Troofers believe every word revealed to them in their sacred blogs, and every claim made in their anointed films.
Troofers lash out blindly with "Name and Shame" websites, and baseless ad hominems against any who disbelieve their communications.
Troofers repeat the same trite assertions over and over, and refuse to see or acknowledge any evidence which contradicts their Sacred Troofs
Troofers wiill spend HOURS endlessly fine-stoning any argument to try and discredit any who doubt their Revelations.
Troofers use fallacies as their weapons of choice.
Troofers accuse dissenters of being on the payroll of "Them" or even being "One Of Them".
Troofers always have many "expert sources" to rely on, but those "sources" always lead back to the Troofers themselves, and their pointless blogs.
Troofers scream shout, throw wobblers and somehow still believe they are "winning"
Troofers use snark and bitter sarcastic remarks to attempt to undermine any dissent, especially when they cannot argue on the facts.
yep.. youre a Troofer.