
They have eliminated all the parameters, bladder, feces, escaping air etc. This was a scientific study performed in a hospital with terminal patients. You're sure fighting the premisis without any counter explanation. You know, maybe someone stole his wedding ring at the final moment, Shit happens.
But how did they eliminate all the parameters? How do they know exactly how much urine a person is holding? How did they measure the escaping air or for that matter how much was in this individual to begin with?

It really isn't difficult to fight my corner when the opposition is determined to front fiction as fact.
I wasnt in the room at the time so i really can't tell you how they did it. Like I said, it was a scientific experiment, not a religious one, since you believe in science, you should know that to be accurate, all paramaters must be covered. Maybe they had them in a special tub to contain all the fluids on a set of scales. All I can say is I read the article in the doctors office in a medical magazine, maybe Scientific Journal or something like that. Hey If you don't want to believe there is anything past skin and bones into dirt, have at it. I'm only trying to open your mind. "A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open". I don't know who said that but I like it!
From what I know of science, it is often far from accurate. Do you have some more info' on this as I'd like to check it out. Maybe I'll do a search myself, type something like: 'weight loss after death' or something like that.

My mind has been opened many, many times. I have explored with my mind futher than you could ever imagine, and I still do. Just because I have closed my mind to certain avenues of thought does not make my mind closed. I have thought long and hard, read and written. My mind isn't closed, it is reborn.
Into a wise and knowing mind. Look at the age of you and you still have a penchant for the fanciful. Age does not necessarily equal wisdom.
And a wise man doesn't do stupid things Ie. become a criminal and spend time incarcerated. I'll agree some wise men went to jail but usually not for being, as you have stated, a common criminal. If you were so wise, maybe you could have avoided prison, just my lowly opinion!
Wisdom comes with age and EXPERIENCE, especially the latter. Experience is also not the be-all and end-all, it also matters what you glean from those experiences. You also shouldn't be too quick judge about prison, you may well end up there yourself. Maybe then a life of crime would help you survive.

You yourself have made the decision to become a criminal, the only difference with me is that i started as a child.
I don't abide with the concept of growing marijuana for medicinal use, is to make me a criminal. I would get a permit, but then you would be registered and easy to find by the U.S. marshals that enforce federal laws that usurp state medical growing laws. I define a criminal as one whom has used or created others demise to further their own interests. IE. burglars, rapists, thieves, murderers, assaulters, politicians, corporate thieves, terrorists, the list is long, but growing Marijuana in My state is legal for medicinal purposes, the fact that there are only 600 registered growers in the state, tells me that most people don't trust the govt.
"I define a criminal as one whom has used or created others demise to further their own interests."

Ummm ... in my estimation, that defines a socialist perfectly. :)

In mine it defines a capatilist! Why are you so dumb? As I said, your intelligent, just not smart! Have a nice life, and try not to fuck too many people out of their money, you know, the greed thing you tried to piss off!
My dear old, new friend. This is a political discussion and not a fight. Using the "dumb" word is not nice. I suggest that you counter the ideas and not attack the messenger.

You have yet to resolve the fact that taking from one by force, to give to another in need is theft, and as such, is immoral. Please address that issue. Thanks ...

You have yet to resolve the fact that taking from one by force, to give to another in need is theft, and as such, is immoral. Please address that issue. Thanks ...

Want to take a stab at that? ^^^ ^^^

I think Your premise is wrong. You make the govt. out to be a thief. Well maybe the govt. we have now, run by lobbyists and corporations are thieves. A properly run Government, one that is there to make their citizens life safe and prosperous would be (impossible) the only way my premise would work. I don't see that as a large priority with this govt. This govt. is your govt. Give the taxes back to the rich (why are you bitching) and pour it on the dissapearing middle class. The poor have no clout. It's time to storm the bastille!
As soon as you break the law you are a criminal. The law doesn't care where your shade of grey resides, doesn't care that you don't class it as a crime. You'd still end up in prison. When I get to your age I'll have left prison far behind me.

When you fuck with the authorities they fuck you back, only much harder. I've always lived by my own rules and the petty thefts I committed were pretty much a product of the care system I was brought up in. It was a natural progression for me to go to prison and yes it is a circle that is extremely hard to get out of. I had no family, no mom and dad to teach me the ways of the world. As a child I learned that if you want something, you take it.

As a by-product of this up-bringing I developed a hard heart. I didn't care about myself and in turn anybody else. i was on the edge all the time, ever ready to explode into violence. and yes I've done some very bad things.

7 years ago I met my gf, suddenly I had someone that cared about what happened to me. That liked the person she saw behind the facade. She saw something in me and not long after meeting her I changed myself into a better person.

I still know how people's minds work and I know that this world isn't full of love. That most people given ultimate power would behave exactly the same way Hitler did.

For every lover there needs to be a fighter around for when things get messy.
Barring religious Ideas, we're pretty close on most of the rest of it, The only criminal things I've been caught for were drugs. and only once when a package of peyote showed up at my door followed by 20 Narcs. I'm not a total innocent, but I never commited crimes against my fellow man, at least not knowingly, with avarice. I don't condemn you for the past and hope you are on a better path, like I said, I don't see growing Marijuana as a crime. Unfortunately, most countries do. In my state it is legal to grow 7 plants if you register for medicinal use, with a doctors prescription. Two problems with that, finding a Doctor willing to stick his neck out, and registering with the state. Does anyone really trust the Govt. It's still a federal crime, and if pressured wouldn't the state give up the names of the registered. Only 600 people have registered so far and the law has been in effect two years
I too do not classify cultivation of marijuana as either illegal or immoral. I mean what right do they have to tell you you can't grow a plant? Fair enough, mixing chemicals together is a different matter. But a naturally growing plant? The law is repulsive in it's avarice. The law is greedy because the only real reason we're not allowed marijuana is because the Government has no way of making money from it.

It's not like tobacco or alcohol. Growing and processing your own tobacco would simply be insane, and your own alcohol 99% of the time probably tastes disgusting. Much easier to buy it from a shop or when socialising in a bar. If the Government legalised marijuana they wouldn't have the control because everybody would have a grow space in their homes. They don't care how much we want it because there's nothing in it for them.
I kinda believe that if they legalised it, they could tax it and still sell it way below market prices today. There are a lot of people whom have niether the time or inclination to grow their own and would buy from a Journeyman pot growers like your self could get a position overseeing the growth factories and make a legitimate living, not to mention what you could take home for your self. Who wouldnt like a job working in a greenhouse with 20 ft. tall MJ plants. I'd certainly sign up.
A few years ago a t.v. station made a programme, a hypothetical programme with the premise that cannabis had been legalised. I really can't remember the reasons why our Government would have to import the bud, but it was said that this would need to be the case. Then there is the processing as they are hardly likely to sell it by the oz. They'd put it in confectionary or ready-rolled spliffs mixed with tobacco. Then there's the research that would need to be constantly maintained so as to monitor public health.

I remember, and this was about 10 years ago, that the price of a small box of cannabis chocolates would cost you 20 quid Sterling. The price of a pack of cannabis cigarettes would be double.

Obviously there was a lot more to the programme than this, but with prices like this people would grow their own. Why pay for some watered down Government shit when you can grow White Russian in your living room.