
That must have been a flawed study. What is the price of cannabis in Amsterdam? I'm sure if it was legal, entirely legal, some Capitalists would compete to have the best for the lowest price. It would be a market controlled substance. If you could grow your own, the growers couldn't charge too much or no-one would buy from them. Like everything else in the capitalist world, the more volume the less the cost to grow and hopefully the less the cost to the consumer. I've never said I was against Capitalism, Just the greedy ones. Who can argue that a CEO is worth 20 million bucks a year, probably ViREdd. Yes they have to make decisions, but then they delegate the manifestations of those decisions to others, and go golfing., They probably deserve a higher salary than their minions, but 20-100 million, come on now! To satisfy the govt. you could tax the product like tobacco, and have a small tax on home growers, like say $20.00 a year. that would bring in billions for the politicians to play with. Then the people would have to mandate no raising of the taxes! A very desirable scenario, but highly unlikely in our lifetime!
Very desirable yes. Of course the programme was flawed it was based on a hypothetical situation, no one can say for sure that this is how it would work.

The price of skunk in the 'dam is the same here, about 120 quid an oz, although since the drought the price of an oz here has gone right up. I've heard people asking 160 for cheese.

We'd also need to build facilities to house the imported weed, factories to process it. Unfortunately this country is very small and everything costs more than it should. Then there are the labourers, security, management, big-wigs, then the Government. Everyone would want a slice of the pie and this would push prices up.

If the U.S. were to legalise it it would be okay because you have miles upon miles of unused land that could be used for Cultivation on a Global scale. The U.S., if handled properly could make a killing on the legalisation. I realise the U.S. is big on religion so maybe you should elect a Rastafarian President.
I'm pretty sure rastafarianism is not considered a religion by the powers that be. Changing the powers that be would be the most difficult task. For example: all the hippies of the 60s and 70s are now the powers that be, and they're all greedy penuses. Every generation wants peace and love untill they get to be in charge, then it changes to power and greed. I guess that is the human condition. I realize that you don't believe in religion, and I don't want to change you, but don't you ever wonder if there's not a Devil running this world?
I for one am pretty sure there is no devil, and probably no God either, at least not an inteligent one. BTW, I thought we were talking about Aliens.
Whats more alien than an angel? Do you think those apparitions as mentioned in the Bible as Angels were really Aliens? Do you believe we descended from apes or designed intelligence. I wonder why there's still apes on the planet? could an alien culture have landed here at the time in the Bible known as Genisis ie. Adam and Eve and planted Adam and Eve here as an experiment, and now they stop by and check on us. I'd say they'd be pretty dissapointed and if it were me I'd end the experiment and start over. Man has totally fucked the planet and most of the rest of humanity, war and hate everywhere, weapons stockpiled that could end all life on the planet. I'd say it's an experiment gone bad! Sure there are a few good eggs, but the egg salad is rotten!
Skunk, you would love this book "The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker
don't know if it's available over there but he won a Pulitzer in general non fiction for it here,so the writing is absolutely beautiful and the themes sooo thought provoking. Pretty much a compendium of psychoanalytical and philisophical thought on the subject of dying and the things we do on a concious but mostly unconcious level to avoid confronting the fact that in the end we are all food for worms. Had a profound impact on me and sent me off to read some of the original works cited there.
there are still apes on this planet because evolution is not a straight line. We at some point diverged onto our own path and they continued on theirs. If you'll notice there are several different species of "apes" and all fill a niche in the environment. There have been many such divergences over time as the fossil record reveals.
So, I get it, we're just the higest form of ape. I can see I'm fighting a losing battle here so I'll just say this: "You may be an ape, I'm not"! now go eat your greens!
I'll believe in evolution the day the evolutionists show me the fossil evidence. Until that day comes, the evolutionists are merely supporting their position, not upon science as they claim, but upon that which they demean us for; faith.

Scientists HAVE shown fossil evidence and continue discovering more evidence. What people seem to misunderstand is that evolution is a theory, meaning "guess" or some abstract idea. That is not the case. Evolution is an undisputed fact that can be observed and has been observed. Now, "The Theory of Evolution" is simply an attempt at explaining how Evolution (the process itself) works. Darwin for example, proposed the idea of Natural Selection as an explanation. His idea was brilliant. It was and still is the best explanation for how Evolution works, in fact Biology would make absolutely no sense without his explanation. Now that does not mean we can't find another explanation, it just means we haven't yet.

I must point out however, that the disagreements between some scientists over evolution is in the details of how it works (the Theory) not wether it happens. No credible scientist denies that evolution takes place.
So what are humans evolving into, Aliens, big heads and small bodies because we have Robots or (illegals) to do all the work? Please, go eat your greens apeman, I prefer to think I'm slightly above animas status, but if your so convinced that you're an ape, I say se-la-vie. or oohh ahh oohh ahh, ooh ahh. Can you understand that?
Did you not study biology or something? meduse? I mean fuck, People who are interested in growing plants should have some basic understanding of Biology.
Evolution is not trying to take your faith away from you. There is a force out there larger than any of us, incomprehensible and oblivious to our petty wants and desires. Shit happens and you could be gone in an instant. How you choose to conduct yourself here, in the unknowable time allotted is up to you. There's room for your belief that there is a God and that there is a plan for you. If you want to take it to the next level and believe that it's some benevolent grandpa who's gonna send a guardian angel down here to look after you...well have at it.
bet the aliens have much better weed than us. Id love to get into some of that stuff. Probably why if aliens have landed here the government is covering it up because they dont want to us to have even better stuff or they want it all for their selves:joint:
fuckin government is bogarting the good alien shit. I think it is funny when I read things like this. I can almost prove the exhistance of life on other planets. any planet that has ice has aliens living on it. I am not talking about the bipedal alien profile that you see at like roswell or anything. not little green guys walking around like us. you have to think much smaller. water is balanced by single cell organisms. for ice to form there has to be an h2o or equilivent molecule to sustain the molecular structure of the ice. and who is going to balance the PH levels, structure, reproduction, intake, and expulsion - alien single cell beings. if this seems to abstract right now, sit down and get truely baked out of your gord. after awhile you will say 'hell yeah that shits for real'!
makes sence bro. Little small to be making much of a difference though for things other than ph balancing. Still though good ice is a start.
Havent all you high apemen ever watched "Alien Nation", Get a grip. I think my next door neighbors are from another planet. You never know. talk about the un-knowable, I think the whole Bush clan is from another planet, Kinda makes you question the space program Eh!
Well thank you very much, I was wondering when you guys would catch on! Cone heads, No but they're pretty wierd, and the one alien keeps taking my parking space. I'll have to sic my brother on him!