is this a concern/risk/problem? thank you fellow weedos
really appreciate the advise and knowledge.. thank youIt's those clay pellets most people use in hydro. You should seek out to someone in the hydro section that is more familiar with your method. Lucas formula is simple. I use GH maxibloom, 1 small scoop, 1 ml Calmag per gallon. And then PH up to get it around 6.0. The hempy bucket is just a plain bucket with a hole drilled in the side 2 inches from the bottom. 100% perlite or you can add vermiculite maybe 25% because it holds moisture better than perlite. I just do 100% perlite. It's really a simple lazy mans method of growing that is effective. Look up @ISK, he did a great journal(KISS) that explains the hempy bucket Lucas Formula method.