Scarfetta would have steered this debate differently 25 pages ago...
The existence of a
60-year natural cycle in the climate system, which is clearly proven in multiple studies and herein in Figs. 2, 6, 10 and 12, indicates that the AGWT promoted by the IPCC (2007), which claims that 100% of the global warming observed since 1970 is anthropogenic, is erroneous. In fact, since 1970 a global warming of about 0.5 °C has been observed. However, from 1970 to 2000 the 60-year natural cycle was in his warming phase and has contributed no less than 0.3 °C of the observed 0.5 °C warming, as Fig. 10B shows. Thus,
at least 60% of the observed warming since 1970 has been naturally induced. This leaves
less than 40% of the observed warming to human emissions. Consequently, the current climate models, by failing to simulate the observed quasi-60 year temperature cycle, have significantly
overestimated the climate sensitivity to anthropogenic GHG emissions by likely a factor of three. Moreover, the upward trend observed in the temperature data since 1900 may be partially due to land change use, uncorrected urban heat island effects (McKitrick and Michaels, 2007; McKitrick, 2010) and to the bi-secular and millennial solar cycles that reached their maxima during the last decades (Bond et al., 2001; Kerr, 2001; Eichler et al., 2009; Scafetta, 2010).
View attachment 2834220Fig 2
View attachment 2834221Fig 6
View attachment 2834222Fig 10
View attachment 2834223Fig 12
Someone out there must have an exhaustive list of papers that
directly refutes this one.
I can't imagine a claim such as the one
above getting by without twisting many panties into knots.
Surely some budding climatologists must have destroyed him by now?