This is interesting. Another read is the Fermi paradox. It explains why we haven't had "first contact" ect.

I have always thought that if our senses are based on evolution guided buy our sun (wave length, atomic make-up, radio active isotope mutation, ect) we might not be able to ever sense the existence of beings from outside our solar system, possibly vise-versa.

There are also theories explaining why "they" may be multi other demential as well.
our biggest problem is arrogance.
we think because we need vehicles they need em too if they exist.

humans are the crown of the evolution?
Why are our eyes so bad then?
why we dont have 360 degree view?
why we dont have a falcons zoom optics?
why why why?

The truth is we are just pretty heartless but intelligent lil parasites not even sharks on land.
humans are terra`s Virus.
Only a Virus can be compared to us. thats the only living being on earth that also ultimatly will kill his foodsource by the damage caused to it.
dunno since what time stupidness can be a marker for the crown of the evolution.

maybe our planet was payed by rats and they are the real scientists. or cats
our biggest problem is arrogance.
we think because we need vehicles they need em too if they exist.

humans are the crown of the evolution?
Why are our eyes so bad then?
why we dont have 360 degree view?
why we dont have a falcons zoom optics?
why why why?

The truth is we are just pretty heartless but intelligent lil parasites not even sharks on land.
humans are terra`s Virus.
Only a Virus can be compared to us. thats the only living being on earth that also ultimatly will kill his foodsource by the damage caused to it.
dunno since what time stupidness can be a marker for the crown of the evolution.

maybe our planet was payed by rats and they are the real scientists. or cats

The only thing funnier than evolution is the so-called Big Bang LOL

Imagine being able to convince people that everything comes from nothing! LMAO that's the best one yet..!
The only thing funnier than evolution is the so-called Big Bang LOL

Imagine being able to convince people that everything comes from nothing! LMAO that's the best one yet..!
all the coincidences that it needed to come from nothing to now are also a funny point lol.
If you have all letters written on cards from a-z in a box 100x, how long does it take untill you get the word "BULLSHIT" by pulling 8 cards out of the box?
now imagine DNA.

I used the word IF. It was even italicized.
Oh btw. the sun isnt the center of everything. the center of the universe is the important thing. the sun is just a part of it. so at the end our senses are influenced by that what is influencing everything. sun included.
cosmic rays could also be counted in...
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our biggest problem is arrogance.
we think because we need vehicles they need em too if they exist.

humans are the crown of the evolution?
Why are our eyes so bad then?
why we dont have 360 degree view?
why we dont have a falcons zoom optics?
why why why?

The truth is we are just pretty heartless but intelligent lil parasites not even sharks on land.
humans are terra`s Virus.
Only a Virus can be compared to us. thats the only living being on earth that also ultimatly will kill his foodsource by the damage caused to it.
dunno since what time stupidness can be a marker for the crown of the evolution.

maybe our planet was payed by rats and they are the real scientists. or cats
we don't have 360 degree vision because our brains aren't large enough to handle that much input. larger brains would be counter productive, and require a major physiological change.
we don't have falcon vision because we don't dive at prey from several hundred feet in the air. we had no need for it, so we never evolved it.
our bodies are like the chasis of cars, they can only hold certain types of equipment, and it can only hold so much of it....
we aren't even close to the only form of life on earth that cause damage to their own food must not be a hunter, or have ever studied husbandry.
finally, i don't recall Darwin ever claiming that humans are the "peak of evolution"
we don't have 360 degree vision because our brains aren't large enough to handle that much input. larger brains would be counter productive, and require a major physiological change.
we don't have falcon vision because we don't dive at prey from several hundred feet in the air. we had no need for it, so we never evolved it.
our bodies are like the chasis of cars, they can only hold certain types of equipment, and it can only hold so much of it....
we aren't even close to the only form of life on earth that cause damage to their own food must not be a hunter, or have ever studied husbandry.
finally, i don't recall Darwin ever claiming that humans are the "peak of evolution"
we were hunters before we were farmers right?
so no need for 360 degree vision? nightvision? when the night was the most dangerous time for us back in time? we even have now the rest senses of the night problem. Why nobody fears sunshine but darkness? How a grasshopper can have 360 degree vision with its tiny brain and a human not?

