Alabama just banned abortions.

women like to say, its about our bodies; when truth be told its a financial decision; if every child came with a million dollar check abortions would stop today. its not that babies that women want to kill, its the responsibility. (exceptions not standing) I am pro-life always will be. no one is responsible for you but you, not the doctors, not the police and certainly not the government. if you identify abortion is a means of control, you probably lack control over your own life. abortion always lives in poverty and minority communities and less with affluent well educated populations.

would anyone kill a from the bean female, before flower, if you did not have too? no matter how chuck or trash the seed was; no we want to see the pheno. why do you want to end a life before you know what it is?

one more thing, if you read the bill, its more about circulation then just a heart beat there needs to be blood being moved. and if you're a dumb enough hoe to get knocked up, you should not be having sex anyways..just saying.
Its her body and her choice.

It doesn't matter what you think.

There is no such thing as a baby that hasn't been born. Pregnancy involves many changes both financial and to the woman's body, including risks to her health. And so, it's the woman's right to make her own health care decisions in private. Her choices don't affect you. If you don't like abortions don't have one. Now you have one other option, move to Alabama and pay taxes to support the legal battle that they will probably lose. If they win, then we start working on a constitutional amendment.

The amendment will say something like:

Its her body and her choice.
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Its her body and her choice.

It doesn't matter what you think.

There is no such thing as a baby that hasn't been born. Pregnancy involves many changes both financial and to the woman's body, including risks to here health. And so, it's the woman's right to make her own health care decisions in private. Her choices don't affect you. If you don't like abortions don't have one. Now you have one other option, move to Alabama and pay taxes to support the legal battle that they will probably lose. If they win, then we start working on a constitutional amendment.

The amendment will say something like:

Its her body and her choice.
Oh DAMN now I’m firing. IF YOURE DUMB ENOUGH??!!

I’m unable to take any form of contraception that releases estrogen due to high stroke risk. I am in a long term and committed relationship where we have one child already and I don’t wish for anymore. I have to monitor my cycle constantly to know when I should or shouldn’t have unprotected sex with my partner because as u can imagine after years of being together condoms are not fun and take away from the intimacy. In twelve years Ive been wrong TWICE. Two times too many but that’s a bit out there to call someone DUMB in the first place. No body is a perfect human being. If I’d fallen ten times in twelve years yeah that’s just irresponsible and dumb.

Wow such broad judgements...

Paragard is the copper IUD they mention and is available in Australia. It is essentially inert and can last 10 years without replacement. The side effects and risks are lower than abortion. Hopefully that is helpful, useful information.

Paragard is the copper IUD they mention and is available in Australia. It is essentially inert and can last 10 years without replacement. The side effects and risks are lower than abortion. Hopefully that is helpful, useful information.

If I were female I'd go for an IUD over the pill or rubbers for sure. There still can be side effects but much less life threatening or serious than the pill and always there unlike a condom. When the rush hits caution often goes out the window. perv.gif
Oh DAMN now I’m firing. IF YOURE DUMB ENOUGH??!!

I’m unable to take any form of contraception that releases estrogen due to high stroke risk. I am in a long term and committed relationship where we have one child already and I don’t wish for anymore. I have to monitor my cycle constantly to know when I should or shouldn’t have unprotected sex with my partner because as u can imagine after years of being together condoms are not fun and take away from the intimacy. In twelve years Ive been wrong TWICE. Two times too many but that’s a bit out there to call someone DUMB in the first place. No body is a perfect human being. If I’d fallen ten times in twelve years yeah that’s just irresponsible and dumb.

Wow such broad judgements...
Ikr? I've had a handful of abortions myself. Many years ago. Sure was nice knowing it could be terminated if I got knocked up accidentally. Or just changed my mind. All those kids would've definitely cramped my style lol.
Ikr? I've had a handful of abortions myself. Many years ago. Sure was nice knowing it could be terminated if I got knocked up accidentally. Or just changed my mind. All those kids would've definitely cramped my style lol.

your avatar screams "overcompensating heterosexual" but your attitude toward the natural consequences of heterosexual activities screams "never gets laid"

i'm sure you'll figure it out one day gramps
"look at me everyone i'm totally heterosexual!"

"the results of activities by heterosexuals is abhorrent to me, a person who is clearly very heterosexual"
Why do guys make it her problem?

Long term, committed relationship here too. Latex condoms are a boner killer. Urethane condoms with plenty of lube makes Mr Happy happy. They do take some sensitivity away but that just extends the session. Natural Lamb is almost not noticeable but pricey for people who have to watch the budget.

For guys that know they will never have kids again a vasectomy seems to me to be the way to go.

Listening to the idiots who oppose abortion, you'd think guys weren't even part of the act. They can make the problem practically disappear with one easy move.

Nothing is foolproof. An IUD failed and my partner had an abortion. I have a niece who is an IUD baby too. From my perspective, guys are better off wrapping that rascal.. Guys that stealth women are assholes and sociopaths like tty.

