Alberta cannabis producer lays off 10% of workforce; expert blames poor-quality products

No mama :weed:
we get it from ourselves or from other GOOD PEOPLE..
No one in their right mind would buy off of the people who lobbied the government to see us medical folks SHUT DOWN.. lol
How can anyone buy from the ones that wanted to PUT YOU IN JAIL... for doing the same thing they are.:idea::dunce::roll::finger::hump::o
WE have always done this.. lol and we will continue to shut these fuckers out.. :)
they cant have our business. :) THE PEOPLES PLANT!
Guys I’m not supporting them, I never have.

I’ll walk in there and scope their shit, that’s it.

Mostly so I can laugh to myself and know I’m killing it.
I just hit SpiritLeaf. They are selling 2 Top Leaf strains, Blue Dream and Jager OG for $49.99 and $48.99 per 1/8th. They will also sell you one gram of BD for $14.99. That’s $400 an ounce. They also sold one sundial strain, Citrus something for $36.99 an 1/8th. Sorry but if they were selling for 160 an O we would have some competition, but as of now there is no chance cause they can’t even turn a profit at $400 an ounce! LOL!!
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I just hit SpiritLeaf. They are selling 2 Top Leaf strains, Blue Dream and Jager OG for $49.99 and $48.99 per 1/8th. They will also sell you one gram of BD for $14.99. That’s $400 an ounce. They also sold one sundial strain, Citrus something for $36.99 an 1/8th. Sorry but if they were selling for 160 an O we would have some competition, but as of now there is no chance cause they can’t even turn a profit at $400 an ounce! LOL!!
We're well aware :)
and certainly don't mind poking this dead horse :)

there's always extra sticks:D
They really hate the idea that I've given away over a pound from the back yard. To people who wont burn more than an oz a year maybe..
LP customers ;)

and I can guarantee what I gave away beats ANYTHING ANY LP GROWS IN CANADA
and it's OUTDOOR :lol:

No fertilizer even.. :idea:100% pure organic . .
My back yard is a compost pile of 40 plus years lol Some things work out quite well
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This is a plant that is on the historical record as improving the ground it grew in. I heard a story from an outdoor grower that he tried chemical fertilizer for the first time this year and his yield went down. What a mistake.

I put the pests in my tea, and then feed them to the plants.

I wouldn't trade my outdoor for any indoor.
Sundial did not confirm how many people 10 per cent equated to.
or did they kinda????....“less than 10 per cent” so if 1 person in 10 is 10 percent.....and they say "less than" then 2 in 20 people would also be 10% since logic says you can not have a fraction or decimal of a guess 3 people
They use GH nutes, HPS lamps, Rockwool cubes and drippers, just so everyone is ready for their liquidation sale :D

Now that I think about it they may have had some LEDs in a few rooms, I can’t remember for sure.


And this is the company I was referring to selling ALL their top buds under their “elite” brand name, Top Leaf. Kind of like Nissan/Infiniti if you know what I mean.

YOU WILL NOT GET A TOP BUD FROM SUNDIAL except from their “elite” brand, Top Leaf I believe it’s called.
Hmmmm top leaf....hmmmm top leaf....hmmm top leaf.... why do I know that name....
One time long ago before Cannabis was legal.... I tried to hook up a friend who had a Black market Cannabis medical shop... with a connect from
a mail order mom in BC....the sent me a bunch of stuff and adverts....and emails....They were called Top leaf....I'm sure its just a coincidence...though....
Glad the original article was post d here. Shorty after this was posted by global it was replaced by another article without any of that guys comments on sundial or why the market was in such poor shape. Global claimed his statements couldn’t be “fact checked” hahaha guess there was too much backlash when the Lps heard the truth slip out in the media for a minute :D
“There’s a lack of quality people to grow a high-quality product in this industry and everything flows downhill after that "
in other words, They failed miserably and will continue to do so, which has been said from day one :)

When a company wants specialized people such as very experienced cannabis growers, but also want to pad the bottom line by paying sub-par wages, it's no wonder "There's a lack of quality people".