our bodies? they are weak like alien shit Bro.
thats it ...
maybe we are just not created for this planet but we are stupid and aggressive and destructive enough to survive here. because this sad poor animals and plants cant withstand our fuckedupness.
ok tell me if you are a hunter who is damaging its food source in nature untill his own existance is in danger?
Viruses, parasites, humans and such but cant think of anyone else..
We are second class. just a slave race created to work and follow at best. look how easy it is for a government to manipulate the people. or money.
we all go to work because we are slaves. if we would be kings and the top race we would fight and kill any authority above us.
eat or die.
Slaves never can be the top of the evolution.
maybe every dolphin is more intelligent like we are, we are just too stupid to get it.
their communication is far ahead our monkeytalk system.
we are not able to decode it. partially yes but its very complex it seems.
So how a animal can have a more advanced communication system like humans?
Dont tell me they needed it more than we did.

btw I dont see were I stated darwin claimed humans to be the peak of....
I just repeated what most people today think about the human race.

all the coincidences that it needed to come from nothing to now are also a funny point lol.
If you have all letters written on cards from a-z in a box 100x, how long does it take untill you get the word "BULLSHIT" by pulling 8 cards out of the box?
now imagine DNA.

Oh btw. the sun isnt the center of everything. the center of the universe is the important thing. the sun is just a part of it. so at the end our senses are influenced by that what is influencing everything. sun included.
cosmic rays could also be counted in...

True, but it is the center of our everything, in regards to our survival.

I am not an anti-creationist, nor a science denier. I am well aware of the complexities of life. Not one answer humans have provided has yet to explain the origins of life.
True, but it is the center of our everything, in regards to our survival.

I am not an anti-creationist, nor a science denier. I am well aware of the complexities of life. Not one answer humans have provided has yet to explain the origins of life.
Maybe we are just not ment to explain those things.
Trying to explain this things with a human brain or product would be like trying to empty a ocean by using a tea spoon.
But we are blinded by arrogance and euphoria.
We think we are almighty but we are just hairless gorillas killing each other rather than doin something mindblowing.
Humans could live on the moon and mars in big populations.
There is no reason for anyone to hunger or thurst on Terra.
Its just tge greed for power and maximun profit plus a unnatural system of laws of religion and justice to hold us down and lead us.
If we would set free all the big money that is horted by a few plus all we blow out for war weapons and bullshit, give this planet a decade and you know what paradise means.
Terra must become eden again.
And we the masses are the ones who have to stand up for it.
We have to execute those old grey headed politicans worldwide, together with theur addiction to power and money.
If not all will soon go down the drain.
so we execute the old grey haired guys. then who's in control? do we just let things slip into anarchy? are you ready to give up the power grid, the interstate highway system, satellite communications?
what you're suggesting is just us flushing the toilet on ourselves, instead of them doing it for us.
we have to reform the system, and displace the old grey haired establishment with people that actually care. the real problem is finding people who actually care.......
so we execute the old grey haired guys. then who's in control? do we just let things slip into anarchy? are you ready to give up the power grid, the interstate highway system, satellite communications?
what you're suggesting is just us flushing the toilet on ourselves, instead of them doing it for us.
we have to reform the system, and displace the old grey haired establishment with people that actually care. the real problem is finding people who actually care.......
Wrong Man.

I suggest politics for solutions that give benefits to us all and not only feed someones addiction with my money and vote.

There have to be fair democratic systems like in swiss. Worldwide!
Politicians can offer different solutions but the citicens the taxpayer must be the ones who make the choices at the end by a poll.

We are ruled by idiots and handpuppets.
Look around.
Thats the result.
We actually let it slip cant you see that?
You can not leave the power into the hands of a few people.
You cant trust anyone of them.
Money and power is their agenda every morning when they stand up.
Money and power not you and me.

And that lil baby that is crying at the moment somewhere on Terra at this moment right now, because its thursty and there is no water for that baby to drink, is the result of our lazyness and their politics.
Because we could easyly change that.
Be sure this baby is dead in the morning when you wake up and hit up you coffee mashine Sir. Keep that in mind whe you drive your highway.
Keep in mind there are children thursty and hungry while you throw away half of your meal.

