggedy Chiggedy Check Yo'self before you Riggedty Wreck Yo'self!
~Ice Cube
a politically based UN commission is on your side, and THAT'S your appeal to authority??????

actually, he was more often pointing to the overwhelming consensus of peer reviewed climatologists who are actually studying the subject.

keep in mind, your appeal to authority was a discredited creationist who has taken some sort of biblical type of pledge wioth respect to global warming.

perhaps if you applied yourself as much to whatever shitty job you have as you do to making an ass out of yourself on the internet, you'd be earning more than minimum wage at age 45.
a politically based UN commission is on your side, and THAT'S your appeal to authority??????

the same guys who "searched" iraq for cease fire violations, prohibited weapons, and WMDS and didnt find SHIT??



Chiggedy Chiggedy Check Yo'self before you Riggedty Wreck Yo'self!
~Ice Cube

Lap it up big boy

twoofers don't believe the official story....

Twoofers believe their own guesses trumps evidence...

Twoofers best evidence is tired out oft repeated snippets that are easily proven false

Twoofers favourite tactic is looking for minutia rather than the bigger picture

You scoff Keynes but who have you got endorsing the views you espouse?

Twoofers claim it's a conspiracy to keep truth hidden..
Non-sequitor, that's not science, dumb ass. :dunce: Why can't you admit "climate science" is just as bullshit as numerology? You belong to a cult, sir.

yes, he is a cultist, but not an AGW cultist

if Red1966, myself, winterwoman or any of the other persons he deems evil were to embrace the AGW bullshit he would become a vehement opponent of the "Racist Science Consensus"

he is not FOR anything, that would require having an idea.

he is simply AGAINST anything supported by those he has marked as "The Enemy".
yes, he is a cultist, but not an AGW cultist

if Red1966, myself, winterwoman or any of the other persons he deems evil were to embrace the AGW bullshit he would become a vehement opponent of the "Racist Science Consensus"

he is not FOR anything, that would require having an idea.

he is simply AGAINST anything supported by those he has marked as "The Enemy".
You yourself used argument to buck within this very thread

I guess hyper partisanship only happens when the other guy does it