Nothing like one's own greed digging your own grave :)
I searched and found the email they sent me....

so how did this grey /black market mom end up becoming an LP???
I would think they have been using the back door since before they had a back door.
I searched and found the email they sent me....

so how did this grey /black market mom end up becoming an LP???
I would think they have been using the back door since before they had a back door.

As long are you got the money and have no organized crime connections, you're in.
No mam :weed:
we get it from ourselves or from other GOOD PEOPLE..
No one in their right mind would buy off of the people who lobbied the government to see us medical folks SHUT DOWN.. lol
How can anyone buy from the ones that wanted to PUT YOU IN JAIL... for doing the same thing they are.:idea::dunce::roll::finger::hump::o
WE have always done this.. lol and we will continue to shut these fuckers out.. :)
they cant have our business. :) THE PEOPLES PLANT!
its the part of the equation ,that they ignored.... much to their own demise...and like GB said....." we will continue to shut these fuckers out.. :) "
and with blinders on they "they cant have our business. :) its????"THE PEOPLES PLANT! "
It must be a lonely... scary proposition to be a sole owner or majority shareholder of any LP right now....
The intelligent ones...right now..../....will have the throw in the towel and cut their losses....close the doors and walk away....with out looking back...
Because they know the "legacy market" will never allow them to participate....and will never hand over 1 single penny to them.
Seriously,did our former persecutors and jailer's think they had a chance? ride in on our coat tails and backs....its like they took the bait....hehehe
and did exactly what we knew they would...because greed forced them to.
So those indexed pension nest eggs these tools had....are now dwindled away at... and each of our former jailer's net worth's... have plummeted just
like their stock's
I worked for them, quit my first week.

It was basically slave labour cleaning in hazmat suits. Sucked ass and they didn’t let you leave for smokes for your whole 10 hour shift.
sounds like dickhead "know it all" guys. some lucky fuck that won a grow license and just hired university graduates and plant scientists that never worked in the field before aka "ex/current growers".
so many ways it can fail or turn mediocre. thought the 10 % was lazy people or people paid by the pound to trim pushing half ass product.

all the provinces need to double or triple the grow licenses and have real competition, the ones here in NS just push crap bud and always sell out due to low supply.
its the part of the equation ,that they ignored.... much to their own demise...and like GB said....." we will continue to shut these fuckers out.. :) "
and with blinders on they "they cant have our business. :) its????"THE PEOPLES PLANT! "
It must be a lonely... scary proposition to be a sole owner or majority shareholder of any LP right now....
The intelligent ones...right now..../....will have the throw in the towel and cut their losses....close the doors and walk away....with out looking back...
Because they know the "legacy market" will never allow them to participate....and will never hand over 1 single penny to them.
Seriously,did our former persecutors and jailer's think they had a chance? ride in on our coat tails and backs....its like they took the bait....hehehe
and did exactly what we knew they would...because greed forced them to.
So those indexed pension nest eggs these tools had....are now dwindled away at... and each of our former jailer's net worth's... have plummeted just
like their stock's
You got it buddy.
The best news we could get is these filthy pirates lose all their personal wealth. Oh would that be great!
The jerk that owns the Kitchener LP (won't say the name) is such an ass. Hopefully he goes first. I saw him interviewed early on in this farce called legalization. He was so arrogant it made me sick. He really figured he'd own all our souls in no time. Don't know how it's going for them but with any luck they fail and fold with huge loses. Hopefully he loses his house and all other assets he may own. He's a piece of shit who needs an incurable disease from my standpoint. His spew disgusted me that much. Fuck him. He didn't care what happened to anyone else so he deserves the same imo.
I guess we need to face it. Some LP's will make it. There will be some need for legal weed if it's legal. So some will survive. Ya that sucks.
But the more fail we get the better the goat feels. BOYCOTTING is healthy.
Viva la The People's Plant !!!
I guess we need to face it. Some LP's will make it.
I guess we need to face it. Some LP's will make it.
one might make it on its own others will be bought for pennies
the Sundial guy gave an honest self review
when he started to whine about getting rid of
non LP's to help them... i tuned out
he had already mentioned that they couldn't grow it as well as BM
so he wants no one to have good weed...
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