Thanks to all politicians for that nice atmosphere surrounding us.
Thats some real bad Karma
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We better should ask ourselfs why we behave like slaves and dont fight back.
Why are we so easy to lead?
Thats the root of the problem.
The majority of the humans today never grew any nuts.
We just even accept the most stupid shepherds available.
How that comes?
Easier to say yes nothing changes and we dont have to move our own lazy asses....
we have to reform the system, and displace the old grey haired establishment with people that actually care. the real problem is finding people who actually care.......
Agreed 100%.
But even when you have some their again is the lazyness of the masses. How many of those beer pumping 24/7 tv watching brainzombies would come and listen or vote?
(But there is hope since youtube twitter and Co.)

But I am Idealist. Thats why I gotta start a new political party in my coutry. Later Continental and maybe internationally.
Its getting ugly here.
Just simple logic would dictate simple adjustments in the system that would lead to beneficial solutions right now.
But they are just fighting each other not fighting problems of the country.
But thats what they got hired for.
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Let's talk about invisibility..

Does alien technology simply cloak and appear invisible to human vision ?

..or does it actually transport to another location ?

Or is some capable of doing both, and what would be some of the possible applications of this technology ?
They're spirit beings not flesh and blood so they can appear and disappear between dimensions at will
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our biggest problem is arrogance.
we think because we need vehicles they need em too if they exist.

humans are the crown of the evolution?
Why are our eyes so bad then?
why we dont have 360 degree view?
why we dont have a falcons zoom optics?
why why why?

The truth is we are just pretty heartless but intelligent lil parasites not even sharks on land.
humans are terra`s Virus.
Only a Virus can be compared to us. thats the only living being on earth that also ultimatly will kill his foodsource by the damage caused to it.
dunno since what time stupidness can be a marker for the crown of the evolution.

maybe our planet was payed by rats and they are the real scientists. or cats
'Save the Earth?! Are you kidding? The Earth will be just fine. The Earth will shake us humans off like a bad case of fleas.' -George Carlin
They're spirit beings not flesh and blood so they can appear and disappear between dimensions at will

I know it, your preaching to the choir bro, but I'm not really trying to say that here, maybe in another thread but I feel its a little abstract for this particular thread. I've mentioned a few 'alien' technologies that I've personally seen in this thread, although I haven't stated that yet either, I've only defined them as 'alien' to this point, not spiritual
-good luck!

Edit: to say that there are defacto Nut and Bolt things, usually called UFOs but their technology is so Advanced that not only can we not comprehend what they are, we cannot even see them if they don't want us to.

Many faiths describe Miracles; however most if not a vast majority of these Miracles are in reality some type of advanced technology being seen and misunderstood by humans. The great majority of us, if we do see something of this nature, will misunderstand it even today.

There are also direct spiritual interventions, legitimate miracles, in my opinion. However I'm not completely sure that even these are not some type of technology.
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I know it, your preaching to the choir bro, but I'm not really trying to say that here, maybe in another thread but I feel its a little abstract for this particular thread. I've mentioned a few 'alien' technologies that I've personally seen in this thread, although I haven't stated that yet either, I've only defined them as 'alien' to this point, not spiritual
-good luck!

Edit: to say that there are defacto Nut and Bolt things, usually called UFOs but their technology is so Advanced that not only can we not comprehend what they are, we cannot even see them if they don't want us to.

Many faiths describe Miracles; however most if not a vast majority of these Miracles are in reality some type of advanced technology being seen and misunderstood by humans. The great majority of us, if we do see something of this nature, will misunderstand it even today.

There are also direct spiritual interventions, legitimate miracles, in my opinion. However I'm not completely sure that even these are not some type of technology.
Technologies we possess today would easily suffice to hide their presence from is; non reflective radar absorbent surfaces are damned hard to spot against the darkness of space. If it's kept cold it would be even harder to pick out.

They wouldn't need to get close, either; we leak RF emissions like nothing else for light years around; they would have a good idea of what we're up to just by having a listen.
The creations stories confusing? Turtle Island is my fav. Not Muscogee Creek, {who's tradition I loosely follow} but still a good story.