If all that fails then it's her body and her choice. It's a tragedy, it's not an easy decision and there is plenty of trauma afterward. So fuck all the people who say women who have abortions are hoes. Abortions are safer than pregnancy, that's certain.
Why do guys make it her problem?

Long term, committed relationship here too. Latex condoms are a boner killer. Urethane condoms with plenty of lube makes Mr Happy happy. They do take some sensitivity away but that just extends the session. Natural Lamb is almost not noticeable but pricey for people who have to watch the budget.

For guys that know they will never have kids again a vasectomy seems to me to be the way to go.

Listening to the idiots who oppose abortion, you'd think guys weren't even part of the act. They can make the problem practically disappear with one easy move.

Nothing is foolproof. An IUD failed and my partner had an abortion. I have a niece who is an IUD baby too. From my perspective, guys are better off wrapping that rascal.. Guys that stealth women are assholes and sociopaths like tty.

If all that fails then it's her body and her choice. It's a tragedy, it's not an easy decision and there is plenty of trauma afterward. So fuck all the people who say women who have abortions are hoes. Abortions are safer than pregnancy, that's certain.
Because pregnancy occurs in our bodies it is realistically more 'our' problem. Vasectomy and tubal ligation are refractive to reversal without a high overhead. Although they are the definitive end solutions their finality is sobering.

Nothing is foolproof, but in medicine it's a game of statistics and IUDs are better than condoms. The devil is always in the details which means for your particular situation one is better than the other, vive la difference, do what works for you best no matter what evidence based medicine says.

Paragard is the copper IUD they mention and is available in Australia. It is essentially inert and can last 10 years without replacement. The side effects and risks are lower than abortion. Hopefully that is helpful, useful information.
Very helpful thank you. I haven’t spoken to a doctor about any new options in years now. Instead I’ve been pushing for hubby to get the snip but he’s still hell bent on another. I am not!
Women that have been raped and impregnated against their will, imho, should be allowed to abort. I also believe that if she is facing a life threatening ordeal, she should also be allowed to abort. The bill allows for the second scenario but not the first. Hmmmm.
one more thing, if you read the bill, its more about circulation then just a heart beat there needs to be blood being moved. and if you're a dumb enough hoe to get knocked up, you should not be having sex anyways..just saying.
women like to say, its about our bodies; when truth be told its a financial decision; if every child came with a million dollar check abortions would stop today. its not that babies that women want to kill, its the responsibility. (exceptions not standing) I am pro-life always will be. no one is responsible for you but you, not the doctors, not the police and certainly not the government. if you identify abortion is a means of control, you probably lack control over your own life. abortion always lives in poverty and minority communities and less with affluent well educated populations.

would anyone kill a from the bean female, before flower, if you did not have too? no matter how chuck or trash the seed was; no we want to see the pheno. why do you want to end a life before you know what it is?

one more thing, if you read the bill, its more about circulation then just a heart beat there needs to be blood being moved. and if you're a dumb enough hoe to get knocked up, you should not be having sex anyways..just saying.

So if the kids a hermaphrodite (or a mouthy little shit) we can chop em up in the garbage disposal, or do we wait for them to become Hitler build a time machine and then abort them?
54% of abortions are performed on women above the poverty line
YOU didn't read "The Bill" It criminalizes "termination after conception" unless the woman's life is in imminent danger.
You're not "Pro-life" you're anti-choice.
If you're a "dumb enough Hoe" to get knocked up? You're really full of yourself, aren't you?
Women that have been raped and impregnated against their will, imho, should be allowed to abort. I also believe that if she is facing a life threatening ordeal, she should also be allowed to abort. The bill allows for the second scenario but not the first. Hmmmm.

It's way more complicated though. There are mentally challenged women, Women with mental illness, women who've been taken advantage of, girls forced into sexual slavery, kids who are too young making mistakes. Dad's who are abusive pieces of shit. That's why there should be freedom of choice. Is there supposed to be some judge and jury examining women's sex lives and the predicament?
For guys that know they will never have kids again a vasectomy seems to me to be the way to go.

Got mine snipped at age 35 after my 2nd son. Not regrets at all. 30 years later my balls are half their size so I never land on them when jumping into the truck. I ride commando!

Wake up every morning with Mr. Happy at full attention and still have a full head of hair half way down my back almost as red as ever. It can all go grey as long as it stays on my head.

Almost every woman I've been with since '92 and split with my boy's mother has had a hysterectomy so we're doubly protected against pregnancy. As a regular blood donor I would get new ladies to donate before we got all giggly without protection. No call after 2 weeks was the OK to get primal!

I've been with my current c/l wife for 20 years come July so it's not like I'm some kind of male slut or something. I haven't sold my ass since I drove cab back in the late 70's. lol

I've donated more than a 5gal pail of blood. Do a favour for your community plus get free disease testing!
