Alaskan Ice x1

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking as good as ever Mr west.

is that soapbar in that there spliff?
I belive that was some weed i bought last night which was a bit damp and bout 2 weeks early, but thats what ppl are selling , its as bad as soap in a diffrent way lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i left that out over night and it was better, would of been good shit if they had left it a week or 2. So i thought i can have ready wet gear for free and cut a bit of skunk#1 off and quick dried it. Ots so much better than that other stuff lol. Lessson learned lol. puff puff pass>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
i left that out over night and it was better, would of been good shit if they had left it a week or 2. So i thought i can have ready wet gear for free and cut a bit of skunk#1 off and quick dried it. Ots so much better than that other stuff lol. Lessson learned lol. puff puff pass>>>>>>:joint:

Its all about money these days mate, the big growers/dealers dont care about the quality of the weed anymore, as long as they can sell it and make money, some commercial growers chop after as little as 6wks of 12/12!

That would be like me chopping mine in a week or two :lol: crazy.

mr west

Well-Known Member
totaly crazy, and who thought of spaying plants with fire retadent? That hard ash shit really looks nice till u try and smoke it lol


Well-Known Member
the government does that to deter people from wanting to smoke marijuana
they would confiscate it and then sell it back to the streets and make money as well but with this sprayed weed

mr west

Well-Known Member
now ur talking conspiricy, the govenment dont want ppl on the streets who need pot and cant get it much like they dont want ppl drinking on the streets. Cannabis calms the nation, without it there would be a lot more anarcy. thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
misterniceguy is totally correct. i bought some bud a couple times and you knew it was messed with but there is no connection to the government on spraying the buds but there is connection to the government or rather police taking the drugs and confiscating it for personal use or the sale to others


Well-Known Member
Lets all smoke with the monkeys ya digg
you know that's how humans started, eat a mushroom and all of a sudden....."whoa, what am I??"


Well-Known Member
You've got my ears... eerr... EYES! I've laid in bed after browsing the seed selections... and I couldn't decide between alaskan ice, white berry, or white russian... well, I went with the russians! But definitely bro... I'll be followin your grow for sure man!

Hope you pull some dank ass buds outta her! I wanna try them out in a ScrOG along with the good 'ol reliable widow... mmm... widow... GOTTA GO!


Well-Known Member
Well... just to add my two cents on how back-asswards I think the laws are... here's a couple of examples that I think NORML should lay out to our congress!

Now I love to drink, don't get me wrong... but... never more than I love my mary J!

Drunks- Wrappin their cars round trees, violance, rape, disputes, loss of control (of everything!), rambunctious behavior, damaging property, I can go on!!! Drink to much, you die!!!!!

Stoners- We don't even have the motivation or desire to do this (some do, but it's just their nature really) let alone even spend nearly as much (if not a grower) on alcohol as some people do in bars nightly!!! PLUS! If we smoke too much... WE FALL ASLEEP!!! Cons... slight loss of memory, dry mouth, and munchies!!! Better than a hangover, totaled car, dui's, and that girl you woke up with that was all sorts of ugly!!

Man made beer, God mad pot... who should we trust? hhhmmm... I'm not a religious person... but I'll make DAMN sure to give god some dap for his creation!

It puzzles me why they can't notice this... everyone needs to just take the time to offer a peacepipe and the world woudn't be so fucked! People need to CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND BLAZE instead of pumping themselves full of xanax, kalotopyns, and all these other OVER prescribed mind altering anit-anxity chemical crap. I have many hard days at work... I blaze... I'm goooooodddddd!!!!