is it any better now in todays pic i think it has perked up and also grown a bit?Woah! Mr West whats goin on with the plants on the right hand side of the last pic?? They dont look happy mate, looks like a case of nitrogenous starvationous classicus to me, how long they been in those pots mate? What compo are they in?
Edit: what happened to the one in the bottom right hand corner? did your cat eat it? lol
is it any better now in todays pic i think it has perked up and also grown a bit?puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ignor the shitty clone in the center, if i hadnt seen the roots with my own eyes when i planted the jiffy id of had it in the bin, it is a clone of my fd ww which at the min is 6 weeks in flower i took it bout 2 weeks ago, it grew a good few roots out the jiffy b4 i planted it but no new growth????
nope, you chika?oh that reminds me have you gotten mine either? i sent them on a saturday or monday.......same question goes for u mister nice guy recieved anything yet?
the fd ww has been a bitch to clone ive been trieing since day 1 that was the first 1 to root lol. Ive had no prblems with any other plant just this 1 fd ww. I cant work it out lol
here puff piff pass#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>im beat and need sleep lol, take it easy chaps and chapesses